Blessings Of Aphrodite

This audio does strengthen my internal morale, yes. But instead of focusing on love I see her strengthening and shining my armor while I’m looking out to the sea with clear, shining eyes, and a self assured “knowing” look. A feeling of, this is my realm. There is nothing to fear and battles on my turf are already won because I command this area. All while holding softness within. I feel Aphrodite from this audio beckoning me often. Aside from our Great Financial Protector friend, Aphrodite is the one I feel who beckons me to listen to her audio the most. Feeling grateful, humbled and strong at the same time listening to this :dagger:🪻 :european_castle: :sunrise: Feels like a powerful Sister speaking reminders of my power into me.


Additionally I feel her healing my reproductive area and removing the wounds that were a result of being attacked because I am a woman. Did not realize some of my current health issues arose from this until now, she’s making it quite clear for me. Feeling her remove the damaging psychic words, energies, actions from my womb.