Best Water Healing Field


What is the best one in your experience?

Healing water is so important and underrated.

Thank you! :heart:


BIG Fan :)


Isn’t the Ganges extremely dirty and polluted??

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I will try it out then. Thank you Benny!


Infrared and Plasma drink charger
Water charger ver 2.0
Water Oxygenator

I use these and wow the water tastes so sweet and feel good.


Healing & Improving our Life through Water Fields/Chargers

It sums up all of them

Sorry meant for @Rene


Why I see this only now :heart_eyes:

What a gem of a thread, it seems my water intake to be a little bit on the lower end, gonna increase it!


What a gem, didn’t even know a thread like this exist

May I ask, the “energy attunement” audio that can be used to charge water is “crystallization attunement” audio from the course?

I use plasma charger on all my water and coffee everyday.


Yes, thats the one.

Tho is stronger that infrared plasma drink charger, i use it less. (But its only cause you gotta stay there pointing the energy to it at least 8 minutes :sweat_smile: i know eventually you can just channel it with your mind but “eventually” meaning after a while trying it the regular way)

My daily to go are

Infrared PD to cook
Kinetic Storage (the NFT from Crypto) is what i use to charge all drinks and water i take daily.

And some nights a week before bed i charge water with the Holy Water one

And some times i ask Dieties to do it for a special punch here and there

Im finishing up as we speak the post about circulation :smiley: and then the water one would be a good match!


So you cannot just put a speaker and play crystallization next to water? I have to stay next to water while listening to crystallization to redirect the energy? Don’t think it will work in my case as I live with my family.

Yeah because you have to use your hands to channel the energy through you to pass it on to the water

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Thank you very much. I personally tend to this creation:

Amritsarovar Water Charger

Do you have experience with the Undine healing water?


I really like holy Khærnips The Holy Cleansing Water
followed by Chalice Well Water Charger

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The Ganges water near it’s Origin in the Gangotri Glacier is known for its UtMost Purity and Healing Qualities.

The water gets polluted when it flows near the big cities due to inflow of Untreated Sewage water from these Cities…


I dont have ut yet!!

I can imagine it must feel/taste amazing since its her maximum expression ;)

Amritsarsarovar!!! Aayo heck yeah :weary::100::triumph::raised_hand:t2:

I dont use it rn bc I feel guilty I’m not doing ishnaan at amritvela with it, but when I get there I will totally vouch for it lol

My father just came back from there, he’s become much more aware of the present