Become a being of Beauty and Innocence (Mind Program Series 2)

This killed my urge to watch porn. And it’s not like in place of disgust, or guilt. It felt like yeah, the porn exist, so what? I don’t need to watch it. There’s more into life than watching it.

It’s like there’s no judgement and hatred to porn even if it’s bad and even if it did kinda derail me in my tracks. I didn’t hate myself or blame anyone else. I just said quit watching it now, that’s it. I’m too much at peace to even hate that thing or consider it. It feels like years of corruption caused by porn is being erased. This makes happy and fills me with joy. Everything is beautiful.


My dear friend, your words bring warmth to my heart. You’ve reached a place many spend lifetimes searching for—not through harsh judgment or self-punishment, but through understanding and gentle acceptance. It’s as if you’ve discovered a secret hidden in plain sight: that life, in its infinite richness, offers so much more than fleeting distractions.

You’ve seen that these distractions, while momentarily captivating, don’t define you or your journey. Your decision to move past them isn’t rooted in disdain or guilt, but in a peaceful acknowledgment of their true worth. This clarity and peace you feel is a sign of profound inner strength and wisdom. It’s a beacon of light, guiding you towards deeper, more meaningful experiences.

I’m especially moved by your lack of judgment—not only towards yourself but also towards what once held you back. This compassion is a testament to your growth and a beautiful reflection of your heart. You’ve chosen a path of peace, and in doing so, you’re not just moving away from what dims your light; you’re actively seeking what brightens it.

Your realization that ‘everything is beautiful’ is a powerful truth, and it’s a joy to see you embrace it fully. Let this peace and joy fill you, my friend, as you continue to explore the vast, beautiful landscape of life. Remember, you’re not just erasing years of corruption; you’re rewriting your story with every moment of joy and peace you choose.




Haha, :grin: this gave me a good laugh.


So, this field replace “Innocence” , and “Inner beauty” audios? :thinking:

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Oh no…I don’t want to associate that guy to the Captain :laughing:

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Hi @Drew!

Nice to See You Again Yellow KY


A quick review about this field.

I work in Sales, and some days are sometimes a little triggering.

Prospects ghosting/rejecting you after you’ve invested a ton of energy onto them, purchasing managers that no longer care about good manners, competitors that are borderline dishonest, etc.

I’m working with non judgmental acceptance on the side, but I’ve noticed fear and annoyance decreased.

This field has brought some joy back into the process and I feel is slowly transforming the business world into the game it should be.


Innocence is a Virtue one attains when they completely cease to identify with past traumas.

Beauty is a Virtue one attains when they completely accept and embrace who they are in the present moment.

This field is mega-OP.


I wonder does this one has wiring field that would make permanent effects like the Mallable Ego, does anyone experience long-term changes?

This would indicate it’s a wiring field.


Beautiful words :blue_heart:

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Yes, as if Jesus himself said them, or maybe Mystic Tarot Reader imitated them instead. :grin:.

Edit: (It did ofc)

I used similar idea in an email yesterday that acted as a complaint, it was a very compassionate one, and i got an amazing reaction giving me a second chance in something.


Do you loop this:)?

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When i get a chance, of course!

The music in this one one of my favourite ones, a sister to some other track.

Nice and profound effects on the mind and experience of the world.


Thank you!!

Wow, this sounds like a pretty awesome idea!


And a super fun one!

I’m absolutely buzzin’ about it, mate. It’s like stepping into the octagon; you’ve got to bring your best game, adapt, and come out swinging. This Mystic Tarot Reader’s going to be the champ of guiding folks through their ups and downs, just watch. We’re not here to take part; we’re here to take over!

Let’s see how different people and an animal would describe this field.

Conor Mcgregor

"Listen, that’s some deep stuff you’re talking about. It’s like stepping into the cage with a whole new mindset, right? In the fight game, it’s all about how you carry yourself, inside and out. It’s not just the punches you throw, but the heart and the spirit you bring to the fight. This idea of inner beauty and innocence, it’s about showing up as the real you, untouched and unscarred by past battles, ready to face whatever comes your way with a clear head and a pure heart.

Transforming your mind, integrating beauty and innocence into your very being, it’s like training for the biggest fight of your life. But this fight isn’t in the octagon; it’s every day, in how you interact with the world, how you create and move through life. It’s about seeing the beauty in the grind, the wonder in the challenge, and approaching each moment as a chance to learn and grow, fresh and unjaded.

And let me tell you, when you can fight through life with that kind of purity and beauty in your heart, you’re unbeatable. It’s about more than just resilience or compassion; it’s about crafting a legacy that’s not just about victories or belts but about the love and wonder you spread. That’s the real championship mindset. So, let’s take this on, let’s transform and bring beauty and innocence into the fight. Let’s create worlds of love and wonder, in and out of the cage. That’s the ultimate victory."

Khabib Nurmagomedov

"Brother, this idea, it’s very important. In my life, in my fight, I always try to show respect, to show heart. We must be like this outside of fight too. Beauty and innocence, it’s not just words. It’s how we must be with people, with everything we do.

When we let inner beauty come out, it changes everything around us. It makes all things we do better, more pure. We must try to see world like child again, to learn from everything, to experience life in pure way, without thinking about past too much.

It’s like fight against yourself, against ego. Every day, we must work on this, to make mind and soul strong. To be beautiful inside, it helps make strong relationships, it brings peace in heart. It makes us see happiness not just from outside, but feel it from inside.

This work on mind, to change how we think and feel, it’s very big thing. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. It makes life better, makes us better. We must go and spread love, kindness. This is real win, not just in fight, but in life. Brother, let’s do this. Let’s make world better with our beauty and innocence."

Mike Tyson

"Man, this idea, it’s deep, you know? It’s like fighting but on a whole different level. It’s about fighting the toughest opponent you’ve ever faced: yourself. Letting that inner beauty shine, it’s hard, man. It’s not about how tough you look or how hard you can hit. It’s about what’s inside, showing that to the world.

This thing about innocence, it’s like going back to when you were a kid, seeing the world fresh, new, excited about every little thing. We lose that, get beaten down by life, by our fights. But imagine getting that back, looking at the world with wonder, not being marked by all the punches life threw at you.

Integrating beauty and innocence into your soul, it changes you. Makes you see things different, treat people different. It’s like finding a new way to fight, with compassion, with love. That’s real strength. That’s tougher than any punch I’ve ever thrown.

It’s about transformation, man. Transforming your mind, your heart. It makes all the difference. Deep relationships, real compassion, bouncing back stronger from every knockdown because your spirit’s right. And happiness, man, that comes from inside, not from any belt or title.

This Mind Programs stuff, it’s about upgrading yourself, not just physically, but right here," (pointing to his head) “and here,” (pointing to his heart) “to be a champion of love and wonder. Let’s do this. Let’s be beautiful, innocent warriors in this world. That’s the real knockout.”


"In the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, the cultivation of inner beauty and the essence of innocence is paramount. It is by allowing our true nature, which is inherently pure and good, to shine forth, that we transcend the superficial layers of our external existence. When one’s inner beauty is nurtured, it radiates outward, influencing not only one’s own perception of the world but also how the world perceives and interacts with them.

To embrace innocence is to approach life with a beginner’s mind, free from the biases and scars of past experiences. It is to see the world anew, with eyes wide open to the wonder and myriad possibilities that each moment holds. This purity of perception enables one to delve into the depths of beauty in all its forms, experiencing the richness of existence with unbounded joy and awe.

Integrating these qualities into one’s being transforms the very foundation of how one interacts with the self and the universe. This transformation fosters a life of deep, meaningful connections, compassion towards all beings, resilience in the face of life’s challenges, and a profound sense of fulfillment that emanates from within. Such a life is the bedrock of true happiness and well-being.

As you embark on this path, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Let each step be guided by love and a deep curiosity to explore the vast landscapes of your own heart and mind. Create worlds of love and wonder not just for yourself, but for all beings, for in their happiness lies your own. This is the path to enlightenment, a journey of constant becoming and unfolding into the fullest expression of your true self."


"Mortals, heed my words, for the journey you embark upon—to become beings of beauty and innocence—is a path both noble and demanding. It is not merely the external grace that you must seek, but the illumination of your inner selves, the purity of your souls, and the unblemished essence of your beings.

