Master Reiki Blueprint


Harness the Power of Full Spectrum Color

Experience the Master Reiki Blueprint, an advanced smart-field designed to encompass the entire Reiki system in one powerful audio field. Developed by Master Mikao Usui, this system focuses on harnessing the universal life force energy for healing and spiritual development. The Master Reiki Blueprint includes all levels of Reiki, from the basics to the most advanced techniques, now enhanced with the transformative power of Full Spectrum Color Reiki.

Become the Master Healer

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Expertise: Achieve the expertise of all levels of Reiki in one comprehensive blueprint. Smart-fields allow you to gain abilities and intuitive knowledge to become your own Master Healer.
  • Direct Attunement: Open your energy channels to the universal life force, increase your ability to channel Reiki energy, heal the world, and deepen your connection to Reiki’s direct lineage for a spiritual awakening.
  • Awareness of the Energetic Body: Master the knowledge of chakras, meridians, and aura. Understand the pathways, flow, and states of your energetic body.

Universal Healing Techniques:

  • Hands-On Healing: Naturally harness your skills to channel healing energy effectively with your palms.
  • Distance Healing: Send powerful healing energy across any distance to loved ones and clients.
  • Mental & Emotional Healing: Use the smart-fields to access higher vibrational energies to achieve mental and emotional balance.

Master the Reiki Symbols:

  • Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol): Amplify your healing energy and provide protection with shielding.
  • Sei He Ki (Mental/Emotional Symbol): Balance the mind and emotions.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance Healing Symbol): Send healing energy across time and space.
  • Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol): Enhance the power of all other symbols for deep spiritual healing and awakening.

Full Spectrum Color Reiki:

  • Color Healing: Integrate the healing properties of the entire color spectrum, from infrared to near-ultraviolet, into your Reiki practice, using the vibrational energy of colors.
  • Enhanced Chakra Alignment: Utilize specific colors to balance and energize each chakra, promoting holistic healing.
  • Emotional and Mental Harmony: Use color vibrations to soothe emotional disturbances and mental stress, achieving greater harmony.
  • Harness specific vibrational frequencies for Spiritual Growth and enlightened states.

Advanced Healing Techniques:

  • Byosen Scanning: Detect and clear energy imbalances and blockages.
  • Clearing Negative Energy: Remove negative energies and restore harmony.
  • Grounding and Centering: Ensure stability and connection to the earth for you and your recipients.
  • Intercession of Planets: Draw the energies of planets to speed the process further, balance the elements and increase resilience

How It Works

  • Complete Reiki System Integration: The Master Reiki Blueprint field encompasses the entire Reiki system, providing access to all levels of Reiki energy.
  • Universal Energy Connection: Connects you to the universal life force, amplifying your healing abilities and spiritual growth.
  • Color Energy Infusion: Integrates the full spectrum of energy, from infrared to near-ultraviolet, to enhance healing and chakra alignment.
  • Smart-Field Programming: Uses advanced smart-field technology to adapt the energy flow to your unique needs and capabilities. Continually learns, aids and refines your healing prowess.

Why Choose Master Reiki Blueprint?

  • Comprehensive Healing: Provides access to the full spectrum color of Reiki energy for all-encompassing healing.
  • Effortless Integration: Simplifies your practice by incorporating the entire Reiki system into one powerful audio field.
  • Enhanced Abilities: Amplifies your healing abilities and accelerates the healing process, and develops total awareness of the nuances in the energetic body.
  • Spiritual Growth: Promotes personal and spiritual development, deepening your connection to the universal energy.

Begin Your Journey to Reiki Mastery

Explore the higher arts with Master Reiki Blueprint and unlock the full potential of Reiki healing with the power of Full Spectrum Color Reiki. Transform your energy, enhance your healing abilities, and achieve profound spiritual growth. Don’t wait – start your journey to Reiki mastery today!

Note: One audio, per person, like a servitor ability. You may play audio as much as you like to integrate the whole system and all the abilities. Abilities work without audio after integration, permanently.


Simply amazing! :raised_hands:t3::sparkles:

@Rocket :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow it is indeed full spectrum :boom:




I always dreamed that Dream would launch a field to become a Reiki master, where everything necessary to use this healing technique is covered, now it is a reality :blush:

More healers are needed in this world, thank you very much


@Amitabha amazing release :innocent: :innocent:


Very interesting :heart_eyes:!!!


wait what?

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I think this will be my next purchase in the field of healing and knowledge .

I have level 1 of reiki initiation with this one I will go to a higher level :point_up::arrow_double_up:

This field will allow me to have a better understanding, feeling and manipulation of energies.
Also it will help me in my own healing ⚕️

This one +energy awakening course+the ability Magic Stat of lion zen :raised_hands::zap::ok_hand:

This will allow me to live from my passion, energy practitioner :slightly_smiling_face:

Act on living beings to help healing and the environment to bring positive energies :pray:

A big thank you for this achievement of fields :relieved::pray::heart::sunny:

Edit : I bought the field :ballot_box_with_check:


I think it is an energy that can be transmitted at a chosen time. For example, it is 12h35 , you give your attention so that the energy is transmitted to a person at 19h00 .

I don’t know if that’s it but when I did my level 1 reiki initiation the master told me about this possibility. Create a pocket of energy and transmit it later in the day to the person concerned for an energy treatment.


Wow… this is incredible. I’m a beginner in reiki and this will allow me to advance further. :woman_mage: Thank you, Captain, for this wonderful creation. Thanks for creating the project @Amitabha !

This :heart_eyes:


Besides the excellent use case indicated by @Limael above, you can also send Reiki back in time.

For example, to our younger selves during moments of panic or pain.

Think about how often your younger self could’ve used the fortification of their future self sending back an assurance of ‘it’s going to be okay’ along with an energetic package of healing in both the physical and emotional sphere.


@Amitabha Can you expand on this a little more please. How would this work? automatically? or do we need to say it out for these to work?

Do we need this field if we are a reiki master already?:smiley:

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This :point_down:

and other things that may not be learned in traditional reiki teachings

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The Cap’n always reminds us that none of these fields are ‘needed’ to live a normal life. :wink:

In my own Reiki Practice, I’ve found attunements to different ‘flavors’ and lineages to always be worth the time and effort. The attunement from the Smart Reiki field was particularly refreshing and strengthening – it cut out many of the ‘middle men’ and dramatically increased my throughput.

Additionally, depending on what you’ve already learned, studied and practiced, some of these aspects of ‘Full Spectrum Color Reiki’ and ‘Advanced Healing Techniques’ may be net new to you.

How do you feel about your Reiki Practice? Do you think you’ve reached the pinnacle of it? Are you regularly using colors and planetary intercession to align and stimulate chakras – for example? Wherever we are, we could almost certainly be better.

For clarity, I haven’t bought this yet. I’m also attuned as a Reiki Master and I’m still planning on buying it. I think this an incredible tool and an amazing opportunity at an imminently reasonable price.

But because I’m already Reiki attuned, I’m not rushing to pick it up on day one. I imagine your calculus would look similar!


Automatic, its smart-fielded. You can direct it based on your intention, actions, needs, it continually learns, you will continually improve as you use it. Its very strong, you will know shortly after a few loops of audio, you’ve been upgraded. That was just one component of the system.


well it works. reiki has a very specific warm distinct charakter and today after listening yesterday i felt it.

it is it. wow. this is a very big thing to be able to attune to such energy.

the price of it is nothing compaired to what it delivers.

many thankses.




Amazing! Thank you. Can’t wait to get this.