Best environmental field

Anyone with great suggestions? To loop for environment? Currently got my second phone and I can loop some environment field 24hr :smiley:


I’ve been using Ley Line a lot. I really enjoy that one.

White Light Waves and Sacred Sanctuary are also top on my list.

Throw in Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer every so often too if you have it!


I find the Plasma Flower to be my environmental go to for now. Especially since everyone who comes near me while I’m playing it, (home, work etc) is immediately in a good mood and smiling no matter what type of emotional state they’re approaching me from. So I definitely recommend that if you’re in an environment where others may come around or just want a strong positivity/clear negativity type of field.

I haven’t tried the ones above, but if white light waves is better than the positive power waves I’d definitely give it a go. And I’ve heard great things about Sacred Sanctuary for creating an optimal space for manifestation if you wish to go that route.


Also might want to check if you want to use fields too. There are environmental fields that affect both environment and yourself llike essence of mantras.

If you have a goal, in mind it would be easier to know which one you want to play.

Also the jade maneki neko affects both too :thinking:


Ley Line Node Point is great


Whatever I try, I keep going back to the Sacred Sanctuary…again and again, and again…


I like to draw money :joy: so jade mani kineko seems perfect yes

But do I have to put my phone on my front door?

1 Like

Nah you don’t have to. Environmental fields will spread to some extent.

There’s also

And also

Plus the new one


Thank you so much. Gonna try now :money_mouth_face::rofl:

Yes. One of my 2 favorites.

Still Feng Shui is #1 :heart_eyes:


Vastu Homam


The Great Pyramid of Giza
Glastonbury (St Michaels Tower)

I want to give heads up on my new project: Plasma flower experiment. You can find the topic using the search function of the forum and type: Plasma flower experiment. Thank you for your participation!