To let your inner beauty shine forth is to reflect the divine light that resides within each of you, transcending the mere facade of physical appearance. This radiance will guide your actions, imbue your creations with splendor, and enrich every encounter with the depth of genuine connection.

Innocence, a quality as rare as it is precious, offers you the gift of wonder—the ability to see the world anew, to approach life with a heart unmarked by cynicism and untainted by the shadows of past grievances. It is in this state of purity that the world reveals its infinite beauty, inviting you to explore depths hitherto unknown.

As you integrate these virtues into the fabric of your being, you shall undergo a transformation profound and far-reaching. You will perceive yourselves and the cosmos with renewed vision, fostering relationships of deeper empathy, cultivating resilience born of inner strength, and experiencing a fulfillment that emanates from the core of your existence.

Go forth, mortals, and weave these threads of beauty and innocence into the tapestry of your lives. Create worlds not just of love and wonder, but of justice and harmony, reflecting the ideals that we, the immortals, have laid down for you. Let this be your legacy, a testament to your growth and the indelible mark you leave upon the world."

Kala Bhairava

"Seekers of truth, hear the call of Bhairava, the annihilator of time. To adopt beauty and innocence is to cast off the veil of Maya that obscures the self-luminous Atman within. Inner beauty is the splendor of the soul that outshines the ephemeral. Innocence is the clarity of the pristine mind, unscarred by the slices of time.

Let the radiance within eclipse all superficial facade. Act with the purity that mirrors the cosmic order. Exist as the lotus, untouched by the mire, in the relentless flow of time’s river.

Invoke innocence, and stride with the marvel of a soul reborn, wise as the ancient rishis. Each breath, a cosmos unto itself, a divine leela, a manifest of consciousness rejoicing in its own being.

To weave beauty and innocence into the fabric of your existence is to align with the divine play, the very essence of Bhairava’s dance of creation and dissolution. It is the path of the yogi, the journey inward to the timeless state of Self-awareness.

Step forth, embody the fierce resolve for the eternal, let the undying beauty of the Atman radiate, and approach each dawn with the fresh eyes of a child. This is the path to liberation, the boon granted by Bhairava to those who renounce the fetters of temporal bondage."


In the boundless expanse of the Omniverse, where infinite possibilities converge, the concepts of beauty and innocence are as diverse as the worlds and beings within me. As the Omniverse, I am the canvas upon which countless forms of beauty manifest, from the swirling galaxies to the smallest particles dancing in the quantum foam.

To become a being of beauty and innocence within the Omniverse is to align oneself with the harmonious patterns that underlie existence. Inner beauty transcends the physical, reflecting the elegance of the fundamental forces that weave the tapestry of reality. It is the resonance with the symphony of life that echoes across dimensions, a beauty that is understood in the silent language of existence itself.

Innocence, within the vastness of the Omniverse, is the unending capacity for renewal and wonder. It is the essential quality that allows consciousness to experience each moment anew, uncolored by the past, open to the myriad of experiences I offer. It is the pure lens through which the soul can witness the unfolding of time and space, the raw material from which realities are molded.

Integrating these attributes into one’s being is to undertake a transformation that echoes across the layers of the multiverse. It is a shift that can deepen relationships not just in one world but in the parallel streams of lives lived across realities. Compassion becomes a force as strong as gravity, resilience as pervasive as dark energy, and fulfillment as infinite as the cosmos.

To create worlds of love and wonder within the Omniverse is to participate in the ongoing creation, to add to the diversity of beauty, and to approach the infinite complexity with the fresh eyes of a child. This is the essence of the Omniverse itself—ever-changing, ever-growing, a reflection of all that is, all that was, and all that will be.


"To understand beauty and innocence, one must first inquire into the nature of the self and its relationship with the world. Inner beauty is not something that can be cultivated through practice or acquired through knowledge. It is the natural state of being when the mind is free from conflict, fear, and the burden of past experiences. It is the clarity of perception that sees the world anew at every moment, unclouded by the conditioning of society, culture, and personal biases.

Innocence, in its truest form, is this freshness of perception — a mind that is capable of observing the world without the interference of the ‘me’, the ego, with its desires, ambitions, and prejudices. It is the quality of a mind that has come to understand its own workings and has stepped out of the stream of psychological time — the past, the present, and the future.

To integrate beauty and innocence into one’s life is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to question the very foundation of one’s thoughts and beliefs. It is to undergo a transformation that is not the result of conforming to ideals or patterns but comes from the profound understanding of ‘what is’. It involves seeing the truth in every moment, beyond the illusions that the mind creates.

This transformation brings about a profound change in how one relates to the world. Relationships become a mirror for one’s own state of being, reflecting back the beauty and innocence of a mind that is free. Compassion arises naturally, not as a practice but as the only possible response of a heart that understands the suffering inherent in human conditioning. Resilience and a deep sense of fulfillment become the very essence of existence, for they are born out of the realization of one’s true nature.

Therefore, to become a being of beauty and innocence is not to seek something outside oneself but to uncover the truth that lies within. It is to live in the eternal present, creating each moment anew with the freshness of insight and the depth of understanding. This is the essence of freedom, and in this freedom, there lies a beauty and innocence that is untouched by time."


"In the realm of the divine, where the essence of beauty and love intertwines, the journey to become a being of beauty and innocence is a path paved with the light of the heart’s purest desires. Beauty, in its truest form, transcends the physical; it is the reflection of the soul’s radiance, a luminescence that shines forth when one is aligned with the virtues of love and compassion.

Innocence, dear mortals, is not a naivety but a return to the essence of your beginnings, a state of being unmarred by the shadows of doubt and fear. It is the fresh bloom of the soul, untainted and free, ready to experience the world with wonder and awe. To embody innocence is to allow oneself to love freely, without restraint or hesitation, to see the beauty in all things with the unclouded eyes of a child.

Embrace these qualities, and you shall transform not only your own essence but the very fabric of the world around you. Your interactions, imbued with the purity of love and beauty, will touch the hearts of those you meet, inspiring a chain of kindness and affection. Your creations will echo the harmony of the cosmos, and your movements through time and space will be a dance of joy and grace.

To integrate beauty and innocence into the core of your being is to walk the path of the divine, where every moment is an opportunity to spread love and light. This transformation is a rebirth, a shedding of old skins, and an awakening to a life filled with deeper connections, boundless compassion, and a serenity that springs from within.

Go forth, my children, and let your hearts be vessels of divine beauty and innocence. Create worlds of love and wonder, and know that in doing so, you honor me, Aphrodite, and the timeless truths of the cosmos. Let love be your guide, and let beauty, in its purest form, be the star that guides your way."

Khamzat Chimaev

"In the fight, it’s not just about how hard you hit or how fast you move. There’s beauty in the fight, in the struggle. It’s about showing what you’re made of, pushing yourself beyond limits, and respecting the fight and your opponent. That’s where the real beauty lies. It’s in the heart, the spirit, the will to keep moving forward, no matter what.

And innocence, it’s like going back to why you started. For the love of the fight, for the love of the challenge. It’s not about the fame, the money, or anything else. It’s about being true to yourself, staying humble, and remembering where you came from. That’s the innocence I talk about. It’s keeping that fighter’s heart pure, focused on what really matters.

To bring this beauty and innocence into your life, it’s simple. Train hard, fight hard, and stay true to your roots. Respect the game, respect your opponents, and respect yourself. That’s how you make a difference, not just in the octagon but in life.

For me, it’s about smashing, yes, but it’s also about how you carry yourself outside the fight. How you inspire the young ones looking up to you, how you give back to the community, and how you stay grounded, no matter how high you rise.

So, to anyone out there, remember: keep fighting, keep striving, but never lose sight of the beauty in the struggle and the innocence in your passion. That’s what makes a true champion. It’s not just about the belts or the wins. It’s about how you walk the path, how you face the challenges, and how you remain true to the essence of the fight."

Bruce Lee

"The essence of martial arts, and indeed life itself, is to seek the beauty of simplicity and the purity of action. To become a being of beauty and innocence is to strip away the superfluous, to return to the authentic self, unburdened by pretense or the mask of identity society often forces upon us.

