Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

Consistency is key with brain stacks :100:


Can you please list down all the fields…I couldn’t understand which fields and how many times :pray:


Hi @Alka

Just to be sure I’ll link this here, if you still don’t understand let me know and I’ll rephrase, develop some of the points:

Also if you don’t have plasma brain, you can use brain regeneration and autism treatment.

This is a stack like any other, it can make you tired, it might take you some time to adapt, you should still respect your body and use other fields like Jing if you feel tired.

If you PM me, we can analyze your situation in terms of what field you own and how much time you have


Forgot to tell u how the brain fields have went.

Its been amazing brain is more clear
however i need to learn to foucs for longer.

Is it just me or does the gamma wave audio make u sleepy?



I threw in everything I had, congrats bro :muscle:


Dont expect the spelling mistakes to go



It can be intense if you’re not used to it. Remember it pushes your brain to these brainwaves that are unusual for most folks to sustain


Yeah i stop it completly I might just put it in once in a while after my brain stack

The brain stack that was in this post helped me so much
the only thing i dont use is the Nitric oxide but apart from that its been good.

I need to learn to hold clear thoughts and clear my mind for long hours and i should be good


I already told you what to do about it a week ago :man_shrugging:

So, you’ve been using gamma brainwave but not nitric oxide….

Mindfulness audio and meditation when you can


U said it was okay after your stack if am not mistaken?

I used it 2 it got me sleepy so i stopped


Yeah, but there was a context :sweat_smile:

Before that I explained why there are different intelligence stack, then I explained that “I am not using it, because…”

I felt it was straight forward and utilitarian enough, my bad


Just read of the adivce u gave again and i see were i miss interpeted it differently U said that you dont use it beacuse it doesnt go hand in hand with other fields and that ur just better off “Grow your brain, it’s a little slower but the results will be permanent and your brainwave will adapt”

and then i said “Understood so i should only put it in study stack.” :man_facepalming:

Got it then ill stick to the brain stack they really are game changing


Is this a good stack focused on visualization only?

Superhuman genius x2
Synethesia x4
Enhanced visual processing x3 ( im looping this one a little more tbh :stuck_out_tongue: )

@Dr_Manhattan Would you change/add anything?


You mean, to make it the optimal visual processing stack ?
I might have heard of such a brain stack or it’s more like a dream I can half-way remember… :thinking:

Seriously, I shared my vision of a good brain stack, you come with something else and ask me if I would change anything…

I suppose you have some limitations precluding you from abiding to my “method”, am I supposed to guess more ?

You don’t have the fields ? you don’t have the time ? You feel tired ?
What’s your gimmick man ?


I only want to visualize better nothing else. Not aiming for a higher IQ or general intelligence.
If that were to be my goal I would for sure use your brain stack.
Im asking you if its a good stack for visualization or if you would add/change something.

No need to get triggered lol

Edit: I also have limited time so I cant commit 3 hrs a
day for a whole brain stack

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I didn’t get triggered.
I just like when people give me the infos I need like

Instead of waiting for me to reply to add more specifications.

Your stack is fine, if you have some more superhuman genius, add acetylcholine at least and blast enhanced visual processing as much as you want.


Thank you


That’s what I like to hear :champagne:

I always loved that field, sure, add it. I used to mention it in the part 3, it’s still a wiring field :+1:

Where you want… I mean, is one affecting the other ?
I never used the outlook retrained and only used semax once. I didn’t research much beyond 1-2 articles and I didn’t experience it. But I don’t see why it would matter.

How is it a problem ?
I don’t know, I’ve used all of them in all the way imaginable, I don’t see why putting the brain in one mode than another would cause “damage”. It’s just changing the neural oscillation of the brain, these are natural states and your brain switch back and forth all the time in very short periods of time throughout the day, not just when you’re awake or asleep.

You should definitely avoid driving if it makes you sleepy :sweat_smile:

Glad you like the stack though. I improved it as much as when I introduced the pump, might upload it some time


Yes, man. The stack is awesome. I’m getting the results of weeks in just a few days. And the continuous upgrade of results is not unnoticeable.

I’m just thinking whether it will be too much to add all the 3 fields from Cerebrum album.

Outlook Retrainer is the mini and beta version of New Perspective. It really helped me when a kind soul suggested me to use it after PTSD while I was dealing with some issues in my life.

And semax is like free nootropics for the brain. Especially, really great when we going to rep max and pushing the limits.

Thanks for clearing it up about the brainwaves. But the sleepines I felt, I thought is because I’m also listening to Epsilon.

Thanks, @Dr_Manhattan. Always have been appreciative of your help and suggestions!


Try and see, I guarantee that your brain can tolerate much more than when you started. You’ve already pushed the machine and developed your muscle, you’re not a beginer anymore