Birthday Goals

Hi everyone,
I’m 6 weeks away from my 47th birthday and the past couple of years have not been the best. Emotionally physically spiritually I was a mess and sabotaging myself by not eating healthy, erratic with workouts and had basically given up on believing that anything good can happen to me. I have been listening to the audios since September and a patreon member. I need some help to design a stack for my birthday goals:

  1. Lose body fat on belly, hips and thighs
    I have degenerative discs so cannot train with heavy weights or plyometrics and HIIT stuff. Because of my lower back injury my glutes and legs have become relatively weak, I only Bodyweight squats and lunges. I listen to leg day, glutes, upper body and core strengthening once while training.
  2. Fix my lower back issues
    Have been listening to the spinal tapper during my stretching since I am extremely stiff.
  3. Fix pre-diabetes
    Have been listening to glycolysis 2-3 times post meals.
  4. Improve overall nutritional deficiencies and maximise protein absorption.
    I usually play food charger and nutrient absorption while cooking food.
  5. Spiritual development
    I have been listening to White waves and fa jin gong healing for mental and emotional stability and generally to improve and uplift my mood.

I’ve gone through some stack posts but I cannot keep listening to audio tracks all day given each track is at least 3-5mins long.
I’m looking for a stack that’s doable given that I work full-time and have a kid.

Any suggestions please…


Yes for the pre diabetes I would add in mots C, AMPK, super metabolism boost

Super metabolism boost has your body produce chlorogenic acid which combats blood sugar issues

So does the activation of AMPK which both the mots c field and AMPK do

Definitely add these

(There’s also the diabetes field and pancreas as well)


If this were me (because this is a personal decision), in terms of priority, I would invert this list, largely because resolving some of the "lower’ items in your list will also help with the “higher” items on the list at the same time.

I would also more clearly define for myself some of my terms. The simplest way to do that is ask yourself, “How will I know when I’ve accomplished this goal? How will I know of this is ‘working’?”

Then I would do a self-assessment to determine what’s going on that’s causing my current situation and I would start to address and heal that first (with fields and with new behaviors). This is the biggest thing I see missing in your OP and, IME, it’s the most common hurdle for people who say they aren’t getting their results.

Since you mentioned you have limited listening time, I would also tackle my goals one at a time. That is, I would resolve your Goal #5 (which would be my Goal #1) until I have a my stable result. Then I would move on to my Goal #2, and so on. Maybe, if my stacks were short enough, I might work on (say) Goals #2 and #3 at the same time. That would depend on my stacks, how much listening I wanted to do and how badly I wanted to fulfill my desire.


@WellBeing You hit the nail on the head. Goal 5 has been something I have avoided all my life. Especially since the past 5 years when everything went nose dive downhill. Having gone through catastrophic events in my life, I believed that I was worthless, nothing good can ever happen for me, gave up on myself and on life. Past few months I have been working on my mental and emotional health and being my own cheerleader for my minuscule wins. Most days the wins were not to end up crying and feeling hopeless. In my darkest hours I have found peace and hope in Sapien and I believe my life can turn around.

Sometimes we just need a few small wins to gather momentum to believe in life all over again.


@Jen Do you recommend I listen to glycolysis, ampk and mots c post meals? I can manage each track once.

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Listen to *Nutrient Absorption
AFTER u have eaten a meal, not while u are cooking/preparing it.


Prediabetes > diabetes treatment.

Think of diabetes as a spectrum, you don’t need to have a diagnostically relevant position on it to benefits from the diabetes field.

It will improve your sensitivity to insulin which even most healthy people can benefit from.

Instead of a clinical condition you can go to the upper end of the spectrum and be extra healthy.

I know I do, I’m not even diabetic, it’s just awesome.


You’re not alone in that, but you did put it on your list. So, mark that as one of your wins! It’s a remarkable act of self-love to decide for yourself to do this for yourself. So, that’s a total win in my book…and, hopefully, yours as well.

You may have noticed that I cut my quote of you short there. And can you feel a difference between my phrase and yours? Not the words; this isn’t about word games. But a difference between the thoughts? Can you feel that?

For most people, that “…all my life” adds so much weight and pressure to the situation and makes the process before you seem So. Much. Bigger, doesn’t it?

When you use your navigation system on your car to go somewhere, the nav system knows where you are and then calculates your route from where you are now. It never, ever asks you how long you’ve been where you are or what you’ve been doing here all that time. None of any of that has any bearing on your desired route forward, right?

Do, as you go forward explaining this topic, I would encourage you to cut your explanation where I did. Not simply with your words but with your thoughts as well.

(And each time you do that, you log a win for yourself. And each time you remember that you want to do that–whether you did or not–I would log a win as well.)

The good news is you’re in the right place! We’ve got tools for this, such as the PONR (Point of No Return) field or stacks. It’s made exactly for this.

We have Trauma Release fields as well as other healing fields for you.

You’re getting your birthday gifts early, it appears.

We even have My personal emotional and mental supporter to–well–support you along your way.

Great! Good for you. And fields can help you with this, as I mentioned above.

(Did you notice another of my edit jobs there? :wink: Wins are wins. Their size, or any other quality, doesn’t matter…does it? :slightly_smiling_face: )

(That doesn’t sound “miniscule” to me. Just sayin’.)

I totally agree with you.

Back to your original question, I would really start here. You’ll be surprised how much else in your world will change when you heal this foundational piece for you. You can start reading the various threads on here about the various PONR stacks (some of which are free and available to you right now) and the field.

You’ve got this.