Awaken Goddess Reiki

I’m surprised too that is why I bought, as Sammy says just the field will not do anything unless we put in the work.

I’m curious to see the results with this if only I can get MBoP from someone so many hours would be saved.


I read somewhere that many people weren’t close to using the full extent of minor BoP. Maybe if you have that one it will also help, though I wouldn’t mind owning MBoP myself :smiley:


Yes I have it but MBoP is predominantly a NFT for energy body and chakras, it is very helpful for people who have spiritual goals as it saves several hours in a day and what mBoP does is a small amount of MBoP’s work.


I had the opportunity to use MBoP for about 3 weeks, Minor doesn’t even come close, it’s a pity that this field was released in a limited batch for a few people, I honestly don’t understand it.

I say that I do not understand it because if it is considered a jewel of the classics of dream as Plasma Flaunt or Blueprint of life would be nice if there was something equivalent for the energy system. Minor is great and helps you to tolerate more fields and gives you a nice energetic sustenance, but Major is a game changer, you feel like you are going through an ascension process and the chakras can feel alive


Well it’s a collector’s thing now which makes acquiring it even more rewarding. Reading your post on MBoP now makes me want to get it too :rofl:


LOL already 4 or so are looking for MBoP including myself and I have been actively seeking for the last few weeks.

@Souline it was created when NFTs were still very new so the minted copies were very less.


Yes I would love to get it in the future but I doubt anyone would want to part with it. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in getting it!

It’s a shame but I can understand it, it would be great if something similar could be created I’m sure Dream could do it, Your Energetic Being doesn’t seem to be close to Major either.

During the time I had it the ascension was like a fun, exciting and deep dance, the vitality was another level, really having something similar could grow things in a lot of people here, but I understand that not everyone can agree with it


What are the long term benefitd of MBOP? Its a one and only field so I was wondering what people could do for chakra growth and energetic development to accomplish similar effects over time.

Perhaps ascensionnaut + 7 chakras + energetic being and a servitor to amplify and blend everything together?


Hi Captain @Dreamweaver,
I bought Master Reiki Blueprint, it is amazing! I just finished a self-ealing session and the sensations were surreal.
At the same time, I’m very much attracted to Awaken Goddess Reiki. But I have a nagging voice in my mind saying: they would not go together.
I’m not sure if this is just me being paranoid or what.
Can one integrate these two, combine them to work together, or it’d be better to use them on their own Captain? :pray:

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i have both and don’t see any conflict in that

it’s probably better to just use one attunement and put awareness on it to enhance the integration but activating both at the same time also works without any problem


Anyone spamming this field for 1-2hr?

In the last 2 days sometimes I saw snakes when I closed my eyes when I was very drowsy and was going to bed not sure what to make of it.

Also I live in a forest like area so snakes coming inside my place is a lot common so it could be the fear of the mind as well.


This field making me a powerhouse of energy and provides perfect grounding. I feel my energy body 24*7 is being protected by a deity.
Couple of days back I forgot to stop plasma 3 combo + luscious tresses at the same time, played it straight 6 hrs while asleep. Surprisingly Im all okay in the morning without being overwhelmed. Usually I cant take much of plasma fields more than an hour straight without being overwhelmed.


The snake is one of the symbols of Kundalini

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It’s enhancing your energy system and expanding your consciousness providing consistent grounding, all good signs. The protective nature of the Goddess is likely helping your system integrate these energies more efficiently. Plus the safe-guards dream put in place.

That being said, from a yogic perspective, Kundalini is the primal cosmic energy, often referred to as Shakti, lying dormant at the base of the spine. When it’s awakened, it ascends through the central channel, the Sushumna Nadi, to the crown chakra, bringing heightened states of awareness and spiritual insight. Ancient texts like the Upanishads and Tantras, describe this process as the union of individual consciousness with the divine, and it sounds like you’re experiencing some of those benefits already. The “expansive nature” within you, this augments my spiritual practice as well. Also, those who are into Mantra Yoga will appreciate many other beneficial effects.

Plus physically, Kundalini awakening has been known to boost vitality, improve circulation, and enhance cognitive function. So it’s more than just about feeling more energy, it’s about tapping into a whole new level of awareness and growth.

Keep adapting there’s likely more to come as you continue working with the field. :+1:


The essence of This book is in this field,whoa!!


Bang On, every word you said is relevant 100% to me and agree :100: . I do mantra yoga, intense breath work, meridian and tapping work and it’s always good to have a goddess to back us up while moving upwards.
Thanks for all your support and Dream for everything :pray:.


does one have to be “ready” to use this field?

im defentiley not spiritually advanced enough to have a kundalini awakening i think and i feel like i’d get psychosis lol . im guessing dream designed it for us to awkane it safely though?

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If you don’t mind sharing. Did you get all that benefit only from listening the audio or doing the reiki practice? Thanks