I’ll be honest, I ended up getting the abundance tag anyway as I was guided by my subconscious to do so after 3 days straight. Had it for a month before I saw other ppl here having more financial luck with the lives they were already leading instead of having their entire life disrupted. I’ve even been utilizing the guided path audio from the bountiful harvest album for a couple days now and some opportunities to save a good chunk of money monthly are opening up.
I’ve been putting off this tag for quite some time (maybe since the beginning of orders on tee spring). Despite being one of the cheapest ones, I also said, “Nah” I don’t need that right now. (ego talk? It knows?) After having a conversation with a friend today, I couldn’t pass another day just thinking of the field and being scared (LEGIT, my thoughts (or the ego speaking) “What if it doesn’t work out?” “what if it’s not want i want to do right now?” (clinging to this thought the most… and a few others)
Today I bought it should arrive within 2-3 weeks.
Vibration series
Soul Restoration
Probability Alteration and Luck
Amygdala Healing (+ Fear Release)
The Guided Path
The order is still to be determined, but just sticking to these audios along with the following:
Intercession 2.0
Shielding Protection
Lion’s Confidence and Courage
Draw Abundance and Prosperity
Increased Psychic Functioning
Cognitive and Memory Enhancement
any suggestions.
i’ve had my BPIL for about two weeks now! those audios you chose look great!
do you have any goals or reasons why you bought the BPIL tag?
i especially recommend your shielding as it sounds like you’re ready for change, maybe a lot, and the others around you may not be as ready as you are.
nothing noteworthy on my end that i can trace back to my BPIL tag, just yet. maybe more introspection about my life as a whole? i’ve been following my whims and it feels freeing just dismissing and even ignoring the usual doubtful and anxiety-filled thoughts. those limiting thoughts seem to slowly be fading away, but it ebbs and flows right now.
actually i haven’t had work in quite awhile. not worried about that, though i thought it may be important to mention. i’m grateful for my financial situation and knowing enough to keep afloat during this time of pandemic.
i’m going to keep it for the long run so it feels like my personal reminder that things will work out for the best. the only times i ever take mine off are when i shower or get into water.
I personally can’t see myself doing something for the rest of my life which I would later regret. I’m still pretty young so I think there won’t be much changing to do it’s more of a way for me to realize what exactly I want to do. Just started school up again but feel like it’s not the right thing for me. Nonetheless, I’m doing it .
pretty darn sweet
What does it mean if I lost my best path tag?
You’ll have to buy a new one
Unless you boosted it, nothing special, you just lost it.
Just saying because some people say if you loose it its bot in your best interest to have at that moment . But what’s better for me than the best path ?!
there can be many reasons why it was lost but the only reason that will matter is what reason you settle on.
if i lost mine, i would do my best to literally re-trace my steps and revisit my day. maybe i’ll find it, maybe i’ll bump into someone who will help me find it. maybe in the process of searching, i find something else.
or maybe i’ll just buy a new one because its value is leagues more worth than its monetary value.
this tag removed my procrastination and made me “unlazy”
Glad you finally got it!
Great instant result.
It kinda seems like this is one of those buy a surprise gift, have no idea what’s in it. People are doing reviews, and I’m like…oooh I hope I get that one too!
Now, this isn’t an update but I’m sitting on my computer and was surfing the web. Came across this video and the moment he said “set big goals” my heart started to feel an immense amount of pressure, this instantly came into my awareness (it still is, as I watch the video) the pressure is so strong it’s almost like it’s screaming (as in pointing to me and say “HEY! THIS IS IT, LISTEN TO THIS. WE WANT THIS”) I’m currently sitting with my confidence and best path in life while I wask. Also want to say a few weeks ago I sorta “spoke” to my heart and said “Hey, point me in the right direction. Whenever there is something I need to pay attention, let me know whatever it takes.”
Thought I share this incident that I assume it’s only because of this field.
I received the tag just some days ago. I felt bliss when I wore it first. I feel a sense of certainty now. Like, things will work out on my terms.
Yesterday, I was travelling with my friend out of the city by the bus and in the checkpost, the cops was interrogating literally everyone (It’s their job on the border to maintain security) One cop asked my friend several question but although I was sitting beside him, the cop just gave me a smile and a nod and didn’t ask me even a single question. My friend was awestruck. “How come he didn’t ask you anything? He just harassed us all and spare you. You are so lucky.”, he said. I just said, “I don’t know, man. Maybe, he was just tired”.
But I know my life is en route on the best and luckiest path for this tag.
Thank you, captain Dream!
Bridge of events to the end. I see a bit of Neville Goddard here ;)
Thanks, Philip. I’m glad you like it.
But I am just getting started. It all started when I used gum regeneration from Sapien Medicine channel. I had gingivitis since my childhood. It caused a lot of teeth deacy and sensitivity. I used the above field just twice with teeth regeneration and and after two days, I was blown away. While listening to them, I felt like someone was working on my mouth to repair it. You know the feeling when you scale your teeth and get all the junk out. I felt exactly like that only it was done energetically. The purple looking gum I had my entire life turned into pink and it looked so much healthier. And the sensitivity and inflammation was just gone. After a week, my teeth had also grown to a considerable extent. It looked like I had them cosmetically done while actually, I didn’t spend even a penny for that.
Another thing was the workout audios. I thought, no way it was possible! But when I gave it a try, I felt the spasms and contraction immediately. I always had a dream of growing the muscle like the way you read in the comics. Pulsating and growing bigger, I felt exactly like that. (I’m energy sensitive)… I swear, I was smiling for two days by myself when I realized what I just have discovered. I joined the patreon and got some audios from Gumroad and order a few fields soon after!
Well, it’s a blessing but think, when it will become a norm. At least, I want to be ahead of the time. When there will be a legion of most muscular guys, or smartest or wealthiest guys and getting them are as easy as just listening to some soundwaves, the superiority will become the mediocre. Till then, we gotta keep grinding!
Thanks again for everything, Dream.
And I’m really happy to be a part of this awesome forum!
Ι didn’t have the results i wanted with best path…i truly respect the team but in 3 4 months i didnt have luck…some jobs that had me for interviews was bad.i didnt see something. Maybe it was my fault cause that time my life was a mess. I was drinking to much eating crap and that things
A substance meant for Shamans to make contact with other realms is being used by your average joe, I wonder what could go wrong.
Alcohol is no joke bro, you become a free prostitute for parasitic entities if you arent shielded properly.
No joke indeed man, but the most widely available medicine/poison available