Blueprint of life stack progress

Hello Guys i just want to share my results and say this fields and all of sapien fields DEFITNELY work!
I was in the lowest point of my life and i decide to give a try to point of no return, blueprint of life, subconciuos limit disolver 3.0, ego dissolution, shamanic medicine and new perspectives that is a must.

My stack is something like this:
Subconcius limit disolver x 10
ego dissolution x 2
ponr x 3
blueprint of life x 3
shmanic medicine x 2
new perspectives x 3

In the past i always complain about life, judge others, have a bad mood all the day and then i start using the stack and it transform my internal world so my external world is a reflection. And everything is going good im atracting girls, i loose a lot of weight. i no longer feel overwhelmed with bad thoughts, also i remember that we are 1, that means that everyone in the world is me, im the universe like you. so there is no point to fight or discuss with anyone because your ego thinks you are winnning but your soul knows that you are loosing time. So now i love everyone and everything and also i release resistance and i start see things in life like oportunirites, when something is not working on the left stop trying and trying justo go right and let it go. For example a job that you dont like, a relationship that doesnt work anymore, i dont know. But you know what evereything is perfect

Thanks fam! big hug and love for everyone!
ps: you are not alone, dont loose faith and focusse in the things that you want


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