Ayuhasca/DMT question

Hello everyone, to all of you who took DMT, did you take it with a shaman in peru or just yourself in closed room ?

If with a Shaman I would like to get the adress, cuz I want to do it myself.

Second I am interessted how your experience was and if you think you get closer to enlightement trough Ayuhasca /DMT


Maitreya fields has an audio about Ayahuasca.

I tried it but felt nothing, lol.

But maybe you’ll have a different experience


You say it like a real Shaman be having an office with business cards and all taking appointments.
" how about next tuesday 4pm?" Is that ok? Or you just want the address to show up and hopefully he’ll have the Aya lit to share with visitors? :joy::joy::joy:
Besides taking ayahuasca needs like 10 days preparation…

Be very careful with ’ random Shamans’ easy to access as you have in mind because there are plenty of those and you might not only get an aweful experience but damage your energy and subconscious for a long time plus getting ripped off.

I have done it several times. Best and or only reliable in my opinion are the ones done in Amazons, Putumayo, Peru, Mexico and Cta Rica only with Shamans born in Shaman families, natives from deep in the jungle with a group of assistants that belong to the same tribe. No other ones.
In Mexico the ceremonies are usually between July and Dec.
Cta Rica Jan to April and Amazonas (Colombia or Peru) throughout the year.


Yeah I aimed at Amazones and Peru kind of, if you would like to share their address and how to contact them that would be cool

:joy::joy::joy: dude… they dont have an address. They live in the jungle. Hidden. Live in Private. Usually you have to find a intermediary that promotes it in each country. Ppl that are usually working all year round with holistic practices. Look them up on Facebook groups or google it but just make sure they are from Amazon and like real natives with real credentials. Its the only way to contact the promoters.

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could you show me trough google maps ? :D

You dont get closer to enlightenment through Ayahuasca.
Ayahuasca digs in the depths of your subconscious, soul, heart to bring up to the surface the most hidden fears, traumas, wounds etc like literally the things that you had no idea were there. And its effects, the open awareness can last up to a year.
Pretty good start yes on the route to enlightenment lol

Just research yourself i tell u why. When you are searching for Ayahuasca, Ayahuasca hears it but finds you when you are ready. Trust me. Like look it up but if you dont feel quite sure with what you find DONT do it. It will come to you eventually, when you werent thinking about it but with perfect timing.


Yeah I get what it does, thats the reason I want to take it, thank you for telling me, I’ll find it sooner or later :)

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“It” will find you :smirk:


I don’t really understand what enlightenment means, it is a very subjective concept, but for me it is something that does not depend on your actions, it is not about being good or bad, I think it is about knowledge, the more knowledge you have the more enlightened you are, enlightened with knowledge.

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Judging the second part of that sentence, I’d say you have a pretty good understanding of enlightenment there :)))

Yet I must say the following is not always the case;

the more knowledge you have the more enlightened you are

Sometimes it is experienced as complete emptiness, but also more like the entirety of all things in a very serene instance… There is no way to describe it. It’s ineffable.

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I’ve dabbled with DMT a tiny bit. I prefer to a lot of my psychonautic work alone, but will be blasting off with a good buddy of mine soon.

If you are serious about trying it, you better be for real. Like its not kiddie stuff. I highly recommend you have experience with other psychedelics so you at least have a tiny idea of what it’s going to feel like. You need to be prepared mentally and spiritually.

You gotta take it really seriously and understand that it is not a shortcut to “enlightenment”, it may help you along your path, but you gotta be ready for it.


Ayahuasca and DMT are not the same thing, just to be clear (this could be a long post in itself - if you’re curious, I can explain). To answer your question, I’ve both taken Ayahuasca in ceremony and taken it alone at home in bed.

Most people should not take Ayahuasca alone, it would not be safe for them to do so. If you’re not already aware that you are able to do this, then you’re not and you shouldn’t. Don’t let your ego get you into lifetimes’ worth of trouble…seriously.

These experiences are some of the most personal things people go through, so it’s a lot to ask for someone to bare the private bits of their soul on a public forum.

I will say that Ayahuasca helped me to complete one of the main goals of my incarnation in this life, an extremely lofty, difficult goal that came to be at great cost, but to infinite, unmeasurable benefit. Mine was a difficult, painful, glorious, triumphant, satisfying, worthwhile experience that was not for kids or thrill-seekers - it was a father’s work.

Miss Luna is exactly right, Ayahuasca is a very effective tool for identifying and purging hidden darkness, traumas, and pains experienced during any of your incarnations. She’s also right that it’s not a picnic or a joy-ride, it’s 10 years of self-work in an evening, at least it can be if you apply yourself.

So, it won’t lead you to enlightenment, that’s not it’s purpose. Instead, it will help you become aware of and potentially overcome some of the barriers that are poisoning you and keeping you from spiritual growth.

Think of it this way - it’s a lot easier to take weight off your shoulders than to build new muscle & grow stronger. Enlightenment is a position of strength that requires much training. Ayahuasca, like all release tools, are about letting go of the burdens that weaken you - it’s about healing, not strengthening.

If you’re genuinely interested, and you feel like your guidance is calling you to this, then listen. You should always listen to your guidance. :smiley: Just don’t confuse the opinions of others for what Spirit is whispering to you.

There are two centers that I know of who cater to western tourists and have very good reputations.

In Costa Rica, Rythmia - https://www.rythmia.com/
In Florida, Soul Quest - https://www.ayahuascachurches.org/

I have been to Soul Quest, they are a generally loving staff that try very hard to provide a safe space for healing to happen.

Rythmia is more of a restort, with a degree of luxury & vacation to go along with the ceremony. Soul Quest is a church with a more humble atmosphere, but also a more affordable price point.

Both of these centers have many YouTube videos with information and testimonials. If you’re still learning/deciding, these videos a good place to go next.


thank you man, and yeah I feel called to experience it and thanks for sharing this, but I dont quite understand why people would hide things from lifes which are anyways part of egos haha but who am I to judge

I don’t understand what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?

I mean yeah everybody has their own story but why does it hurt to share ?
I don’t want to go deep into this, people have their reaons and to share it would be a long text but I might just be dumb and not understand the weight off these experience

This is part of it. These experiences sometimes reveal the core of who we are. Sharing something like that requires the utmost amount of vulnerability. When you’re completely vulnerable, judgment from others is extremely damaging. The last thing anyone wants after finally finding some healing at their deepest levels is to incur new damage. People gotta trust before they’re willing to be vulnerable, and the Internet isn’t really a place of trust.


but tbh I dont even care about the deep parts, I care just overall the basic experience, like what did you see, what happened, things like that. Nothing to deep. I get that people want to keep their deep experiences to themself, and it wont help anybody to tell them. My bad for pharsing it badly like that.

Watch the testimonials on YouTube, really. This is what I did when I was deciding.

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I will, thanks