Beta version of Soul Alchemy is back live

Ahoy hoy everyone,

So… there was a long list of issues and bugs in the logs from the registration, matchmaking etc… all of them should be fixed now. Except for the subscription, once purchases get made through Paypal the server notifications get “queued” not “sent”. I contacted them about it since it’s on their ends.

I started working on optimizing the app, it should run faster. I’ll continue after Christmas.

Everyone should be sent back to registration to fix their infos. You’ll get a chance to fix your profile, if you see “<p.>” or “&nbsp” in your bios, you can delete it… and that should be it.

Oh… 18yo minimum age now.

Looking forward to some further optimization and possibly some new features before the end of the year.

Merry Christmas everyone !! :champagne: :christmas_tree:


Congrats! and good luck!

I’ll share an old idea of mine since the app is called “soul alchemy”.

What if people swiped “interests”? Like food, music, etc… and then get matched?

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