Awaken Goddess Reiki

Dream said you may play it as much as you like.
That being said, if you would like to go ahead.
Once played and listened to you will be attuned to the Kundalini based energy system and it’s abilities. Only one audio works per person. You may experience and experiment as you please.


Had this one for about a week now.

First day I used it I felt very blissed out - unbothered by my surroundings at all.

I’m quite energy sensitive, so being in busy places tends to be draining for me - but felt totally at peace after a few loops ( I say a few, I had a nap and listened to it about 9 times I think).

My partner also said I look more “well”.

The track is also awesome, which is a plus - haha.

Not sure of other noticeable benefits yet, but I’m using it for 2-3 loops daily now.


Woww… How did I miss this ! Seems like a must :slight_smile:

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This offers reiki healing and also helps with the raising of Kundalini energy?

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This one is amazing.
I just want to play it all day. I actually have been looping it , for the last hour . I feel peaceful, and relaxed. I can feel the energy moving through me .
The music is in the likes of smooth Jazz
Must buy, especially with the sale


It’s an Attunement. Specifically designed for Kundalini Energy, yes it raises Kundalini energy. If you want to focus on Reiki healing, I recommend Master Reiki Blueprint


No I’m not looking for reiki healing and what the field does wasn’t clear, now it is somewhat clear.

I feel irritable when playing this field.

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Maybe try meditating and doing some breath work when listening to the field

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Yes this is now at the end of my energy body stack, it may not work as a stand alone for complete energy overhaul for all.

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This one is centered around a safe Kundalini awakening, so it does a lot to prepare you for that. I was really surprised seeing a Kundalini based field being released
This one is definitively on my list, but with all these great releases it’s hard to choose which to prioritize


I’m surprised too that is why I bought, as Sammy says just the field will not do anything unless we put in the work.

I’m curious to see the results with this if only I can get MBoP from someone so many hours would be saved.


I read somewhere that many people weren’t close to using the full extent of minor BoP. Maybe if you have that one it will also help, though I wouldn’t mind owning MBoP myself :smiley:


Yes I have it but MBoP is predominantly a NFT for energy body and chakras, it is very helpful for people who have spiritual goals as it saves several hours in a day and what mBoP does is a small amount of MBoP’s work.


I had the opportunity to use MBoP for about 3 weeks, Minor doesn’t even come close, it’s a pity that this field was released in a limited batch for a few people, I honestly don’t understand it.

I say that I do not understand it because if it is considered a jewel of the classics of dream as Plasma Flaunt or Blueprint of life would be nice if there was something equivalent for the energy system. Minor is great and helps you to tolerate more fields and gives you a nice energetic sustenance, but Major is a game changer, you feel like you are going through an ascension process and the chakras can feel alive


Well it’s a collector’s thing now which makes acquiring it even more rewarding. Reading your post on MBoP now makes me want to get it too :rofl:


LOL already 4 or so are looking for MBoP including myself and I have been actively seeking for the last few weeks.

@Souline it was created when NFTs were still very new so the minted copies were very less.


Yes I would love to get it in the future but I doubt anyone would want to part with it. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in getting it!

It’s a shame but I can understand it, it would be great if something similar could be created I’m sure Dream could do it, Your Energetic Being doesn’t seem to be close to Major either.

During the time I had it the ascension was like a fun, exciting and deep dance, the vitality was another level, really having something similar could grow things in a lot of people here, but I understand that not everyone can agree with it


What are the long term benefitd of MBOP? Its a one and only field so I was wondering what people could do for chakra growth and energetic development to accomplish similar effects over time.

Perhaps ascensionnaut + 7 chakras + energetic being and a servitor to amplify and blend everything together?


Hi Captain @Dreamweaver,
I bought Master Reiki Blueprint, it is amazing! I just finished a self-ealing session and the sensations were surreal.
At the same time, I’m very much attracted to Awaken Goddess Reiki. But I have a nagging voice in my mind saying: they would not go together.
I’m not sure if this is just me being paranoid or what.
Can one integrate these two, combine them to work together, or it’d be better to use them on their own Captain? :pray:

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