Black Tara NFT : Testimonials

My external surroundings also changed with Tara devi… I started keeping my surroundings hygeine, cleaning racks and shelves randomly. Food habits got changed , eating healthy these days …old habits of ordering outside food that I wanted to stop is happening now with ease.
Also got to know black tara and Maa Kali have many things in common or maybe one deity called in different names in different regions/cultures :thinking: But overall feeling blissed to receive their blessings and ascending forward


This could be useful regarding the similarities between Tara and Kali:

Also tells a little bit more about her.


Black Tara devi is one of my favourites fields for sure and I never gave so many testimonials in one thread…lol. Every day I am realising something.

After having this nft, I feel like my daily sadhana is happening automatically. It’s as though divine mother is with you all the time protecting you , nurturing the spirituality inside me. I can feel the communication happening as though she is with me , even now. Negativity is an alien word after having this mandala…no sort of negativity exists.
I could even feel a difference in my eyes and the way I see things…some kind of fierce stare these days and calm as well, fearless.
This truly is an amazing gift and blessing from Captain, to be in the presence of Tara devi.
All this happening effortlessly and automatically. Imagine to receive the such blessings if not through this mandala, what one has to do or follow the rituals to receive her blessings. Truly a life changer ! :pray:
Thanks Captain :blush:


One black tara a day and negativity goes away :)

The negative energy from people doesn’t even make an impact to my energy system.

And any internal negativity that may come from facing shitty circumstances gets released pretty quickly (~mins)


I was going through massive trouble at work, being bullied by superiors, having issues with doing things, etc - working from 3.30am to 12am daily - it seems like after receiving the NFT in my venly wallet suddenly things started having a turnaround. I’m not fully convinced whether it is indeed from the NFT or not, will wait for a week or so to give further testimonials.

Hoping this manifests:

The Black Tara protects us from negativity, internal and external, and helps us release the effects of negative energies we’ve encountered or generated.
Tara is known for her swift action.

One short example of what happened (which was a bit unbelievable) was that one of these superiors whom I had bad blood with suddenly apologised to me and gave me a compliment this morning which shocked me. I was so surprised I couldn’t believe my ears.


I woke up today to some lucky, incredible news! @Lucky told me the NFT has been minted and he sent it over :) thank you again man :heart: you blessed me!

It’s only been a few hours but man am i so happy with life!

This isn’t my official review, i just wanted to note how these past hours have been.

When i first got her, i felt so much warmth and activity happening in my stomach! Lots and lots of transmutation i believe… It went on for like half an hour. I feel sooo good! I’ve been feeling great every day since major blueprint and especially now with exalted state and doing the star exercise regularly but this feeling is a whole new level of clean great! I really can’t describe it, i feel great with out any little bit of bad tainting the whole picture

I’ve also seen how I’m more in the moment and don’t think twice about what it is I’m saying or typing too

I had asked her to help me become pure, i can’t wait to see how life with her and everything else develops :)

Over all I’ve been just so happy, grateful, and grounded

I’m still looking for another black Tara though, id love if both me and my best friend @Solrac can both have the blessings of no negativity… if any one has an extra one their willing to sell for relatively cheap please pm me…


I haven’t experienced negative thoughts that would keep on coming up in the past. It is just like they have vanished and I am free from them.


Omg wow the descrptions and and things you guys are saying is so surreal wow !

And @Ugninis that good to cut your stack by that much !
That’s crazy coming from you
(Btw could you pm me your cleaning stack if that would be ok ?)

The diety level servitors, mandalas are somthing else I’m realising it literally, it’s because it’s limitless !
That’s what I’m realising with the farvahar servitor as well, it’s limitless :eyes::eyes::eyes:


The field integration was pretty wild and probably the most hardcore I’ve experienced so far. I didn’t risk using any other field on the day, just this one.

All negativity attached to behavioral patterns simply gone in less than a week. I’m noticing some automatic reactions keep coming in the same situations that brought frustrations in the past, but everything now is without any negativity. I feel like acting now.

It’s crazy when I think about it because I wasn’t able to 100% get rid of some the negative frustrations, even with the very powerful tools we have available. This field simply bruteforced everything out in like 2 days.

Usual thanks to the Sapien Medicine team for this divine gift.


She is very swift indeed :slightly_smiling_face:


I am feeling very protected with this mandala. I have noticed a slight hold on my arms at different places that would disappear when I would have the mandala close to me. This is hard to describe, but I wonder what that was.


Beside all the mentioned effects Black Tara also supports every “enlightend activity” which basically means every spiritual practice will be enhanced. I felt often certain shifts out of nowhere during practice.
(with the vibes of this portal)


Yes! I’ve been asking her with help during the star exercise ( as well as Viracocha) and it’s been crazy enhanced!

I ask black Tara to remove/transmute any negativity from the depths of my soul while doing the star exercise and i ask Viracocha to help me learn to do the exercise more effectively and to develop my energy system while helping my assimilate universal life energy and all of the things Tara Devi is doing, i always feel like a brand new person at the end of it all!


No way any kind of negativity comes around or inside you when u are in tara abode. :100: Even I couldn’t voluntarily think negatively,so blessed to have this kind of protection. Detachment & brahmacharya naturally happens.

Advertently yesterday tested not using the nft, and literally I could feel the difference in thinking and as if the protective sheath is removed.
Realizing this, as the child runs to his mother I ran to Tara devi mandala :joy:


The first thing I felt was intense peace, like something that was very knotted became untangled or something that was repleted with tensions became stable.

Then, I introduced my self and the usual. While asking for the to improve our connection, there was the now common stimulus in the third eye, but, when I told her that she could do to me what she saw fitting, that pressure and burning expanded to all my brain. The thing is, although its very straightforward, it still has a noticeable gentleness to it.

It also feels like the fieriness she had mixed together with the jaguar aspect of Wiracocha, so it was really strong.

I didn’t have problems with negativity as well, within my self and in the places were I was. I still felt all my emotions, including low vibes ones, but there wasn’t that weight with them.

I didn’t experience a huge detox like some people said in the NFT thread, but I’m not that perceptive either. Things were a lot better right from the start, but I still was able to keep my routine with no problems. Tara probably held back for my sake, tbh.

Black Tara was always direct and was always looking out for me, she’s very gentle and loving. I think that the way she deals with negativity is similar to what the Crucible of Stored Trauma does: a little bit of love and acceptance first, and then burning the patterns.


I’m new here. The picture posted in this post is the original one shared for free?

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The energetic effects/benefits accrue to the owner of this product
These are rare products that are produced in limited quantities
You may use this picture for aesthetic purposes only :slight_smile:


Ok. I thought you were talking about the picture in this post. Are there any free mandalas released by sapiens? Where can I find them?


Mandalas [Mobile Wallpapers] - Items - Sapien Medicine (



@Maoshan_Wanderer , Any authentic source for listening to black tara mantras that u know. also helpful if u can share correct mantra. I tried most of the yt ones but couldn’t connect to any… appreciate if u can share something :) thanks