Ayahuasca and DMT are not the same thing, just to be clear (this could be a long post in itself - if you’re curious, I can explain). To answer your question, I’ve both taken Ayahuasca in ceremony and taken it alone at home in bed.
Most people should not take Ayahuasca alone, it would not be safe for them to do so. If you’re not already aware that you are able to do this, then you’re not and you shouldn’t. Don’t let your ego get you into lifetimes’ worth of trouble…seriously.
These experiences are some of the most personal things people go through, so it’s a lot to ask for someone to bare the private bits of their soul on a public forum.
I will say that Ayahuasca helped me to complete one of the main goals of my incarnation in this life, an extremely lofty, difficult goal that came to be at great cost, but to infinite, unmeasurable benefit. Mine was a difficult, painful, glorious, triumphant, satisfying, worthwhile experience that was not for kids or thrill-seekers - it was a father’s work.
Miss Luna is exactly right, Ayahuasca is a very effective tool for identifying and purging hidden darkness, traumas, and pains experienced during any of your incarnations. She’s also right that it’s not a picnic or a joy-ride, it’s 10 years of self-work in an evening, at least it can be if you apply yourself.
So, it won’t lead you to enlightenment, that’s not it’s purpose. Instead, it will help you become aware of and potentially overcome some of the barriers that are poisoning you and keeping you from spiritual growth.
Think of it this way - it’s a lot easier to take weight off your shoulders than to build new muscle & grow stronger. Enlightenment is a position of strength that requires much training. Ayahuasca, like all release tools, are about letting go of the burdens that weaken you - it’s about healing, not strengthening.
If you’re genuinely interested, and you feel like your guidance is calling you to this, then listen. You should always listen to your guidance.
Just don’t confuse the opinions of others for what Spirit is whispering to you.
There are two centers that I know of who cater to western tourists and have very good reputations.
In Costa Rica, Rythmia - https://www.rythmia.com/
In Florida, Soul Quest - https://www.ayahuascachurches.org/
I have been to Soul Quest, they are a generally loving staff that try very hard to provide a safe space for healing to happen.
Rythmia is more of a restort, with a degree of luxury & vacation to go along with the ceremony. Soul Quest is a church with a more humble atmosphere, but also a more affordable price point.
Both of these centers have many YouTube videos with information and testimonials. If you’re still learning/deciding, these videos a good place to go next.