I’m quite sure this has been asked already, but I was having trouble locating the thread that discussed this topic on the forum.
I’m aware that listening to 2 morphic fields simultaneously will clash and cause the fields to be ineffective to the listener. However, I was wondering if this also applies to listening to a Binaural beat and a morphic field simultaneously on 2 different tabs through headphones. Will this also cause a clash?
For the past week I did a small experiment on my own. The shiny and revitalized morphic field always makes my hair feel silky and conditioned within 1 to 2 listens and I tested it repeatedly over the past while simultaneously listening to a binaural on another tab through headphones and it still gave me that immediate conditioning effect that lasts throughout the day. So I figure that field worked, but maybe because that track is not using a frequency like the energy programmed fields that use a frequency?
Just trying to find some clarification on this. Thanks in advance.
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So, whether it’s another field or a binaural beat or a subliminal “on 2 different tabs” on the same device through the same headphones, that’s not a great idea because the device playing the 2 tabs and the single set of headphones can’t really process the audios of whatever you’re playing separately. Your device and your headphones are going to jumble everything up in a way that’s not helpful to you–what you might be calling a “clash.”
Thanks for the response. By clash, I meant to say would it cancel out the effects from both tracks when listening this way. Somehow I am still able to get the revitalized hair effect from one of sapiens tracks when listening in this manner, but the thought of potentially cancelling out the effects of other fields after investing so much time listening, makes me concerned.
Yes, because most devices aren’t able to process or deliver separate outputs from two tabs and I don’t know of any headphones which are able to separate out that jumbled-together output into 2 separate streams. So, by your definition, they would “clash.”
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So even if I were to listen to music on one tab while playing a morphic field on another, that would also potentially cancel out the effects from the morphic fields?
Unless there’s something special with how you’re “listening” or your device or your speakers/headphones, yes, it could potentially interfere with your morphic fields.
Check out the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) for a detailed discussion of this.
It wouldn’t even work if you listened to subliminals and binaurals with each other, as the brain has a hard time interpreting different signals at the same time.
But I have a question for you; binaural (or subliminal) work if listened to in the same stack or do they need to be heard at different times of the day?
You can listen in the same stack, but I would put the binaural before the subliminal because your brain will be in a more suggestible state to receive the subliminal
Sorry I meant, can you hear subliminal / binaural stacks in the same stack along with morphic fields?
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I think as long as you are playing them one after another, and not at the same time (that’s how I interpret stack) you should be good.
But if you are listening to all morphic fields, as long as you are playing two different ones on different devices altogether (one on phone one on an older phone, for instance) you’re fine.
The only morphic field I believe you can play at the same time as a subliminal is one of the brainwave fields. I would listen to theta, for instance, at the same time as a subliminal.
But again, different devices.
Do you know if QI’s {GAME CHANGER!} ★Super Session Capacity Extender would help solve this problem? I am desperately looking for a way to listen to all of my fields and binaurals within the little time I have each day. Has Sapien made anything similar to this field, by any chance?
Yes, one after another; so if i listen one after the other, it doesn’t matter if it’s morphic or subliminal field?
I believe the game changer will extend your capacity so you don’t hit physical overload but if you’re looking to save time-
Play different morphic fields together simultaneously on different devices but not subliminals and binaurals
Play binaurals and subliminals together on different devices but not morphic fields.
Perhaps separate into a morning session and an evening session. Morphic fields in the morning binaurals and subs at night, or vice versa