Awaken Goddess Reiki

Experience the Rising Energy

Experience Awaken Goddess Reiki, an advanced smart-field designed to encompass the entire Kundalini energy system through divine feminine energy. This system focuses on awakening and harnessing Kundalini energy for profound healing, spiritual development, and personal transformation. Integrating the principles of Reiki healing with the potent energy of Sun and Moon Alchemy, it offers a unique path to becoming a master healer, achieving ultimate body vitality, and embodying divine qualities in this lifetime.

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Expertise: Achieve development of chakras via Kundalini energy through the divine feminine in one comprehensive blueprint. Attunement allows you to gain abilities and intuitive knowledge to become your own Master Healer. (using this energy)
  • Direct Integration: Safely use a kundalini based energy, increasing your spiritual awareness and transforming your life.
  • Awareness of Energetic Pathways: Master the knowledge of Divine Masculine and Feminine, Lunar and Solar Channels, with the flow of Kundalini energy. Understand the pathways and states of your energetic body.

Kundalini Awakening Techniques:

  • Chakra Refinement: Refine and develop all chakras, facilitating the smooth flow of Kundalini energy.
  • Channel Cleansing: Cleanse and purify the Lunar, Solar, and Central channels to ensure the safe ascent of Kundalini energy.
  • Energy Circulation: Enhance the circulation of energy throughout your body, promoting physical and emotional healing.

Advanced Healing Techniques:

  • Use the energy to grow and enhance spiritual vision:
  • Use it to enhance your natural pranayama practice.
  • Infuse your spine to experience spinal decompression
  • Direct Intercession to the Kundalini Goddess: Using the “Guru-Yoga” Principle, you will work in “perfection” as you are guided by her. This includes Serpent energy activation for higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth.

To fully harness the transformative power of Shakti, we recommend combining this with Guru Yoga. This synergy will deepen your spiritual connection and enhance your receptivity to divine guidance.

Awaken Your Inner Goddess:

  • Radiate Timeless Beauty and Vitality: Embrace the journey to a more youthful, luminous self, transcending the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Why Choose Awaken Goddess Reiki?

  • Comprehensive Healing: Access the full spectrum of Kundalini energy for all-encompassing healing.
  • Effortless Integration: Incorporate the entire Kundalini system into one powerful audio field.
  • Health Benefits: Improve blood flow and oxygenation, achieve radiant glowing skin, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance cognitive function, and experience neuroprotective effects.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Tap into Shakti, the divine feminine energy that is the source of all creation, to boost your artistic inspiration and creative expression in art, music, and literature.
  • Spiritual Growth: Promote personal and spiritual development, deepening your connection to the Divine Feminine, Shakti.

Explore the higher arts with Awaken Goddess Reiki and unlock the full potential of Kundalini energy. Transform your energy, enhance your healing abilities, and achieve profound spiritual growth. Don’t wait – start your journey to Kundalini mastery today!

Note : Single use field, one audio per person, like a servitor ability. You may play audio as much as you like to integrate the whole system and all the abilities. Abilities work without audio after integration.


Wowww :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


This is Xtra ordinary!!! Love the concept :heart_eyes:
My next buy for sure…




Is this only focused on Healing abilities or will we get more things that are a result of kundalini awakening. Things like higher energy sensitivity and amplification of psychic senses. Or the ability to experience the unity consciousness


I believe it will be naturally


Anyone bought this?
I bought it, but cannot download it. I bought 2 fields in one purchase, I see them in my account and also have the links for them in the email I received, one of them works - I was able to download it, but for this one I get “something broke, something went wrong” error message on gumroad when I click on Download or Play buttons. Do you know, who can I contact regarding this? Thank you!

Edit: it works now, problem solved. :slight_smile:


Great :slight_smile: hear from you soon.


I’m confused about this part. We get reiki attunement after single use but then there is more to be integrated with continuous use?

Are things listed under ‘Key Benefits’ something that unfolds passively after single use of the field or something user has to use actively on themselves on a continuous basis?

Dream said you may play it as much as you like.
That being said, if you would like to go ahead.
Once played and listened to you will be attuned to the Kundalini based energy system and it’s abilities. Only one audio works per person. You may experience and experiment as you please.


Had this one for about a week now.

First day I used it I felt very blissed out - unbothered by my surroundings at all.

I’m quite energy sensitive, so being in busy places tends to be draining for me - but felt totally at peace after a few loops ( I say a few, I had a nap and listened to it about 9 times I think).

My partner also said I look more “well”.

The track is also awesome, which is a plus - haha.

Not sure of other noticeable benefits yet, but I’m using it for 2-3 loops daily now.


Woww… How did I miss this ! Seems like a must :slight_smile:

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This offers reiki healing and also helps with the raising of Kundalini energy?

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This one is amazing.
I just want to play it all day. I actually have been looping it , for the last hour . I feel peaceful, and relaxed. I can feel the energy moving through me .
The music is in the likes of smooth Jazz
Must buy, especially with the sale


It’s an Attunement. Specifically designed for Kundalini Energy, yes it raises Kundalini energy. If you want to focus on Reiki healing, I recommend Master Reiki Blueprint


No I’m not looking for reiki healing and what the field does wasn’t clear, now it is somewhat clear.

I feel irritable when playing this field.

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Maybe try meditating and doing some breath work when listening to the field

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Yes this is now at the end of my energy body stack, it may not work as a stand alone for complete energy overhaul for all.

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This one is centered around a safe Kundalini awakening, so it does a lot to prepare you for that. I was really surprised seeing a Kundalini based field being released
This one is definitively on my list, but with all these great releases it’s hard to choose which to prioritize