Master Reiki Blueprint

This smart field with attunement looks really amazing.

Can anyone please give some examples how to do energy healing after this Reiki and healing abilities upgrade/attunement (for people for those who are new to energy healing, or never worked with Reiki energy before)?

For example if one wants to do distance healing using the newly acquired abilities, never did Reiki before, how does one start/initiate the distance healing and what is done during the healing?

Is it based purely on intention and focus? For example to start I state the intent in whatever way I think will activate and use this energy for example “start healing using the reiki system and attunement now, send healing to ‘Name of the person’”?

And then during the healing I have to keep my focus during the whole healing on that person and perhaps give verbal instructions or visualizations what I want the energy to work on and do? The moment I stop my focus, the energy is not being sent to that person anymore, so it is important/crucial to hold the focus during the whole healing session on the person/intent of healing?

Is the reiki energy (when no symbols are used) being sent always through the hands / coming out of the hands of the attuned person and thus also going through the nervous system of the person and one should not overdo it (4+, 6+ hours per day), else it could be too much load on the nervous system of the person?

Thanks a lot for some insights, guidance, tips, intention commands, in what practical way to use it for newbies, cautions, recommendations. Much appreciated.

Very much interested in learning how to do it properly from experienced healers.


This is one of the cases where in-person instruction can be of some help! It’s easier in some ways to ‘show’ than to ‘tell’, but I’ll do my best.

Please note, this is one individual’s personal experience and opinions, so your mileage may vary. I’m not very ‘traditional’ with this, which sometimes raises folk’s hackles.

Results and effectiveness > Tradition – in my estimation.

It is.

To begin with for the first time, start by rubbing your hands vigorously together until they feel warm – 15-30 seconds. Once you’ve ‘warmed up’, if you focus on your hands and try putting them together, you should feel a faint bit of resistance. You can experiment with (and enhance your energy sensitivity!) growing and shrinking that distance to feel the increase/decrease in resistance.

This matters, because you want to be paying close attention to the energetic flow through your hands when you reach out for the Reiki.

Imagine that there’s a ‘sun’ overhead – not too far, maybe just out of reach – and that this ‘sun’ is the source of Reiki energy. Mentally reach out and draw some of the light and heat and warmth of that sun down. Draw it down through your crown, down your spine, swirl it around your heart like you’re letting a glass of wine breathe. Then split up your flow of energy, pull it down your arms and out your hands. You might feel warm, you might feel cold, it might ‘buzz’ – whatever you feel (or don’t!) is okay. It may be really really subtle and that’s okay too.

Congratz – you’re now doing Reiki!

Many practitioners start with the ‘Cho Ku Rei’ symbol – you might’ve seen it, it’s the spiral-y one. They’ll draw it on their hands or on their target or in the air in front of them to ‘get started’. But I’ll let you in on a secret – the symbols are just mental shortcuts. It’s the intention that matters. Intend to increase the flow and the flow will increase. Intend to send it over distances and you can send it anywhere.

The symbols might help anchor the concepts for you – in which case, use them! – but if they feel superfluous, don’t worry about it.

Although I think it’s markedly ‘easier’ to start with in-person healings (like on yourself!) first, distance healing is no problem. No words required. Usually you’d draw the ‘Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen’ symbol in order to ‘tell’ the Reiki that you intend to use it in this way, but again – this is just a mental shortcut. The intention to send it over distance is sufficient.

When I first started, I’d imagine the person in question and then direct the Reiki out through my hands and to my mental image of the person. You can use a teddy bear or other convenient plush as a voodoo like ‘proxy’ and lay your hands on it and then pour the energy into your proxy. If you have a list of names (even just usernames), this is more than sufficient!

You’re a conduit for the energy. It won’t stop flowing instantly if you lose your focus – it’ll keep flowing for a while. How long? Hard to say. I often feel a sense of ‘inertia’ or ‘momentum’ during Reiki sessions – the more flow I’ve pushed through and the ‘faster’ it’s going, the longer it keeps going if I get distracted.

Try not to get too worried about it. Worry is tightness and tightness is the antithesis of flow. Relax and let it flow through you. Activating Reiki is like turning on a water faucet.

Keep some attention on the flow, of course, but it doesn’t have to be some razor sharp focus or anything. Just like with any meditation, if you lose where you’re at, just gently put your attention back where you want it and go on about your business.

Right – when you are giving Reiki (Symbols or no!) to someone else, you are also giving Reiki to yourself, as the Reiki passes through you on its way to wherever you are sending it.

However, in my experience, there is never any risk of energetic or nervous system overload from Reiki. Reiki energy is self-intelligent. It can be guided and directed to a large extent, but it will often self-prioritize and ‘do what it wants’. It won’t hurt anyone. In fact, a major effect of prolonged Reiki exposure is calming and soothing the nervous system. You could be bathed in Reiki energy 24/7 for weeks and probably the only thing you could complain about is being too relaxed and blissful to get anything done.

That isn’t to say that certain kinds of healing are always comfortable. Healing some things will trigger a healing crisis or a major ‘detox’ response. Same as with any sort-of ‘magical’ healing. More Reiki will usually soothe and smooth it out, so it’s not contraindicated or anything – the Reiki itself isn’t ‘causing’ the problem. The problem was already there, the Reiki just revealed it.

I think the best way to get started is to use Reiki on yourself. Or as it’s sometimes framed:

“Healer – Heal Thyself”

It’s easier to notice, easier to feel, easier to verify and makes you healthier all at the same time. There are no downsides.

Pets are also great choices, as they often love Reiki and will respond very favorably to it. Small children too! I’ve used Reiki to put crying children back to sleep many times.

