Blue Celestite


Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Uses and Meaning of Celestite - Crystal Metaphysical Encyclopedia (


What about it? This has been out for a long time

Its good and deserves attention… I want others to know about it …


Yes it is beautiful! The field AND the music in it!

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Yes, and it connect us with heavenly blessed realms of consciousness :cloud_with_rain::cloud::cloud::sunny::sun_behind_small_cloud:


You’ve inspired me to use this more often. Lately, the only crystals I use are amethyst and pietersite. Thank you :pray:


You are welcome :heart::heart:

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This is my favourite crystal audio. It give me the power to love even more. The energy this emits remind me of the time where I met my angels. They asked me to come up but I refused. I still remember exactly their soft voices.


Thanks for bumping this thread for me!


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I had never played this audio but i like what you posted since im going through an uncertain phase right now.

When it started playing and it sounds like angel’s chorus kinda thing i was pleasantly surprised :innocent:

Then i noticed:


Even the 28+1 = 11

Definitely a reminder that angels are always close to reach we just gotta tune in and ask for advice or signs since they fully respect free will. :pray:

It feels so good btw. Thank you

@zea really thank you, 3 loops and i feel soo good, my whole chest got super warm then when i placed my hand over like to be thankful for this gift, i felt my hand super hot then i realized when putting it over my chest that it was touching the Intercession tag which was embedded in a kinda large clear quartz and its SUPER HOT :relaxed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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