Best fields for irregular periods?

Especially when there’s no obvious cause? no known hormonal issues, etc. and it’s a fairly recent occurrence (past 6 months).

Thank You.

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Hi, Lady :)

A quick few things to help you note the best fields for your case:

•Look up all the reasons that may mess up with your period.
•Identify which ones can possibly click with you.
•Listen to your body meanwhile since a lot of things tend to go unnoticed.
•A few things can be: Neuro, brain, endocrine, hormones, general feeling of well being, food intake, diet change, protein, body having to “protect”, kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, etc…
•Medications and food tend to be the most effective reasons. It can also be something affective (emotions, well being, mental health, dopamine/serotonin levels, organ health, production vs protection biological mechanisms) etc.
•Pin everything down, make a list… you will find all the appropriate fields you need
•Fields that relate not, at all, can sometimes be the most effective, and that’s why you will really need to dig deep down. (I once had a similar issue and Essence of Mantras, Parkinson’s + Microkinestherapist where the ones that got me my period back!)

Also it never hurts to induce hormones for a reset! :)

^Menounpause is definitely the go to field!


Can I listen to meno-unpause if I am still fairly young?


yes absolutely!


Prostaglandin problems

Per my experience after all my life having issues in that department on and off.

Irregular periods

If you only have problems with your period being irregular what Desiree suggested would be enough but if after like 2 months trial you still having issues or you also have what i mentioned i had then def give it a try to my stack.

The overall process i went through is described here:


Blueprint of Life
Plasma Protocol
And acuautomation (the acupuncture field)
And then once you get it and/if you experience PMS: shamanic medicine blend :slight_smile:

(at least that’s what works for me :woman_shrugging:t3:)

And not a morphic field but these asanas help too:
Cobra pose, downward dog, child’s pose, bow pose, and sarvang asana
And the infamous surya namaskar (sun salutation)
If you are able to do surya, 21 a day will really help out! (My cycle was irregular for 3 years, and surya was the only thing that re-normalized it)


Hmm from the way you wrote, it seems you’ve been regular until 6 months ago? Means that something did happen during that time. It’s odd to suddenly not be regular out of the blue. There are diet changes and excessive exercise that could change that but imo it shouldn’t last for too long.

Also I hope it’s not because you got a certain jab because then the recommendation is going to become detox.


My only input is that it could be because of the vaccine or maybe people that got the vaccine and you were around them for to long… maybe even through public transport or anything like that. If that’s really the case and you have patreon try ivermectin, glutathione anything plasma and maybe the politics of the body it helps all organs at once to detox from negative energies.
Dna repair too just to be sure.
For supplements I read that N-acetyl-cystein can help to flush out spike proteins.

Not sure but I read it a few times as side effect.
Time period would fit too.

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I already do Blueprint of life everyday, lol and I detox regularly, so I doubt that’s what it is but I do live with my vaccinated parents, so who knows, I guess

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Bol is a powerful field. If not the most important.

But its a hugely wide field to work on all levels you can think of and some more.

So when you listen to it alone even if daily then think of it as if you were sending a command to it like : “fix everything” so it does but while working on fixing everything (not just the material body) it takes longer to reach each need.

But when you play it a couple of times before “x aim” THEN is a whole different story. Because the command would be : “fix THIS” and so it goes straight there first :wink:

Having said this.

I suggest you to play it x 2 before the hormones audios or reproductive audios etc

And see how things will start moving faster.


Actually, I did have positive results from meno-unpause (I’m assuming there was a deficiency of some hormone).

A little tmi, and I’m only sharing this because someone else might be having the same issue - but I’ve been just spotting continuously on and off and it actually started to become more like a normal period, basically , what happened was for a while my periods were late (this started 6 months ago, not pregnant), and then the opposite happened and I started constantly spotting and getting two in a month, which obviously alarmed me and freaked me out.

but what is absolutely bizarre to me is there are no other symptoms of anything, my hormonal tests come back as normal somehow, I’ve already gotten my blood drawn and everything. So it’s just this thing that happens

I thought it was due to stress and airplane travel, which has been a big part of my life lol

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I was gonna say that.

It always changes my schedule if i am stressed


Happened to me too.


Yeah I figured that’s what it must be? I genuinely don’t know what else


Yes, it can be partially related to that, or even that caused it alone. You mentioned your blood work for hormone levels were okay, but without that information I’d say your progesterone levels were low too.
Our cycle and reproductive system is very sensitive, and stress and anxiety must be for sure added here…

With the Meno Unpause field and other suggestions here you will be fine briefly for sure :wink:

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You can also listen to endocrine system rejuvenation.
It’s a bit more generic, but hormonal issues are often complex.
Also, the thyroid field.