Best brain field?

Hello everyone! This is my first post, and I’m happy to say that I’ve been a user of Dream fields for about 4-5 years and have seen very good and satisfactory results, which is why I wanted to take the next step to premium fields.

My question is, which field would be best to improve my attention, processing speed, working memory, and generally raise my IQ?

I was thinking about White Matter, Manhattan Method of Brain Key, but I’m not sure which would align more with my goals.


For the benefits you want, Get the Manhattan Method first. and then conceptual conglomerate. If you want to build a strong foundation i think these are the two fields that should be in every stack.


@Brich welcome :tada:

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I would agree with @Alchemist. Manhattan method is the first field everyone should get but personally I can’t recommend opus enough. Imo its definitely one of the best (if not the best) brain field. Having said that I haven’t tried any of the new brain boosters.


Welcome to the forum! @Brich

This is a very long post so I hope you read all of it since I took up my time to write it, and I wish I knew this information before starting my brainiac journey. Anyways welcome again to the forum and let’s go:

Since you are new to brain fields, you remind me of myself when I started out. I am not insanely knowledgable with all the nitty gritty science stuff, but I will give you the foundations of what you need to know and simplify it as much as possible.

There are many types of brain fields but these two are most important in my opinion:

#1 Wiring fields

Simply put, these fields wire your brain to give the specific benefit laid out by the field, these fields usually cause overgrowth. Overgrowth is when you brain cells grow so much from the wiring session that you start experiencing headaches, blurry vision, inability to concentrate and more. Essentially this means that your brain is fried. So you would only want to play wiring fields 3 times per day max. UNLESS, you have boosters which we will be getting into in just a second. I will not be listing all wiring fields since there are many, my advice is read the forum thread of said brain field you are looking at, most of the time you can figure out if it is a wiring field from what people are saying. To put some examples wiring fields include but not limited to: Manhattan method, Wholistic Thinking, Elysian Focus, Opulentia and many more.

#2 Boosters

These are extremely important, these brain fields are fields that you play before the wiring fields, they essentially give your brain a “pump” or boost for your brain to “wire” faster from the wiring fields, thus enhancing results much faster. Remember overgrowth? Yes it is not pretty, which is why we have boosters to combat the overgrowth, these boosters help you play your wiring fields more than 3 times a day, you can play them as much as you want as long as you have boosters. If you ever start experiencing overgrowth after your “boost, then wire session”. Then all you need to do is play the booster again to CLEAR the overgrowth, you will feel better and essentially “unfry” your brain, if that is even a word lol.

Anyways, boosters include but not limited to: 4 boosters from the Artemis series (these are the newest and most potent imo), opus manhattan and many more. There is also plasma brain of youth, although it is not a booster, it helps clear overgrowth - you only use it after a wiring session.

There is no wiring field that does it all, usually they are a bit specific.

Considering your goals that you want to become “smarter” in all areas, I would agree that you should get manhattan method as your first wiring field, as for the booster I would recommend Valhalla Vail. This will insanely skyrocket your cognitive performance while also boosting and clearing overgrowth. My advice would be play valhalla vail (as much as you want), then play manhattan method until you start feeling uncomfortable (overgrowth) then play valhalla again until you feel good. With time you will start gauging your tolerance.

But yea this is essentially all you need to understand before starting your brainiac journey. Of course there are many more but there is no need to get into them, I wish I knew all of this when I got started so here you go :slight_smile:


Hi @Brich!

Here are some links to help you navigate the forum: SapienMed FAQ Collection

Welcome Tara Hierophant

Just by intuition I would have also said Opus Manhattan, though I’m not yet familiar with the newer brain releases.

But there are so many great ones… Like recently I mentioned how epic snapping synapses is, for instance.

It’s not an easy question to answer what’s the best brain field.

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Great advice @Jarrah thank you for sharing. I learnt a lot from reading your post.


My pleasure!