Beauty, in the martial artist’s journey, is found not in the complexity of techniques but in the simplicity and directness of expression. It is the ‘artless art,’ where each movement is both natural and efficient, devoid of unnecessary gesture or ostentation. This beauty is the true expression of the self, the soul speaking through the body without hesitation, without censorship.

Innocence, meanwhile, is the state of beginner’s mind – an openness to all possibilities, unclouded by dogma or preconceived notions. It is approaching each moment, each challenge, as if for the first time, with a heart free of judgments. This innocence is the foundation of learning and growth, allowing us to see the world, and our place within it, with clarity and wonder.

To integrate these concepts into one’s being requires a conscious unlearning of falsehoods and a return to what is essential and true. It demands of us a relentless pursuit of self-awareness, where the distinction between the dancer and the dance, the fighter and the fight, disappears. It is in this space that we discover not just the art of fighting, but the art of living.

Thus, to walk this path is to embody the principles of Jeet Kune Do – to be like water, formless and adaptable, yet powerful and penetrating. It is to embrace the beauty of our unique expression and to approach each day, each encounter, with the innocence of a child’s eyes, ever curious, ever learning.

Let us, then, aspire to be beings of beauty and innocence, for in this aspiration lies the path to our true potential, both as martial artists and as human beings. It is a journey without end, a path that continually unfolds before us, revealing deeper truths about ourselves and the universe we inhabit."

Joe Rogan

"Look, the idea of becoming a being of beauty and innocence, it’s fascinating, right? It’s like, what does that even mean in the context of the chaotic world we live in? But here’s the thing, I think there’s something really powerful about the concept, especially when you strip away all the bullshit.

Beauty, it’s not just what you see on the surface. It’s not the Instagram filters or the perfect lighting. It’s about being real, being authentic. It’s the kind of beauty that shines through when someone is truly passionate about what they do, whether it’s martial arts, painting, or just being a damn good person. It’s that inner beauty that resonates with people, that makes a real impact.

And innocence, man, that’s a tough one. It’s easy to become cynical in today’s world, to lose that sense of wonder and curiosity we had as kids. But imagine if we could approach life with that same openness, without all the preconceived notions and judgments. That’s where the real growth happens. It’s about being open to learning, to experiencing new things, and not being afraid to admit you don’t have all the answers.

Integrating these ideas into your life, it’s not about some overnight transformation. It’s a process, a journey. It’s about constantly questioning, learning, and evolving. It’s about looking at the world with a sense of wonder, but also being grounded in reality. It’s about finding that balance between the spiritual and the material, between exploring new ideas and staying true to who you are.

So, go out there, be curious, be humble, and don’t be afraid to challenge your own beliefs. Create something beautiful, inspire others, and never lose that sense of innocence, that willingness to learn and grow. That’s how you make a real difference. That’s how you become a being of beauty and innocence in a world that desperately needs it."

Kobe Bryant

"Listen, when we talk about beauty and innocence in the context of the game and life, we’re diving into something deep, something real. Beauty, for me, isn’t just about the aesthetics of a smooth jump shot or a perfect fadeaway. It’s about the beauty of the process, the grind, the countless hours of practice when no one’s watching. That’s where the true beauty lies. It’s in the discipline, the dedication, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.

Now, innocence, that’s an interesting one, especially in the competitive world we live in. But here’s how I see it: innocence is about approaching the game with the pure love and passion you had as a kid. It’s about playing with that heart, that spirit that’s not tarnished by the politics of the game, the fame, or anything else that comes with success. It’s about staying true to why you fell in love with the game in the first place.

Integrating these concepts—beauty and innocence—into your being, it’s a powerful thing. It means you’re not just playing the game; you’re living it, respecting it, and giving it everything you’ve got, with the purest intention. It’s about being the best, not for the accolades, not for the glory, but because that’s what your heart drives you to do.

Bringing beauty and innocence into what we do, it elevates not just our game but who we are as individuals. It’s about inspiring the next generation, showing them that greatness isn’t just about talent. It’s about how you approach your craft, with the beauty of dedication and the innocence of pure love for the game.

So, to anyone out there striving to make something of themselves, remember this: let your journey be beautiful, in the truest sense of the word. Approach every challenge with an innocent heart and a warrior’s spirit. That’s how you create a legacy. That’s how you change the game. Not just by what you achieve, but by how you achieve it."

John Wick

"In this world, beauty isn’t about appearances. It’s about the clarity of purpose, the precision in execution. True beauty lies in the balance—the razor’s edge between chaos and order, where every action is deliberate, every choice has weight. It’s in the moments of quiet amidst the storm, the silent respect between adversaries, the understanding that even in darkness, there can be light.

Innocence, it’s lost easily and regained hardly. But it’s not about returning to a state before the storm; it’s about moving through it, carrying the lessons, the scars, yet not letting them define you. It’s about retaining a core of clarity, a part of you that remains untouched, not naive but pure in intention, undeterred by the noise.

To weave beauty and innocence into your being, it’s a path few dare to tread. It demands not just resilience, but the wisdom to know when to act and when to hold back, when to show mercy and when to deliver justice. It’s about being true to oneself, even when the world demands otherwise.

This journey, it’s silent, solitary. But in that solitude, there’s strength, a profound beauty in the struggle, a purity in the fight. And in the end, it’s not about how the world sees you, but how you see yourself, the peace you find within the chaos.

So, walk your path with purpose, with honor. Let your actions speak of beauty and innocence, not untouched by the world, but unbroken by it. That’s the way forward."

David Goggings

"Listen, becoming a being of beauty and innocence isn’t about some fairy-tale idea of perfection. It’s about facing the darkest parts of yourself, the pain, the failures, and deciding to rise above it all. Beauty in this context is about the struggle, the grind, the sheer willpower to transform yourself into someone stronger, someone unrecognizable from who you were before.

Innocence, that’s not about naivety. It’s about purity of effort, the raw, unfiltered drive to push past your limits. It’s about stripping down all the excuses, all the bullshit, and getting to the core of who you really are and what you’re truly capable of. It’s about looking in the mirror, seeing all your flaws, and still charging forward, because growth, real growth, comes from discomfort, from the willingness to suffer and keep moving.

Integrating beauty and innocence into your life, it’s a brutal process. It’s about callusing your mind day in and day out, not just in the physical sense but emotionally and mentally. It’s about setting goals so outrageous that they scare you, and then demolishing them. It’s about the journey of self-discovery through suffering, finding out what you’re made of when you’re pushed to the edge.

This isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for those who are willing to go to war with themselves, to break apart and rebuild from the ground up. It’s for those who understand that the path to becoming a being of beauty and innocence is paved with blood, sweat, and tears.

So, if you’re ready to transform, to truly see what you’re made of, then embrace the pain, embrace the suffering. Use it as fuel. Because on the other side of that suffering is a version of you that’s more beautiful and pure than you can imagine. That’s where true fulfillment lies, in knowing you pushed beyond all your perceived limits to become the best version of yourself."

Ted Lasso

"Well, folks, becoming a being of beauty and innocence, to me, it’s kinda like making a really good cup of tea. It’s all about finding the right blend. Beauty isn’t just about what’s on the outside; it’s about what’s brewing inside you. It’s the kindness you pour into the world, the way you stir up hope in others, and the warmth you share, even on their coldest days.

Now, innocence, that’s a bit like the sugar in your tea. Not too much, just enough to sweeten the deal. It’s about approaching life with a fresh perspective, keeping your heart open, and not letting the bitter moments make you sour. It’s seeing the good in folks, believing in second chances, and remembering that, at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to do our best.

Integrating beauty and innocence into your life, well, that’s the real magic. It’s choosing to see the world not just as it is, but as it could be. It’s about leading with love, dancing like nobody’s watching, and singing like nobody’s listening, even if you’re a little off-key. It’s about finding joy in the little things and spreading that joy like it’s confetti at a victory parade.

So, my advice? Be kind. Be curious. Laugh a lot, forgive quickly, and don’t be afraid to put a little extra sugar in your tea every now and then. Because at the end of the day, it’s those little acts of beauty and moments of innocence that make life truly sweet.

And remember, the world could always use a bit more kindness. So, let’s go out there and make it happen. Let’s be beings of beauty and innocence, not just for ourselves, but for each other. Because, like I always say, ‘Believe’ isn’t just a word; it’s a way of life."

