Benign tumours growth

I have a condition in which benign tumours grow inside my body … it is terminal. I request suggestions for NFTs mainly that can help heal this condition.
Tumours whether benign or malignant are due to genetic mutation.
Audio field suggestions are also welcome but I am more aware of audios being around for a while but I haven’t entered into NFTs so far so have little idea about those. Thanks

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Well… my view of the NFTs has been tailored to my own specific interests.

I’d guess that using the Solidifier to lock in a reversal of tumor growth would be good no matter what…

The Solidifier
Holy Grail
Tuaoi Crystal
The Eternal
Negentropic Hun/Po

All of these could help

I wish you success :pray:


I believe most of the beings from NFTs can easily change your genes. Ask one of them to fix that for you.

Also ask them to get the template of the most benefitial changes on the genes TP53, MCPH1 and CDKN2A with your Higher Self and install it permanently in your body. These genes are very strong tumor suppressors.

Don’t forget to use fields too! The list Imogen posted is great. I would add Blueprint of Life, Plasmatron, Smart Reiki and Angelic Intercession.

Cosmic Intercession + The Solidifier on top of that seems too good not to recommend.


I hear what you’re saying and I understand that this is common language among some of the medical profession. I get that.

However, this adjective actually is meaningless. Let me explain. Do you know what the leading cause of death-- Let me start again. Do you know what single event in a human’s life is guaranteed to result in death? That one thing is the only thing which is guaranteed to be terminal. Do you know what that is? (I’ll wait, because this is important.)

That’s right! It’s the event of birth. Being born is the only “terminal” condition. Everything below is someone else’s judgement. Sure, they may have some statistics to support their judgements but, even in statistics, there are edge cases, outliers and exceptions.

And all of this is NOT to diminish what you’re going through. I do NOT mean to do that AT ALL!

I say all that I’ve said above to get you to think about letting going of that limiting belief that does not serve you. Because as long as you hold that belief that anything is “terminal” (and “terminal” is bad) then you’ll be getting in the way of anything anyone offers you.

So, I’m going to recommend Ego Dissolution, Subconscious Limits Remover and anything Higher Self-related (who knows the Reality of what you’re going through).


Not NFT or field related, but have you looked into Serrapetese? It might be able to help

Serrapeptase assimilates inanimate tissue, blood clots, cysts, tumors, and arterial plaques, and of course, the aforementioned inflammations in all forms. It is a natural, physiological agent devoid of gastrointestinal side effects. Serrapeptase is the best and strongest natural anti-inflammatory drug with no side effects.


Thank you so much @Noesis for the recommendations, I will look into all of these and check what resonates best with me. And solidifier … that’s a good idea. Just waiting for a few more testimonies as its an expensive one.

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Thanks @anon25711007 :heart:


Thank you so much @Cambrian. Servitor, never thought about it and tbh I am kind of scared to bring in alive beings to me. But well if it is a dire necessity then I have to. And genes … I will research into that and thanks again for the info

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Ah yes… of course this is something with larger plan behind …. one doesn’t end up here accidentally and I agree with you.
Thanks a lot @WellBeing for the recommendations… I have taken note.

Thank you so very much @Concernedbutcurious. This is an excellent info you have shared… and I checked on Amazon, it’s easily available to my place. I am researching more in this. :heart: