You have two ways to awaken the Kundalini.
- Awaken Kundalini “forcibly” - this is what Hatha Yoga (Hatha = stubborn force) is all about. If one is not prepared, and their energy and mind are not prepared enough, lot of issues.
- Make conditions conducive and Kundalini rises naturally and gracefully. This is what the Daoists, Tantra practitioners etc. do
Use the Vibration, Alchemy and Chakra fields - add Pranayama Training - refine your energy body and mind and awakening should happen on its own.
Or you can also use some tracks on the “Mantra Meditations” channel where Dream created some energy links to archetypes - in this case, Kundalini awakens as an enlightened archetype instead of a non-personal energy and at the right time, massive Shaktipat comes through some of these audios.
Also note that awakening does not mean ascent or refinement. Awakening is the beginning of the journey and lot of work lays ahead.