Beard Growth Enhanced and Plasmafied: New Release


It’s gonna take time but it’s working for sure

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but isnt it not safe to boost ur results 11x as it is recommend to listen only 2

No that Audio works in miraculous ways, if the video has a certain listening restriction then the 11th power formula will adhere to the max listening restriction


@SammyG what if some one where to use facial hair removal for a while and then used this? Will this grow back all of the dead cells in the hair follicles where a beard should be? I’m asking for a friend and he wants to do this because he wants to remove his upper cheek hair and all other facial hairs first with the facial hair removal field and then regrow his beard with this field and have the rest of his face have no hair… I’m sorry if I didn’t word this efficiently lol


Hmm, I don’t think so. I’d have to ask dream to be sure but I don’t suppose this field would regrow dead cells in the facial hair follicles.


Thank you man :pray:

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How’s it going with the beard 2.0 guys?

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This one is quite interesting.

I used it for some 2-3 weeks?

Increased growth, overall the beard became more “negentropic”, more organized and coherent/stabilized in it’s growing. It’s like the growth was more synchronized and even over the whole beard.

I cannot say that I noticed it filling up any patches though, would need to run it for a longer time to see any results there, if this field even covers it^^


I combine it with DHT and I know new beard is growing, (fast) the thing is I never let it grow more than I week.


how is it going

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Probably because you shared from other creators and that can only be under the other channels thread


If it’s something to help someone then I will just like how other people share other videos from other creators, it is what it is tho. Stay safe people

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i dont see the whats wrong however am not using beard am just gonna focus on height

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Use plasma before as a booster!


Whoever said that isn’t wrong, but plasma is levels above theta waves

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plasma light and infrasound reactive beach on YouTube

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Is that not just for mental health and feelings?

Nooooooo way lmao, go on this forum and search up plasma light and read all about it (btw it could help mental health, etc. but that’s not it’s sole purpose you know)


I gotta check for my self give me a min lol