Best fields for fever

Got a fever outta the blue high temperature etc
Which fields would be the best for it

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Depend on what’s causing your fever.
Usually they are due to infections so you should listen to virus disruptor, bacteria slayer, smart slayer or something like that.
Advanced healing if you have it too.
But go to see a Doctor too.


sending healing
Healing Love KY


Oh what a beautiful image!


Ohh, thanks I was spamming advanced healing bol plasma flaunt max heal

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Thanks !

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Oh which fever fields can be left looping

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Also drink plenty water and loop either one of the lymphatic system ones, to get rid of the infection or virus the fever is signaling you having.

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Fever is not a bad thing, but a good thing (unless it reaches 41-42 Celsius). Fever is a sign that your immune system is doing its job of fighting bacterias or viruses, and the body turned the heat higher to “cook” (kill) them.
So, try to find out where is the infection and what could cause it, you could use Bacteria Destroyer and a virus fighter like Knight Errant Virus Slayer or Virus Disruption, etc.


Personally, I would stop trying to kill things and let the body do its processes, supporting it, unless there is an obvious fungus or parasite problem. I would use the smart hulda zapper either way, though. Also, grounding, lymphatic +, salt cleanse (really helps with throat soreness), anything else that’s gentle enough and supports. I’m just not into killing “viruses” and bacteria, I don’t think they’re root causes and attacking them seems to make more trouble long term.

Anything antioxidant or anti-emf related may also help. Anything that’s anti-parasitic: physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, etc.


Obviously, hydrate. Conventional wisdom says starve a fever, feed a cold. Maybe keep your calories to a minimum until the fever has gone down. I am not a doctor, so please do not take this as medical advise.

Kidney fields might be helpful, but don’t overdo any field.

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Max heal bol and the bacteria and virus fields
Lessen the fever and it’s symptoms, but they keep coming back unfortunately

I’ll keep this in mind…interesting. what do you think are the core causes if not bacteria or viruses

I can only speculate based on the information and experience that I have. It seems that illness or disease can come from toxic build-up or poisoning, parasitic infections, fungal infections, etheric vectors, emf, bio-weaponry, etc. We have symptoms because the body is trying to detox, or regain homeostasis. At the moment, my impression is that viruses are proteins made by the body in response to “something,” and they’re not just appearing out in the world, somewhere, attacking you and me, physically speaking at least.

Parasites are a major problem and the average person is full of them, and if not physically, then definitely on other levels.

The more whole you are spiritually, mentally and physically, the healthier you will typically be in response to forces acting upon you. If you’re off balance, a strong wind will blow you over. If you’re rooted and in one piece, you’ll withstand everything you’re designed to withstand, and perhaps more.

The simple answer is that there are many possibilities, but we don’t know for sure. Allopathic medicine says illness is caused by viruses and bacteria overrunning the immune system, but there are many, many people now and throughout time who would completely disagree with that weltanschauung, and with good reason and plenty of evidence.

The propaganda fear campaign against supposed pathogens is another war on nature, either misguided or with ulterior motives. I don’t buy it anymore.

Interesting, glad to know about another perspective

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My suggestion is that you stop the fields, the fever you have is a natural part of the recovery process from any infection, just rest and hydrate yourself with hydrating drinks, not just water. If you want quick relief for high temperature, take acetaminophen 1000 mg every 12 hours.

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How are you feeling?