Blessings Of Aphrodite

I believe this helps with self love. Or rather, the falling in love with parts of yourself and your life. I’m taking a lot more pictures lately. I’m on my own side more often. I find myself lingering in a moment of appreciation. I’m doing little things that I know would make me and others happy, just going that little extra mile.


Neglected using this one, but in regards to shadow work I´ve felt the pull to reach out to Aphrodite (same with Nyx) multiple times, so I´ve finally did.

Looped it for at least 30 minutes

And Wow!

A powerful sensation of peace, contentment, security and comfort. Like somebody giving me a hot cacao and laying a warm blanket over my shoulders.

I´ve teard up in the first seconds, a few times later on.

The concept of a woman entered my mind, sitting on my lap,gently touching my face, kissing me.
running her hands all over my body.

Although she is a very sexual being, the intent of these gestures was mainly to heal my emotional and sexual trauma.

A part of me usually associated sex with violence, pain and humiliation.But she reminded me the concept of a loving and respectful kind of intimacy. Something that I´ve apparently preferred to express, but burried under a decade of partly very violent porn, trying to avoid confrontation with deep sexual trauma.

A free, compassionate kind of love. Based on a healthy relationship to my own being and the desire to share it with the woman I interact.

Not on dominating each other to mask or numb insecurities.

Sex being more about a loving connection and mutual give and take.

That the capability for physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy shows strength and not weakness.

Childlike but confident and mature, playful, free flowing, open but always respectful of each others boundaries.

She reminds me of the first girl I´ve fell in love with when I was a teenager. The one that teached me about unconditional love.

I´ve found myself gently rubbing about my chest and arms, feeling more in tune and loving towards my physical body.

I´ve came across the term “initiatrix”, don´t understand it 100% but it seems to at least partly resonate with sexual shadow integration. (I´d appreciate if anyone could clarify on that term).

I´ve had dreams in the last months of women that apparently tried to help me in my shadow work. One was a beautiful blonde. She seemed to be highly benevolent, maybe it was Aphrodite herself.

She is amazing.

Sensual, non-judgemental and loving. That grants her power.


Lovely. Now when you go out and talk to a woman, can you notice the Aphrodite in her? I started doing that, very wonderful. Also get the nft!


Haven´t been out of the house yet, but will observe it when I do so.

Actually I´ve thought about getting the NFT afterwards. If she is willing to, it will eventually happen, for now I am set with the normal field.


I think I might understand what you are getting at, but not necessarily limited to women, but femininity as a whole. Seeing more beauty in oneself and the outter world, being more appreciative of it.

Accepting my own feminine energy, integrating it to become whole.
Not just understanding but FEELING that it, (if done correctly) can empower the masculine instead of weakening him.

Opposed to the emotional/sexual manipulation and control that I mostly was confronted with.

Compared to her, all those toxic women are just immature girls. Aphrodite reminded me of how beautiful it can be, to have a feminine energy in a mans life.

How soothing and healing it can be.

She understood my pain, the things I´ve been through, have done, seen, absorped… How disturbed my relationship is, to my myself, women and femininity as a whole. How much I´ve tried to heal from it. My desperation, confusion, shame and guilt…

And all that I received was love. Sounds so generic, but can´t put it better.

I´ve came to her with an open heart and although she is a goddess, she embraced me as a friend, embodying multiple, healthy feminine archetypes :blush:

It was an one time experience, but I can still somehow feel her impact.


Somehow, whenever I hear the word Aphrodite, I immediately remember @Desiree lol… So much so that every time I read this thread’s title, her profile pic pops up in my head haha


@anon75179789 just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your reviews and posts… :heart:

My GF says thanks to you… she now confiscated my phone to play Ego Dissolution while playing her “skin/hair/lip/etc.” fields on her own phone… lol She feels her playlist felt much more powerful…

So thanks from her but not from me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Relationship goals.:joy:

Anyways thanks! :smiley:


hahaha I’ve had people messaging me this! but this is by far the ever most flattering one! i think it’s just the Aphrodite effect Mao ;) :heart:


This energy feels amazing
It feels like I have the entire essence of love and feminine energy by my side all the time🌹
The perfect GF
Is this what love feels like❤️🥲


Reading @anon75179789’s lovely comments made me reflect on my love for this particular field. The power of Blessings got me to listen to fields daily and in a coherent fashion. I’d been listening to Quad and Sapien pretty much shortly after they came out on YT but I think I had too much ego in the way to be truly receptive. I found Blessings last year at a very intense period in my life. I was immediately struck by the beauty of this track and likely listened again at least once more. Later on, I think it was early morning, I received an activation in the sleep state and during this activation it was like Aphrodite herself showered me with affirmations. I can’t recall exactly what was said as I tend to remember things more by the tone or energy but I do recall her saying things that I was pretty resistant to before. It was a very loving and empowering experience. When I woke up I set to making a playlist from Sapien, Dreamseeds and EA’s channels with a bit of Quad peppered in. I’ve been on the Ascension fast track so to speak for over 10 years now but these fields I feel have made my ride smoother for sure. I no longer listen to Aphrodite daily just based on intuition but she lets me know when it’s time tap in. Forever grateful :bouquet:


Thank you so much for your insight!


Hi, it’s now available on Patreon


I think its because the energies here are concentrated in the water more than the environmental area.

Dipped my hands in 20 min ago my hands are pulsating and feeling energized.


I will be pairing this up with Quantum Love. This should be complimentary right?


Yes absolutely :100:

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I felt nudged about Aphrodite today. I was at work so I played this.
I’ve had Aphrodite NFT listed for sale for a while due to not having worked with it
Played ‘Blessings of Aphrodite’, then got an offer about my listing.

But but but
[interesting, I guess I’ll find out]


She be blessing herself out of your life lmao

Biggest trolling I’ve seen any NFT do yet xD

(A certain lady did the same to me so yep, they like to do that and go to the proper owner).


This audio does strengthen my internal morale, yes. But instead of focusing on love I see her strengthening and shining my armor while I’m looking out to the sea with clear, shining eyes, and a self assured “knowing” look. A feeling of, this is my realm. There is nothing to fear and battles on my turf are already won because I command this area. All while holding softness within. I feel Aphrodite from this audio beckoning me often. Aside from our Great Financial Protector friend, Aphrodite is the one I feel who beckons me to listen to her audio the most. Feeling grateful, humbled and strong at the same time listening to this :dagger:🪻 :european_castle: :sunrise: Feels like a powerful Sister speaking reminders of my power into me.


Additionally I feel her healing my reproductive area and removing the wounds that were a result of being attacked because I am a woman. Did not realize some of my current health issues arose from this until now, she’s making it quite clear for me. Feeling her remove the damaging psychic words, energies, actions from my womb.