Blessings Of Aphrodite

Yesterday i played this while posing

I haven’t really been posing often since i haven’t been to the gym in 3.5 months (all that changes for good this week :) ) so im not as confident striking the poses because i just don’t look as good

But the more i posed and the more i listened, i began loving my flaws and my strengths more and more resulting in better and better posing, i got more creative in wanting to hit certain poses in ways i don’t normally do, and was confident in using all my weaknesses to my advantage and better highlighted my strengths

It seems Aphrodite was teaching me to love myself more, i posed with more eloquence as she gave me more confidence in my self

I ended up falling asleep to this looping, i really love this field so much! Will definitely be playing this every time i pose to become a better more passionate poser with time :)


I did, well, I was one. “Goddesses”, e.g. Aphrodite, Athena (queue :owl:).
I’m so happy this has been made :hugs:

I would just caution people to have pure intention when they ask for things (as always).


Honestly I feel the forums is much more open after this release!! :smiley:

Everyone has been more open, more loving, more seamless interactions, and just overall really calm and chill. :two_hearts:

So far :stuck_out_tongue:


Aphrodite is also the bearer of the Chalice or Vessel of Fire - where the fire is the energy of creation, fertility, and Superconsciousness through Sensory Bliss. By contemplating on the Vessel of creative Fire of Aphrodite, one can find relief from fertility issues, sexual problems, trauma resulting from previous sexual abuse, and resulting trauma, finding love, finding lost love, kindle an attractive aura, heal from heartache, etc.

This Fire is also the source of everything creative so its energy aids in the super fast manifestation of one’s goals.

Daughter of Zeus and Immortal,
Aphrodite, serene
Weaver of spells, at thy portal
Hear me and slay not, O Queen!

As in the past, hither to me
From thy far palace of gold,
Drawn by the doves that o’erflew me,
Come, as thou camest of old.

Swiftly thy flock bore thee hither,
Smiling, as turned I to thee,
Spoke thou across the blue weather,
Sappho, why callest thou me?

Sappho, what Beauty disdains thee,
Sappho, who wrongest thine heart,
Sappho, what evil now pains thee,
Whence sped the dart?

Flies from thee, soon she shall follow,
Turns from thee, soon she shall [love]
Seeking thee swift as the swallow,
Ingrate though now she may prove.

Come, once again to release me,
Join with my fire thy fire,
Freed from the torments that seize me,
Give me, O Queen! my desire!


Good stuff… :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: (pun intended)


Why am I flashing on this?

(Ahem. Back to your regularly-scheduled programming…)


So I played this on headphones and immediately I felt it tearing me up,which I couldnt afford at the moment cuz I had to leave my apartment. I listened to 3 loops while getting ready to get out. What was different?

1.As @Desiree pointed out, now that I am home I realize I have been way too playful and I dont mind it lmao. Usually I am the energetic crazy one making people laugh,but today I didnt feel in the mood at all especialy if I have to talk with people from uni I dont hang out with that much. Long story short I was way more fun than I expected and I had fun myself, while doing it. This hasnt been the case for a long time with people that arent in my close circle.

2.My friend was dumped by his gf week ago and he is rly affected, whenever I rly tried thinking what topic to introduce or how to guide the convo so that I can make us both laugh, it was rly hard. Yet, whenever I just forgot about trying hard and just doing it, well it is like I become stand up comedian. We managed to have quality conversation but also laugh like kids.

3.I have better grasp of how to treat those that I kind of have to intereact with(uni), and it comes naturally.
When maoshan wrote additional information I knew we are hinted to take this field seriously,and OM deciding to chime in is definite sign.

Finally, I feel this is also field for great emotional introspection and all around personal work. I have felt my inner fire getting weaker for a long long time, this could be the thing that will :fire: me up! (pun intended)


Yesss! Fire, Creation, and Action— It’s how we are able to create and channel this space of sensually playful and confident light coming out from us! Like taking power in your own perceived flaws, knowing exactly how to show them off, using all your sides to your reflection. Even not seeing them as flaws at all! The pairing of Fire and Sensuality is very… mysterious ;)



Anyone from Cypress here by the way?


If all goes well I may be there shortly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
There is a place called the bath of Aphrodite on the island. though I’ve been to one of these places in Greece, that was quite underwhelming… Just a tiny water pond in the forest, you couldn’t even go in. though maybe I was underwhelmed because I was a teenager :sweat_smile:


We visited the bath of Aphrodite too, I think in 2008… And then another guide said there was another one which is the original one while the guy who was guiding us disagreed haha. So we did see a tiny pond, not really sure if that was the original one.


Did you feel a special energy there?


Sadly, no. My expectations were very high. I was expecting something breathtaking like the experience I had say at the Stonehenge. But did not feel anything…

That said, I have not really worked with Aphrodite. Athena has always been my go-to Lady in the Greek pantheon.


Can I loop this overnight?

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there was no instruction in the description not to and there are some posters that have shared they looped this overnight.

have you tried it yourself?

my result:

when i feel longing for a romance from the past, i recognize the lack and play this and it really helps my attention come back to self love and being in the present moment.


I didn’t loop it overnight … But I played it on loop some 10 times maybe. After that I got ready as I had to go somewhere and when I looked in the mirror … I felt my skin was glowing … also the same day I looped fat to stem cells so not sure if it was this or that field but I can say my skin was clearer and brighter


I’ve been feeling a pull to loop this for the past few days and I must say that the way she works is something I wouldn’t have expected from a goddess of such associations. Nothing major to report yet, mostly I was having some insights and nudges to do stuff the outcomes of which triggered me a lot (you know, the good stuff lol). And I keep wanting to hang out with her more, must be the aphroditian charm :smiley:


i’m really happy for you!

she’s been teaching me a lot!

i love the music and the visuals i just had to mention it again!


I’m testing this for few days, wish me luck


when listening to this, practice the ideal version of you when you’re by yourself and test it out when you’re with others.

you may start to feel and believe you are becoming the version of you who you find beautiful, attractive, and sexy!