Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack)

Hi! I think best go with the recommendation of Mr Weiss, willpower, superhuman genius and gamma brainwave while studying.

At the moment the tag is the main thing for me, so I’m not the best person to ask.

Before I had the tag my brain stack focused on superhuman genius, BDNF, tdcs and NGF, enhanced hemisphere connectivity
Now the stack itself is more about synesthesia, creativity and conceptual realizations which is not the ideal “brain growth stack”


I studied a lot + my job’s daily paperwork + videos, documentaries etc…

Since I was a kid, I’ve been “stimulating” my brain with little games: calculus, geometry, visualization, fact recollection etc…


Hey buddy,
How’s it going with the tag for you? What differences are noticing with if?

Oh nice. So you’re not a normie then. Great.
Just 2 more questions
Is using brain regeneration overnight for a few days safe?
Also, if one uses it, does it revert back the growth that happened with all the learning and brain exercise in any way? Maybe because the brain is regenerating hence those developments might be reverted to make the brain healthy.

Thanks again!

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It’s very new, so I don’t know yet :slight_smile:


Oh okay. Thank you and wish you the best! Just keep in mind not to keep it with you 24/7, rest is important.

All the best!


I always recommend to sleep with it.

No, it “just” heal the damaged area. It doesn’t change the organization, the same way a plumber wouldn’t come to your house and move your piano around or install the internet.


Great! Now I can confidently use it now. Thanks a lot!

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Lol at the plumber part :joy:


I am using @Dr_Manhattan stack starting today and won’t stop suddenly after a few weeks lol

I created my playlist with every audio in the list playing 2x each [except only 1 time each for the mstate ones].

I don’t have Blueprint [will be getting that at somepoint], Brain Massage, or Conceptual Realizations, so I added Brain Hemisphere and also the Psychic Functioning audios in its place


You didn’t say if you had brain growth work… if you do, it replaces brain hemispheric connectivity, just saying :+1:


my bad, I don’t have that either. I was thinking when you wrote brain growth, it was NGF

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I forgot to ask. Do you listen to your playlist in one shot? @Dr_Manhattan

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Yes, I think it’s better that way to get maximum benefits


Thank you monkey!

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I wonder if you turn into Lucy of 4 years of using it lol

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I don’t think so, but I think that you can get quite high in terms of fluid intelligence and cognitive abilities, for example. @Dr_Manhattan seemed to have drastically improved his working memory capacity, and general fluid reasoning ability and long term memory, I am sure much more as well. I think that on 4 years you will probably be very very high in this ability (intelligence), like Isaac Newton or Nikola tesla, if you also put in the effort to train your brain; however, Lucy’s ability exists only in the realm of fiction.


Interesting. Do you think it will improve even if you don’t learn anything?

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Yes, I assume that it will, but effects will be greater if u do intellectualy stimulating tasks as well

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Than the question is why do you want it to improve.
Learning in this context is not necessarily textbook learning but could be e.g. reading,
If you want to be generally smarter / quicker you can play games related to that
I think even learning a new skill, either one that requires another way of thinking (e.g. chess) or coordination (don’t laugh at me but even golf, darts, DIY/art stuff) counts.

And yeah to a degree I guess it would improve without practice too but it’s like anything else… if someone takes a ton of steroids and doesn’t work out, they will still not put on much muscle - someone who works out without steroids will achieve more 🤷