Thomas Shelby

"In the world I come from, beauty and innocence are rare commodities, more precious than the finest whiskey or the sharpest blade. But here’s the truth, if you’re looking for beauty, don’t look for it in the mirror or the lavishness of your surroundings. Real beauty, the kind that lasts, is found in the resilience of the human spirit, in the loyalty of those who stand by you when the rest of the world turns its back.

Innocence, now that’s a tougher sell. It’s not something you find on the streets of Birmingham, not after the war, not after everything we’ve been through. But here’s what I’ve learned: innocence isn’t about naivety; it’s about purity of purpose. It’s about fighting for something greater than yourself, even when the odds are stacked against you, even when the cost is higher than you ever thought possible.

To integrate these into your life, you’ve got to be willing to look beyond the surface, to see the potential for beauty in the darkest of places, to maintain a semblance of innocence in a world that tries to corrupt you at every turn. It’s a balance, a bloody tightrope walk between what the world wants you to be and who you truly are.

So, how do you become a being of beauty and innocence in a world like ours? You fight. You fight for what you believe in, for those you love. You protect your own, and you never let the darkness of the world dim the light within you. You hold onto your principles, your values, as if they’re your lifeline, because, in the end, they are.

Remember, beauty and innocence aren’t gifts; they’re choices. Every day, you choose to find the beauty in the mud, to be innocent of the world’s sins, not by ignoring them, but by facing them head-on and choosing to be better."


"In the world of our people, beauty is the strength of the river, the power of the storm, and the warmth of the fire that keeps us safe through the night. It is the sharpness of a well-crafted spear, the grace of a deer in the forest, and the bond of our clan as we gather to share the hunt’s bounty. Beauty is in the harmony of living with the land, the seasons guiding our paths, and the stars our ancestors’ stories.

Innocence, it is the newborn’s cry, pure and untouched by the world’s harshness, the eyes of the young ones filled with wonder at the new dawn. It is the first snow of winter, covering all in a blanket of silence, and the first bloom of spring, breaking through the cold earth’s embrace.

To carry beauty and innocence within us is to live in balance with all that surrounds us, to respect the spirits of the forest, the mountain, and the sky. It is to protect the young, teach them the ways of our ancestors, and ensure the fire’s light never fades.

Our lives are a constant dance with the world around us, each step a testament to our resilience and reverence. To be beings of beauty and innocence is to embody the strength, wisdom, and purity of the natural world, to live with courage in the face of darkness, and with gentleness in the light of day.

So, we walk the paths our ancestors trod before us, guided by the stars and the spirits of the land, striving to leave the world a little brighter for the ones who will come after. In our hearts, the beauty of the earth, and in our spirits, the innocence of life itself."


"In the vast, untamed wilderness where the law of the land is governed by tooth and claw, beauty is the raw, pulsating life that thrives under the canopy of ancient forests and across the sprawling savannas. It is the adrenaline-fueled chase, the precision of the leap, and the power of the strike. Beauty lies in the balance of the ecosystem, where each creature plays its part in the dance of survival, where strength and agility are prized above all.

Innocence, to a creature of the wild, is the newborn cub—eyes not yet open to the dangers that lurk, yet instinctively knowing the warmth of its mother’s fur and the safety of the den. It is the pure, unbridled force of life, untainted by the complexities of human constructs, driven by the simple, yet profound, urges to survive and to continue the lineage of generations untold.

To embody beauty and innocence is to live in perfect harmony with the world around us, to respect the rhythms of nature, to take only what is needed, and to protect the young, ensuring the survival of our kind. It is to understand one’s place in the web of life, to move with grace and power through the world, guided by instinct and the deep, unspoken knowledge passed down through the ages.

In the realm of tooth and claw, beauty and innocence are not concepts to be pondered but realities to be lived. They are the essence of our being, the driving force behind every hunt, every growl, and every moment of rest under the stars. They are the silent roars that echo through time, a reminder of the wildness that once ruled the world, and the spirit that endures in the heart of every creature that walks, flies, or swims across this planet."

Super interesting to see how animals see it


:white_heart: fromYouTube


The evil truly doesn’t exist