Well, I don’t know, if a bear finds honey, should he not eat it?
Still, there may be a catch - Free Will, perhaps?
If a woman is attracted to me, without me doing any special mojo, then I don’t see a problem in that, win-win situation?
Idk… Yet, again, IF I abuse Spiritual Powers (First I have to get them, I don’t currently have them, except for an ocassional preminitory dream, from time to time, but that is not in my control), Then Yeah, I find it Fair to lose them, at least I agree on that…
Also, I feel like reaching Enlightenment is kind of forced, it almost feels unnatural (while seeking pleasure is perfectly in my nature), but it may be because I’m not close or used to that level…
I like all your points, I find them valid, especially the last one - well, being materialistic and fulfilling my dreams, while also pursuing something for the soul/spiritual? It’s Game ON, then.
Again, the only problem that I have with spirituality is that it does not feel that easy, it takes effort, while breathing or drinking doesn’t take any special effort, but again, this might be perfectly fine, after all, we are (also) material beings with more urgent, material needs (?)…
I feel like these desires, materialistic and the others, sometimes clash…
There is, still, another question, how about my hate (first, it’s much more smaller then 10 years ago, yet I still can’t love someone who hates me - again, it feels natural to have dark thoughts, unfortunately…), my darkness, my “imperfections”?
Some of them, I don’t want them, yet they exist somewhere, on a certain level - OR some of them are not mine, but just accumulated “dirt” (?)
Edit: speaking of hate, you know what I also hate? When I have a question or a point or something to add and I forget it…
Perhaps hate is a strong word, I’m not that hateful, at least not all the time.
ANOTHER Edit: well, I see that point of no return works, I definitely feel more joy and I feel better overall, yet (for now), it’s not possible to feel joy All the time - or is it?
There is still darkness (I like this word, darkness, lol, sounds cheesy, yet ominous) within me, perhaps I’ll always have it?
At least until I reach enlightenment (good joke? - no? Ok).
Jesus, another edit: just to clarify a previous statement, Power is much more appealing to me than sex, so if I want power is for All the good and opportunities it brings. Plus it feels Awesome, to feel powerful, to have power (now I really sound cheesy).
Also, Some people may find me gross and rude And that’s OK.
Also, I didn’t make this thread to say good things about me, but the truth, unfiltered truth…
I am not a Saint, BUT I still feel/have gratitude, love, joy, etc., I also have these, and ocassionally I may even do some good deeds, it’s not like I’m purely materialistic in my approach, it’s just that I do what I do BECAUSE I like it, Not because it’s necessarily good.
And I hope no more edits for this reply: one of my earlier posts was titled “are we ai” (something like that) - what I wanted to say/convey back then (but idk If I said it) is that we may not be so different from A.I., we have our own programs (instincts, likes, dislikes, wants, needs, ambitions, etc.), so it feels that I like something because I am programmed that way and that’s not true fulfilment nor true freedom, so perhaps enlightenment is not such a bad idea, if it’s the ultimate freedom…
It may be above these petty wants, ambitions or pleasures.
Also, this doesn’t sound bad at all.
Forget enlightenment, I Want this (or is this it?).