Practice, get comfortable, feel your way through and let the Reiki teach (and upgrade) you as you go.

Reiki attunements massively open up your energy channels (particularly in the hands and feet), so you may find that this increases your overall energy sensitivity too!


Thank you for answering all of my questions :pray:
I find your answers very helpful :heavy_heart_exclamation:


@mossyeyes @Amitabha Being advanced level reiki practitioners is 1 listening enough for you or do you have to keep listening multiple times?

Since I keep dispensing advice in this thread, I went ahead and picked this up and gave it a go.

Within 1 loop, I felt all the appropriate Reiki centers energize and activate. Partway through the first loop, I gave a little mental assent of ‘I’m ready for my attunement’ and felt the flow pick up. That’s probably optional, but feel free to do it if you want.

If you’re attuned in person, you usually sit in a chair and your Reiki Master will draw the Reiki symbols on your hands and feet and sometimes your forehead. It felt rather a lot like that – I felt it in my hands first, then my forehead and crown and finally down to my feet, completing the circuit.

1 Loop really seems to be all that’s ‘required’ for the initial attunement. The work was ‘done’ by the time the track was over. That’s like being given the password to the Reiki energy source – you could probably let rip immediately afterwards. You can when you get attuned in person!

Traditionally, there’s a ‘purging’ period after an attunement as the Reiki energy continues to expand and refine your energy system for further use. At least a few days, though sometimes weeks are recommended. You’re likely to experience a continued expansions of your energetic senses and capacity through that time frame as a result of your attunement. You may also experience a ‘healing crisis’ or ‘detox’ as a result – though on this forum with all these healing tools, that seems a little less likely.

The energy from this attunement is of extremely high quality – no surprise there! – very dense and clear. Even if you’re already Reiki attuned (even in several lineages), this is a substantial upgrade to the quality and amount of energy you’ll have at your disposal. I’m looking forward to working with this audio a bit in the upcoming days to see what new tricks might percolate into my consciousness!


Regular listening to this intelligent field Master reiki can replace listening and energy work of the audios of the energetic awakening course?

that is to say: “body primer”, “become the healer”, “healer primer”, “energy sensitivity”.

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You may loop as you like, dream’s blueprint is an upgrade on all levels, there is definitely more to it.
This is a master healing field.


I never think of fields being ‘replaced’. Yes, a Reiki Attunement will do many of these things too, but it does them in a different way.

Flour, Sugar, Eggs and Milk make Cake, but they can also make Cookies and Pancakes and all kinds of other things, right? It’s about how they’re mixed and in what proportion. In some cases (like a birthday), a cake will be more appropriate and in others (like breakfast) a pancake may be a better choice.

The attunement you get from ‘Become the Healer’ is to an energy source/field that explicitly turns damaged cells into Stem Cells (among other things). As amazing as Reiki is, it doesn’t do that!

I have – for years now – used Reiki and the ‘Start Healing Now’ flow simultaneously and it has enormously improved my healing outcomes.

And while Reiki will clear your energetic systems and will grow them, the fields out of the Energy Awakening Course are designed to do it and they do it really, really well.

I would for sure treat this as a ‘parallel process’ and not a replacement. If you had to pick either/or, the Energy Awakening Course is worth it alone for Sammy’s excellent instruction and guidance on how to do energy work. If you’ve already got both, sometimes you might be hungry for cookies and sometimes a cake might be better.

Not to mix metaphors too much… but use the right tool for the task. Just because you have a hammer doesn’t mean all problems are nails. Reiki is an incredible and versatile tool – like a Swiss Army Knife, really – but that doesn’t replace a dedicated socket wrench, you know?


I understand better, thank you for the explanations :slightly_smiling_face::pray:


Thanks for the amazing field! It seems Reiki is primarily an energy based healing technique thay not only comprises physical healing but energetic and subtle bodies too!

How does reiki blueprint differ to other healing sources like plasma flaunt, max heal and eternal? Curious to know!

Hey Zigford, well those are audios that you play passively for health benefits. They are a unique blend of offerings based on dream’s proprietary fields.

The Master Reiki Blueprint is more healing for yourself and others. Based on the Reiki system with major enhancements by Dream.

Focus is on growth, development, and achieving your healing-related goals etc.


Sounds phenomenal! Am defnitely looking to work with this in the future along with other healing modalities! I assume its much more of a proactive, self developing field with the user then!

When you mention that its one audio per person, does that mean if we listen to this, other audios such as goddes healing reiki will not work for the same individual?

Thank you so much!

No this mean these attunement type audios only work for one person you cant share this with anyone else.


Ahh I see. Thanks for clearing it up!

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Between Awaken Goddess Reiki and Master Reiki Blueprint, I am not able to decide what I should get. My aim is to heal myself, become more energy sensitive and heal others

I am initiated into Reiki, 3rd level, and so attracted to this field, hopeful of an upgradation in my energies & practices

Will getting both help?


it’s beyond amazing . I will definetly get this to help my parents . :dizzy:

Thank you :innocent:


Based on your goals, both fields could be beneficial. Master Reiki Blueprint offers a significant upgrade to your energetic system, enhancing your Reiki practice and energy sensitivity. (As noted above) Awaken Goddess Reiki focuses on kundalini energy, promoting health, personal transformation and spiritual growth. If possible, consider starting with one to see how it aligns with your needs, then explore the other.


Thank you.
Yes I will get one and use. I feel blessed to have access to these energies

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I got the Reiki Blue print a few days back, I wanted to help my niece who was feeling ill. I can sense the sudden powerful flow of energy.
The effects are immediately felt. My gratitude for the creation of this field :pray: