Bad Air and Weather

This has become a common phenomenon now. As the winter is coming, the pollution is increasing dangerously. I don’t know what will happen in the future. But I am already facing symptoms like: eye irritation and burning, headache, dry skin and blocked nose. It’s because of this pollution.

What fields can be of help to protect myself and my family from this problem?


can you get to nature where there’s less industrial activity?

beaches, mountains and forests come to mind.

even a park helps at least where i live they’re readily accessibly and i don’t have to drive too far.


Hi :slight_smile:
You can try plasma flower for a general atmospheric good vibe :

You can add the negentropic ion from energtic alchemy :

You can also print the negentropic petrichor mandala :

For a pleasant smell and Keeping that environment sanitized :

That’s the field who come in my mind right now :slight_smile:


They are very far away from the city. I’m a city dweller and have to stay here for a while!


even city dwellers take time to go out in nature. a lot of my friends and i would go on a hike once every couple weeks and the trip to get there was worth it.

fresh air and fresh energy away from the pollution and electromagnetic frequencies of modern living.


I also love nature very much. I like to spend some time there alone and introspect.

I’ll go for it :+1:t2:
It’s been a while I’m totally away from nature.


Thanks for it. I totally forgot about the sandalwood one. Do you know how long the effect lasts? I mean, in which interval i should play it?


I don’t know man,but maybe try to loop 30min each day the air revitalizer and the sandalwood one maybe :national_park:


Thanks, man. I’m already looping it right now

Smells so good!


Or def this.

Lightning In a Bottle


^ Luna’s might just be the golden ticket for you guys yet

Also maybe hyperbaric compressor ; oxygen coming from out to in (like cells bringing it outwards)
The other one , hyperbaric oxygen, I wouldn’t be too
sure only because of that air quality

Also perhaps consider creating a dark servitor for yourself, as well as ask them to creare one for themselves, too, for protection purposes.


Uh the best still is to get air purifiers or dun-dun-dun wear masks or respirators that can filter the PM2.5.

I’ve tried air revitaliser before but it didn’t affect the particulate count.

PM 2.5 is worse than you think, it bypasses your skin (absorbs) and also your lungs and goes into the blood stream. It is not even a coincidence that strokes and heart attacks occur more frequently with bad air quality. Even masks can’t block the skin entry. Best to stay in a room that uses air purifier. Be strategic with the air exhange with the room and you should be fine.

This documentary relates to china’s problem, but it does raise questions… Just what is in the air. Its not only particulate depending on the source of the pollution.


Haha. That field sounds so unique and interesting. Definitely worth the try! :zap::zap:

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Hey, one thing that came to my mind is that, can a servitor can generate negative ion and oxygen for my room?

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Hmm. That things concerns me. The skin burning is becoming widespread. Pollution is a curse.

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