Biochemical Album ❤️

Be careful and use it only once at the beginning…

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Yeah exactly what I was thinking, and if it does then I think this should be a field reserved for people who are either really careful with it or are deeply serious with training for whatever sport they’re playing and don’t mind side effects… not for the average guy just trying to look better for example

But then again we don’t even know if it’s identical to the real sarm in terms of side effects or not

I wouldn’t recommend it for you bro since I read some where you where 16, I’m not sure how SARMS affects people under the age of 18

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15 actually. I’ll just yes test then. Thanks for advice!

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Oops my bad, will remember now! Sounds good bro, np!

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Sometimes I wonder if we people under the age of 13 in this forum. Would be strange lmao

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Yeah haha they would read a lot of rather interesting topics for sure lol

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Imagine them reading the male enhancement thread :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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just out of curiosity cause I’ve never really asked but lets say with this and any other album, do you play the track 2-3x per track or full album and just play the same album again or should it be every track twice before the next one and such?

I would recommend playing the same track 2-3 times as listening back to back amplifies the results. You can read more about it in the FAQ page.


This one might be different because of the half life of sarms, (how long the compound stays in your system) online it says lgd 3303 stays in your system for 6-12 hours so maybe that’s why dream recommended 3 times a day so you can use it every 8 hours once you wake up to have it in your system the a hole 24 hours


In that case one should listen upon waking up, in the middle of the day, and right before sleep. That would best for this audio based on the information you provided.


Yeah bro what imma do is this…

A listen upon waking up 8 am

Middle of the day 4 pm

And a listen right before bed 12 am

Since the half life can be just 6 hours, 3 listens might not be enough but dream said no more than 3 times, so I believe the half life of this energy would be a Bare minumum of 8 (hopefully lol)

Still not sure if this is how it works though, that’s just how the actual sarms work, we don’t know if it’s created to be completely identical


It will be “Unconditional Androstenol” for which we ask for “Masculine Energy” audio LOL


I have never really used the androstenol video,because I never knew what to expect with it.Some said if you listen to much then it will turn to androstenone and then males may feel attacked by you.

So what can I look forward to with this version, I mean everything with Unconditional love is a deal for me, but how does it work together in this field?

And also great thanks to sapien for creating the album in the first place.

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With all the fields Dream has released I am still amazed how people can use androstenol to be alpha/get women.

Its one thing to use it before summoning an archdemon to toughen you up,

But seriously…The only reason he even made it is because people kept begging him for it.

As I said before, Nofap + high test + Shen and you will have so much women attention that you’ll beg Dream to make a field to stop it.

Shen is the same as Ojas Shakti btw, do some research about what it does and what the ancient ones say about it, how precious it is and why I recommend it so much.


Would y’all recommend LGD 3303 or Extreme Muscle Growth? I only wanna use 1 or the other

Extreme muscle growth is probably safer bro


Thx. I’ll keep using EMG until more ppl report about LGD

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I found a video speaking a bit about Ojas Shakti here:

Ojas Shakti - The Source of Personal Magnetism

So, since I am already on no fap, I need to add test and Shen into my listening schedule, thank your for your recommendation.