Black Hole (Singularity) - Equilibrium

This field let’s you experience the singularity of a blackhole and spreads the effects in your environment without affecting others around you.
Black hole is a thing of curiosity to many people. There’s always the thought that what’s inside a black hole and what will happen if someone reaches its core point. Well, the very middle point of a black hole is known as singularity. This field let’s you “experience” that singularity by yourself without any side effects. Normally if someone had to reach a black holes singularity he’d get crushed by the process called Spaghettification. It’s a process that black holes uses to crush everything down. So it’s literally impossible for a person to get in or even if someone managed to get it it would be impossible to stay alive at that point. So what this field does is it simply gives you the energetic experience of singularity as if you’re inside of it and spreads the effects in your environment within 10 meter. You can consciously focus on this field or also meditate with it for best experience. It may or may not be a nice experience for some depending on how you personally react to it. When activated it might alter your sense of time a bit and your senses might feel slightly different depending your energy sensitivity level. Although the effects spreads in your environment it only affects you ofc and has protection against affecting others.

You may or may not feel anything once activated but after 5-10 min usage when the field is stopped and everything starts going back to normal the changes are noticable for some.

In order to use it you need to activate the field. Say “Activate” and then it will start working. And say “Stop” to stop it’s effects.

(You’ll get the fielded image after purchase/download)


I have used this field and meditated with it for the last 15 minutes
It brought me to pretty deep meditation almost instantly :thinking:
Effect reminds me of Ego Dissolution and The Singularity from Energetic Alchemy, very pure and soft energy
I love it so far!
Will try to use it more and see what happens