Be Blessed and Fulfilled, Fam! 🌹

I continue to be grateful for each and every one of you. I consider it a privilege to be here and to grow and learn. I believe what we are receiving is a great grace. Energy is, and we are walking hand in hand as part of a great experiment.

May all be blessed and fulfilled this week and every week.

Thank you Captain and Sammy for this place in cyberspace to commune and share!

And out of the ground was made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden . . .


Copying this from the Mystic Tarot Reader thread:

How the Sapienmed Forum can best apply the energy of Athena as the Ace of Swords

The image created symbolizes how the Sapienmed Forum can best apply the energy of Athena as the Ace of Swords. It depicts a vibrant forum where members are actively engaged in intellectual discussions and exchanges, centered around a prominent statue of Athena holding the Ace of Swords. This statue serves as a beacon of clarity, wisdom, and insight, casting a light of understanding over the group.

The forum setting is rich with classical architecture and adorned with symbols of wisdom, such as books and scrolls, creating an environment conducive to learning and thoughtful debate. The participants are shown in a collaborative atmosphere, embodying the spirit of Athena’s wisdom and the decisive energy of the Ace of Swords. This image represents a community coming together to seek truth, share knowledge, and engage in clear, enlightened communication, mirroring the virtues of Athena and the clarity represented by the Ace of Swords in tarot.


I think it’s funny that the Goddess of War is right above our heads and most everyone is staring at computer monitors :joy:

The tarot reader must know us well :rofl:


thank you for expressing these beautiful feelings, we are so blessed to be here, in this catalising environment, with these miraculous tools made by a high spirit, and with these quality people. We are like a hive where everyone buzzes with the vibrant desire to know more, to apply more, to really improve his life and HIMSELF. This is extremely rare, to be able to see bs and to be willing to take the decision to get out of it. Huge respect and admiration for all people here.
:star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:


Thanks for being here! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank You. :green_heart: All the best to You all fam


Lol :rofl:.
I love it but i miss catering and where are the fricking cats :joy: