Blueprint of Love NFT -- (The Divine Lovers Community Project)

"You come to us from another world
From beyond the stars and a void of space
Transcendent, pure - of unimaginable beauty
Bringing with You the essence of Love
You transform all who are touched by You -
Mundane concerns, troubles and sorrows dissolve in Your presence
Bringing joy to ruler & ruled, to peasants and kings
You bewilder us with Your grace
All evil is transformed into goodness
You are the Master Alchemist!
You light the fire of Love in earth & sky
In heart & soul of every being
Through Your loving, existence & non-existence merge -
All opposites unite -
All that is profane becomes sacred again”

(Rumi, The Alchemy of Love)

In the beginning it was Source, and in Source emerged Life, and within Life, there was Love.

The merging of the Universe–in all what it is, in all the particles that bonded, that took new shapes and forms, that were repatterned to take on new forms, and that were living the experience of Life; in the active conduit, and the present beingness of Love.

Since the beginning of time, Gods and Goddesses came in pairs, a reflection of the Sacred bond, the Sacred union, the transcendental energies that build and destroy, and in their togetherness Recreation is anew.

Sacred Union is one of the lost mystery teachings that is central to many ancient spiritual traditions. In Christianity, it is called Hieros Gamos, Yab-Yum in Tibetan Buddhism, Sacred Marriage in the Kabbalah, Tantra in Hinduism and Sexual Alchemy in the Egyptian mythology.

Each lineage has their own stories and mythology, and their own sacred couple that lived and taught the keys of this great mystery. They include Isis and Osiris, Jesus and Mary Magdelene, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheeba, Simon Magus and Helen and the mythic Parvati and Shiva – each lineage giving us keys to the embodiment of Sacred Union.

“The spiritual path of Sacred Union acknowledges that we are all connected in a unified whole, and we are all unique”

That is to say, the Sacred Union within oneself is the true path to Unity within, and in Unity comes harmony, and in harmony, Love becomes.

And what is the dance of life without Spirit if the body isn’t swaying with the music?

As the longing for The One goes on and on, so does the longing for the Self, and in finding the self, you find the soul, and in the search for the Soul you encounter the Universe.

There is where it all melts down, into you; into all what you hold and into all what you are.

A destruction of all what does not belong, A foundation for all what is to come, and a true enjoyment of all what is to be. An enjoyment that comes with a sense of a loving will…

At the end… This is all what it takes to become.

The Vision:

Embody, Participate, and Dance.

Dance it all away, shake the old moves out, breathe the new moves in, feel the moves going through you; coming out of you– no performing, but becoming; Become the new dancer.

The new Lover.

The Love that you embody is one of the Source, it is not coming from one God, Goddess, or any archetype, it is the essence, It is The Blueprint of Love.

It is Love like it has been; presented as an awakening of remembrance and becoming.

An alchemy of Love where an influx of Light, knowledge, and wisdom is within us.

A mindset that embodies the acts of this knowledge, As the creator is able to transform what they know into solid action.

A balance of all what stands within.

A gift of the journey where the roads are open, a space of joy, harmony, and spiritual growth.

A freedom from within, an awareness of your body, mind, and soul.

An aim of growing within your human connection with the one.

As you embark on your journey, your spirit is renewed, it’s flourished…it’s no longer held back by any of your old beliefs, your old fears, hopes, or even dreams. It has shed its old skin of the fairy tales of love. As you grow into understanding what love is, and how love truly feels like.

The power of love reshapes your world, your understanding, your perceptions, and your approaches.

As your emotional body is present in awareness and in the strength of love.

The Vision | Features:

We see people getting into relationships each day, walking out of many others– As they carry the same attitudes powered by the same wonders: What really goes into love? What makes a relationship last? What makes it the next ‘love story’?

In the layers of human exchange of connections, we find our expressions of love lies in the simplest of needs: mutuality. In the context of a relationship, An exchange is carried meanings between two people, the space of which meanings are exchanged however is: trust. In social psychology, researchers like Tornblom and Fredholm (1984) have long identified this as resources of needs and desires, as we allow ourselves to experience expression, we allow our trust of our abilities to take over, we allow our trust in our words to carry our meanings, and we allow ourselves to trust the perception our words will lay upon.

The Sphere

The sphere of shared needs is where our relationships form and continue. As researches elaborate on the resources of needs and desires, the social exchange theory also addresses our social exchange based on our needs that our relationships benefit, but also on the cost of what the relationship takes. This means that relationships are made of a give-and-take measure, but that doesn’t mean balance is present. As we create more connections, we often evaluate our relationships based on our previous experiences; meaning if one grew up around unaffectionate people they are often comparing their next relationships to the levels of affection they received before. So if your next romantic partner tends to be more reserved and less emotional, that person might not measure up to your expectations. This is known as the comparison-benefit dynamic of social exchange in relationships.

Now, this, here, is to spark the mind, nudge the heart, and let the mind wonder and assess what really goes into a relationship… What fails and what grows? What builds? And what carries on?

The field is meant to approach Love in all its layers and approaches, all what shapes it, reforms it, and expresses it.

Carried within a layer of unconditional love and into your acupressure points.

And as it does, it starts with the very base, the innate senses of our spirits.

The Blueprint of Love NFT

Comes in a Mandala + Audio Field

The Magical Apparatus:
Finding your personal most suitable Romantic Partner for a fulfilling relationship full of love, passion and synergistic growth

We will post an overview with all the amazing benefits of this unique creation soon. Until then, Take a tour…

A Tour into the Blueprint of Love:

The Beginning of the Journey
The Source
The Concept: Blueprint of Love
The Concept: Alchemy of Love
Finding your Partner: The Magical Apparatus

Astral Viber: The Emotional Body
Power Imbalances: The Power of Justice

The Nectar of Universal Creations
The Personal Coach
The Relationship Mindset
Firing the Flames of Action

The Blueprint of Divine Touch
The Eyes of Divine Love
The Divine Love Perfume
The Divine Love Pheromones
The Divine Kiss
The Morphic Kamasutra

The Star Effect
Aura of Love
Two Floating Bodies!
A Spaceship Inside: Inviting the Stars

The Bubble of Light: The Leading Heart
The Self Sustaining Shield of Light and Love
Nervous System: The Noded Root
Texting Mastery

Three Centres Equilibrium
The Astral Prophylactic
La Amartura De Amore
The Royal Crown
Three Heart Centres

The Sacred Chakra
The Higher Heart Chakra

Heal Your Heart with the Essence of Instrumental Music

Vibration: the language of the Universe
Firmness to the Roots
Permanent Connection to the Divine Feminine and Masculine
Permanent Connection to Divine Love; Feminine and Maculine

A New Light of Perception: Your Past, Present, Future Partners see the Real you.

Tuning into the Whispers: The I AM Presence.
Know Thyself
Cellular Memory Release: Runanubandha

Artifacts, Legends, and Archetypes:
The Lovers Tarot Card
The 6 Pointed Star
Lotus Flower
The Swan

Special Thanks to the awesome @Dreamweaver!!
Changing the world with your creations, for generations to come, for children who will be raised into love, for life to be ever changing with everything you do!! :heart:

And to @veh for inviting us into his tour and sparking the idea and trusting me with transforming it to what it is today!! :heart:

And most importantly, for all the guidance, feedback, assistance, and redirection he offered throughout! :heart::tophat:


Blueprint of Love NFT – Features & Benefits Overview:

The main function of this NFT is to find and manifest your personal most suitable Romantic Partner for a fulfilling Relationship full of Love, Passion and synergistic Growth.

This works worldwide, theoretically even universe wide, however the partner finding “algorithm” takes all the possible factors, preferences and requirements into account, such as partner looks preferences, location and logistics, life values and relationship goals, type of humor, sexual preferences and libido, sense for adventure etc.

The goal is to bring the most suitable partners together that will make each other the most happy in the best possible match and alignment of all the possible factors that would determine that happiness.

All listed effects work also for the partner that you are currently with, hence your growth as a power couple is ensured and maximized!

1. Making You Love & Relationship Ready:

  • The field will constantly power you with a flow of gratitude and unconditional love, like an open gate for always being in a receiving state, a state of appreciation, openness and acceptance. Through this you will allow yourself to receive all the good stuff that the universe has to offer!

  • You will be healed of any inherited negative beliefs, fears based perceptions and perceived negative experiences that have placed distrust in your heart – distrust in oneself, in past and possible partners and others. Your trust into yourself, into your self image, into relationships will be re-build.

  • You will be freed of fear based perceptions and limiting beliefs about your ability to form relationships – romantic and general. Yes, you are capable and worthy of a happy relationship!

  • To become the best version of yourself, you will be healed from all unhealthy aspects of yourself through unconditional love. Where love is, there is only trust in life and the divine. You will feel completely worthy of it all – gratefully accepting, without any resistance, what unconditional love brings to you.

  • You will find that you will have an immense abundance mindset related to love. This will make you feel whole and complete and through this, heal any coping mechanisms that make you seek this love externally. When you feel an abundance of love, you attract an abundance of love!

  • The field uses the techniques present in the “Mind Settings” album to create a permanent and long lasting effect for a solid foundation of a healthy relationship mindset.

  • Permanently connects you to the Holy Divine Feminine and Holy Divine Masculine aspect of the source itself and enables you to accept and integrate them both. This makes you free to express your own current gender here on earth in the most healthy, freeing and beautiful way and allows you to tap into the full natural power of your own gender, so that you can fully thrive. Through this, you are freed of all and any coping mechanism that you had as a result of lacking any of those gender aspects.

  • Permanently connects you to, fills you and nurtures you with the infinite supply of the Unconditional Love of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine directly from the source. This will make you gender-wise whole and self-sufficient and through this, you are freed of all and any coping mechanism that you had as a result of lacking any of those gender aspects. This divine genders love will be infused into your chakras, nodes, marmas, varmas, meridians, acupressure points and your physical body components like cells and nerves.

  • Actively works on releasing emotions like resentment, irritation, anxiety, frustration, shame, guilt, fear, negativity, depression, self-sabotage and trauma. (!)

  • Allows you to find your true self, which releases confusing and contradicting emotions from your emotional body.

  • Makes you find safety within your own emotional body, which makes you free to express ALL of your emotions in a healthy natural way. You will feel safe in expressing your emotions – which means you avoid creating any new stuck emotions within your emotional body.

  • Strengthening of your emotional body similar to the Astral Viber.

  • Induces higher states of emotional maturity.

  • Constantly releases emotional patterns as well as emotional-behavioral ones that don’t serve you.

  • You will become more receptive, more patient and more open to the people around you.

  • You will become more receptive to the moments of shared joy, laughter, and happiness with your partner.

  • You will be freed of patterns of chaotic relationships and fear of abandonment.

  • You will be freed from searching for “that one person that fixes it all”.

  • You will be freed from guilt of hidden emotions and paranoid mental patterns and disconnection and dismissal of the emotional body.

  • The field will heal your sexual traumas and past heartbreaks on all levels (!).

  • You will be free from the chronic cycle of blaming and all the frustration, helplessness, powerlessness and loneliness that comes with it. Instead you will be shifted into a mode of responsibility and expression.

  • You will be freed of the victim mentality, victim coping mechanisms and trauma that created it in the first place. Instead you will be shifted into a state of ownership, responsibility, internal validation and your own inner power.

  • You will find that you now have a healthy balance between giving and receiving in a relationship. You will be attentive to fulfill your partner’s needs, but as much as you give, to also receive back.

  • You will stop the useless comparisons of your current partner with other partners. All jealousy of each other’s growth and progress will be removed from you two. You will stop seeing yourself as above or below your partner – all illusions of superiority or inferiority will be removed. Instead, you will have a strong team spirit and grateful commitment to each other’s growth.

  • You will be committed to your own inner growth – which is one the greatest gifts you can give to your partner and relationship.

  • You will feel safe and secure in your own skin and thus easily be open to share and express yourself.

  • You will be freed of any feelings of being threatened in any way in your relationship.

  • You will gain the ability to work through any power imbalances in your relationship and establish healthy boundaries that will prevent any of such future occurrences.

  • The field will rebalance your perception of chaos and order, especially related to your relationship, to the possible harmony.

  • The field will help you to concepetually and behaviorally, develop secure attachments with the world around you, with the benefit of you becoming more self-aware, eager to learn, empathic and relating to people, self-trusty, as well as a trustful to others. Also more stress-resistant, a more superior problem solver, willing to try new things independently and able to form stronger intrapersonal relationships.

  • In case of a breakup, the field will cut all the cords of all your past relationships and releases any identity associations with those past relationships, while leaving you with gratitude and appreciation for the lessons you’ve learned and the time shared together. This will make sure that you are always free from your past and open and ready for a new relationship.

  • Specifically focused on past relationships only, the field also calls on all the soul energy that you’ve lost from past relationships with an aim for soul retrieval.

  • Gives you the “Divine Kiss” (lips and tongue) that will fill your partner with divine love that will go through their chakras, exhilarating their emotions and sinking into their whole physical body. Your kisses are now filled with unconditional divine love and are always remarkable, memorable and passionate.

  • Makes your eyes engorged with divine love and filled with warmth and sex appeal – giving you a confident very attractive gaze and makes other people become drawn to your magnetic gaze.

  • Gives you mastery over your eyes when it comes to communication. Maintaining eye contact with others and communicating any emotion of your choice through our eyes is super easy now.

  • Enhances your natural body scent with the negentropic perfume of love – a scent that fires up passion in those around you.

Smart Pheromones:

  • A smart field that makes you produce pheromones focussed and directed to your current partner and potential partners with mutual interest. The smart field works in a unisex way and knows what gender you are and what gender you want to be attracted to you.

  • The effect of the pheromones is also fueled in an energetic way into your whole aura, making the effect both, physical and energetic at the same time.

  • Also makes you produce “psychic pheromones” that work over any distance – through pictures, video, text communication and all means of psychic, telepathic, virtual and real-life communication. Watch your thoughts and whom you passionately think about!

  • Makes you a texting master. You will have access to the collective knowledge pool of “texting”. This way, you will know exactly what to write in your messages in order to create or keep the relationship going perfectly. You will also know what to text in order to avoid getting flaked or ghosted as the field helps you to engorge your messages with love and genuine interest for the other person. The field frees you from any limiting beliefs and fears related to “what to text”.

  • Helps you finding your new most suitable partner through on social media if one is looking there too.

  • A smart kegel trainer with aid in recovery, will simulate advanced versions of kegel exercises at certain times during the day and allow for rest and recovery when not entraining.

  • An intimacy mastery entrainer will help you to develop skills and knowledge that would bring the most pleasure for you and your partner, like seduction, kissing, caresses and love making.

Planetary Energies + Venus Energies:

  • 2nd Energy of Venus for obtaining grace and honor, and accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart
  • 3rd Energy of Venus as an aid to attract love, respect and admiration.
  • 4th Energy of Venus – a powerful energy that forces any person you desire to come to you, but only if it is a suitable partner.
  • 5th Energy of Venus excites great passion and desire when shown to another.

  • A willpower boost and active push of you by the field towards always expressing yourself through unconditional love, becoming the highest version of yourself, letting go of ego when in conflict, to speak from a place of love, saying the truth but always in the best interest of the other person. This process is also applied to heal anything preventing you from achieving this. Basically, becoming your best possible self.

  • Your physical and non-verbal communication will be that of strength, confidence and appeal, but that of approachability at the same time.

  • Your standing will push harmful and self-absorbed people away from you and protect you from them. This includes a release of any ‘prey’ beliefs present energetically within your back and upper shoulders.

  • A global reset of perception, where previous, current and future partners perceive you only in the light of who you are at the moment right now, inluding the removal of all the accumulation of fears and projections from the past that might otherwise distort that perception.

  • The smart field continously pushes your vibrational state into the highest transcendental love level possible. It automatically detects when your vibration is about to drop and actively detects any kind of energies that are about to bring your vibration down and instantly neutralises these energies. This is very useful for energies of hate, projection, jealousy, manipulative persuasion and times of dispute.

  • Ego dissolution for your perception of how you perceive your past, present and future romantic experiences.

  • All of your body functions, organs and cells now gain on an energetic and biological level, new positive body memories, caused by the Divine Love that replaces the less positive memories that we hold in us. This will release stored paid and traumatic memory from your body so that now every thought, synapse and reflex of yours, is carrying the Divine Love with them, which also ensure to always purify anything opposing the flow of love in these systems and functions.

  • You will release and let go of all unhealthy personas and masks that you have used and use as a cover up to secretly gain approval and acceptance from others, especially when meeting a new person and during intimate or vulnerable conversations. You will be your true self and compatible people will fall in love with your true self.

  • The field will dissolve, on a mental, emotional, physical and energetic level, all root causes, beliefs, behaviors and defense mechanisms related to relationships with people and situations that involve interactions with others. The field automatically reverses those defense mechanisms to their positive counterparts with the utmost levels of unconditional love and gratitude, making you a walking grateful and open person whom everyone like to be around with.

  • A Subconscious Limits Removal targeted to remove all limiting beliefs, affecting you from getting into and being in a relationship of the highest level of love. Yes, you now can live the romantic life that you actually want!

  • The field will heal and rewire all your negative neurological patterns in your nervous system once and for all. The field will release any and all negative association or neuron firing in the brain with regards to negative behavioral, emotional and sexual patterns. As with releasing the old information, the field incorporates new positive informational patterns into the neurons. So not only will you be set free from a ton of past negative patterns, but will even be positively preprogrammed.

  • A special focus on the rewiring of neurons related to emotional-behavioral patterns, thinking patterns, communication styles, brain shut-down, mental expansion, attachment issues, sexual addiction, desentzation, genital armoring, as well as an enegetic release of any and all brain area blockages – switching to a secure, healthy and autonomous way of shared and secure attachment your partner.

  • Brain rewiring from porn addiction patterns to sexual association with real life partners.

  • The field rewires your brain to its natural state (incl. dopamine receptors) and removes the effects of any artificial stimulants (porn, unhealthy fetishes etc.) that your brain was exposed to.

  • Your brain will be rewired to find sexual pleasure and seek its dopamine in positive interactions with a real life physical partner and associate intimicacy and sexual dopamine with a real partner instead of a screen.

  • Your dopamine receptors will be healed from artificial sexual stimulation and porn usage.

  • The field will remove neural connections of mental impressions from porn, unhealthy fetishes, masturbation addiction and masturbation and porn triggers.

  • Your brain will be rewired to find sexual stimulation from screens extremely boring.

  • Your brain’s mirror neurons connections will be enhanced to have full empathy with your partner and understand his/hers emotional state.

  • You will become a master in communication through touch and your touches (and hugs) themselves will be optimized in the most sensual way. Your hands will become warm and filled with energy in a perfect way that is relevant to the moment (loving, comforting, etc.). You will have an increased ability of sensations, touch recognition, perfect timing, perfect firmness, stimulation of perceived comfort and security in your partner, as well as align you with the safety and security of one’s own touch. The field will also build a conceptual bridge for you to mentally pick up on the ways people like to be touched and make you touch them in that manner.

  • The field fills your sensory touch points with Tejas as well as exudes Tejas, healing energy and unconditional love out of your hands for a healing touch.

  • Your skin receptors responsible for touch will be healed and elevated to a new level of sensation and experience.

  • Your touches will make your partner feel safe, secure and validated in your presence; naturally increasing oxytocin, blood circulation, nerve function and energy flow and remove any tension and stress. Your touches will dissolve all your partner’s past fears and negative experience with regards to being touched,

  • You will have the ability to give your partner amazing massages that will relieve her/him of tension, stimulate blood flow and, if desired, put them in the mood :wink:

  • The field will release your sexual trauma.

  • The field will dissolve insecurities regarding your body.

  • The field will install a healthy mindset regarding sex, will make you attentive regarding your partner’s needs or make you open to express your own needs.

  • De-armoring, releasing of negative emotions, experiences and body tensions from the genitals and bum of both genders, to allow for more intimate love making.

  • The field teaches and encourages you about tantric methods of orgasming for both females and males, including inward orgasming for males. Learning to have energetic orgasms only, men are able to make love for hours.

  • The field will draw the energies of the successful completion of the eight stages of development according to Erikson, where you will have acquired all the positive developments of each of the relevant age groups.
    For the ages 20 and beyond, this will result in a release of the feelings of loneliness, emotional isolation, stagnation, having little connection with others, little interest in productivity and self-improvement, bitterness, depression, despair and finally, the feeling as if one’s life has been wasted.
    This will also release any and all acquired beliefs, habits and patterns that have developed as a result of the unsuccessful development one may have had in their past life. Or in other words, this will free you of a ton of past emotional bagage and resentment and ensure that such bagage will not accumulate in your future again.

A Smart Relationship Coach:

  • …That you can speak to and ask for help and guidance.

  • Guides you through all sitations and scenarios of your relationship, from everyday life situations to better ways of communicating with your partner and will work as an mediator for any relationship challenges that may arise between you and your partner.

  • Enables you to absorb several perspectives at once for more empathy.

  • Constantly powers up your brain, mental states, and perspectives with crystal clarity, mental agility, and strength. This works also for communication with other people and helps you see through manipulation and mental games. The smart coach automatically lets you know how to deal with toxic people.

  • Like a personal emotional supporter, he/she offers you his/her healing comfort when needed and gives you clarity and emotional support in times of emotional and mental distress. He/she easens up your meotional pain and works with you through your emotions and aligns your physical body with the divinity of your spiritual body.

  • Watches your back and makes you completely unaffected and protected from gaslighting, fake people and deflects what they send to you, away from you into the void.

  • Protects you from curses, psychic attacks, lies, pretentious people and other types of manipulations and constantly clears your aura from their influences.

  • The field will clear, heal, balance and develop all the sexual aspects of your physical body (reproductive system, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen levels), elements of TCM (Lower Dantian and relevant meridians with Yin-Yang balanced Jing), your energy body (root and sacral chakras and relevant nadis, with balanced Ojas), your astral body, your mental body, your emotional body, your Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated) and Rainbow Body (if/when achieved).

  • The field will de-armor your heart center and will heal, balance and develop all the love-related aspects of your physical body (anatomical heart and relevant nerves, plus “happy chemicals” like dopamine and serotonin), elements of TCM (Middle Dantian and relevant meridians, with Yin-Yang balanced Chi), your energy body (heart chakra and relevant nadis with balanced tejas), your astral body, your mental body, your emotional body, your Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated) and Rainbow Body (if/when achieved).

  • The field will clear, heal, balance and develop all the clarity-related aspects of your physical body (eyes and vision, brain and brain hemispheres), elements of TCM (Upper Dantian and relevant meridians, with Yin-Yang balanced Shen), your energy body (third eye and crown chakras and relevant nadis, with balanced Prana), your astral body, your mental body (with ego dissolution to dissolve false perceptions of love)), your emotional body, your Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated) and Rainbow Body (if/when achieved).

2. You & Your Partner – The Power Couple:

  • You will feel as if you are already with your new partner. [hint: feelings manifest your reality]

Being a Star Couple:

  • Others will see you and your partner as a shining star and strong power couple and will be inspired by everything that you do as couple together.

  • You will dfind that the material universe will realign to work in your favor as a couple. Together, your lives become super easy.

  • An automated manifestation booster for all dreams that you and your partner wish to co-create together, including the most beautiful prosperous life possible.

  • An intertwining coherence between all of yours and the partner’s bodies – physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual. A harmonious oneness of two souls to create the deepest connection possible.

  • Access to and knowledge of relationship mastery, attraction skills and seduction skills automatically streamed from the universal pool of wisdom of all the lovers that ever existed into your subconscious mind and consciousness. Also the collective wisdom of the experiences of the most loving and successful relationships that ever existed. Be guided by the collective pool of wisdom of all the lovers and couples for an almost guaranteed success in any relationship that you enter.

  • The field will fuel the relationship of you and your partner with a force of action so that you both continue to be fully invested in making your relationship better every day.

  • The raw sexual force of Mars will create an attractive physical bond between you two, which will put you both into a state of constant thrill and desire to be physically together.

  • Mars will also enhance your body images in a healthy way.

  • You two will be blessed with the perfect Yin-Yang balance, based on the Feng Shui concept of the Dragon and the Phoenix, in order to harvest successful matrimonial bliss, happiness, luck, fortune and prosperity and for an everlasting love. If it serves you both, you will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last into the afterlife.

  • The concept of the Eternal Zoroastrian Flame will keep the spark ignited in your relationship and will constantly continue to fuel and solidify it for a deeper connection, love and understanding with each other, more dates, more passion, more of everything you two love to do together. It will do this also by connecting other eternal Zoroastrian flames and download the biggest wisdoms that were passed down from them.

  • The Eternal Zoroastrian Flame will also burn away anything that would negatively get in the way of your relationship, like negative entities, gossip and hate, attacks etc.

  • The combined powers of Mars, the Dragon-Phoenix-Union and the Eternal Zoroastrian Flame will also spark your own energies and your own soul, revive your power and ignite your heart – so that with this spark and passion you become the source of positive action.

  • You and your partner will have a strong team spirit, a sense of togetherness and unity, a collaboration of power, shared efforts and mutual support. You and your partner will share an intentional will in going through life as one unified balance of power, in that sense be each other’s best and most reliable friend.

  • Establishes an equilibrium of power within the couple and balances out existing, as well as preventatively works on, any power imbalances, so that a healthy relationship is ensured where both partners bring in their respective responsibilities and qualities into the relationship without trying to become the dominant part.

  • Creates an aura of love around the couple that acts as a balancing force to restore harmony and encourage openness and heart to heart conversations between the partners. The aura of love will constantly remind the couple of their love for each other and why they are together, will spark their joy for each other and strengthen their will in wanting to take their most fruitful and loving actions towards each other.

  • During love making with your partner, concepts of what the source sees as divine intimacy between two physical beings, will be applied to the couple. The couple will be put in the moment so that it can enjoy every aspect of themselves and the experience as a whole.

  • Enhanced senses during intimacy (physical and energetic).

  • Fast replenishment of energies after a sexual release.

  • Upon choice, the field will help the couple to achieve a mutual orgasmic moment, where they experience the release and refill of sexual orgasmic energies together.

  • The field will engorging the couple with additional Jing Chi and Shen and other energies to make their intimate moment more explosive and more deeply connected.

  • During love making, dates and other activities that the couple does together, the field will create a protective bubble around them, that will stops the intrusion of any negative energies. Inside the bubble, the field will remove energies of stress, tension and excessive thinking.

  • The field will mentally and energetically shield and protect you from any negative influences from your partner, including sexual influences, STDs (physical or otherwise), as well as provide healing to any current STDs you may have, etheric cords, psychic debris and residue of any level from previous relationships. This shield also prevents you from absorbing any negative emotional bagage from your partner, as well as your ego from being conditioned negatively by them.

3. Becoming a Being of Divine Love:

  • You will be able to listen and feel music with your heart. This will make you free to express yourself emotionally and dance and sing to your favorite music – with all fears and society BS about dancing removed. Dancing to music is now a natural expression of your body, coming from and fueled by the heart. You won’t care anymore who watches you dance or sing.

  • The field creates a bubble of light and love around your heart center which nurtures your heart, protects it on a physical and energetic level from outside influences, enables you to handle vaster frequencies and acts like a force of love enhancer. Yes, that force of love that is the most powerful force in existence!

  • The bubble of light and love is a powerful smart influx that is constantly saturating, clearing, healing, nurturing and fiercely protecting your heart – as the heart center is now the home of the true you.

  • The field will expand your heart center and make your heart chakra your main and dominant chakra. It will make and train all the other chakras work in harmony with the heart chakra – multidimensionally – allowing your the lowest and highest aspects of yourself to become more connected with each other and overtime, help you to embody more and more of your consciousness – the true you.

  • The field will awaken, strengthen, grow and nurture your Sacred Chakra (aka Hrit, Hridaya or Surya chakra) which sits within the heart chakra and is the seat of the Higher Self intuition that is based on unconditional love. You will release a false sense of control and realize the true unconditional love of your beingness. It will also continuously saturate your own unconditional love for yourself into every atom of your being, your mitochondria, organs, chakras, meridians, Dantians and auric bodies.

  • The field will awaken, strengthen, grow and nurture your Higher Heart Chakra (aka Etheric Chakra, the Seat of the Soul) which acts as a filter unconditional love and acts for the highest good of all, enabling connection with the divine, the divine soul union, the higher mind and the inner child. This will do a ton of super amazing spiritual stuff for you, including ann not limited to…
    …bring down spiritual wisdom from the heavens while keeping you connected to the earth plane.
    …vibrationally affects the thymus gland strengthen the immune system.
    …energetically promote fertility and conception in females
    …vibrationally promote your ability to express and receive love, trust in love, feeling safe to love, and remove barriers that prevent you from loving truthfully.
    …open your heart so that you can forgive yourself and others.
    …release trauma and negative emotions.
    …enhanced empathy and the desire to help others heal emotionally.
    …connect with your true loving self.
    …recognize your true purpose.
    …reach an energetic state of deep calm, bliss and euphoria.
    …become free of fear.
    …develop a deep sense of connection to all sentient beings, the earth and the universe.
    …connect and communice with higher consciousness.
    …download information from through your Third Eye and Crown chakras, funnelled through the Higher Heart Chakra.
    …realize that you exist beyond your physical body.
    …realization that we are all one.
    …or in other words – you will literally become a walking saint on earth!

  • You will feel whole, become complete within yourself and don’t dependant on anyone. Through this, you are actually enabled to love your partner unconditionally, without any artificial expectations and will see the person for who he/she is.

  • The field will enhance our ability to communicate and speak your true self with others by cultivating all the aspects of yourself that are responsible for communication with others.

  • You will become immune and untouchable by unhealthy criticism or verbal attacks that have its source in projections – but with you now being a pillar of unconditional love, you will talk to the other person’s best interest.

The field will create a smart self-sustaining Shield of Light and Love around you:

  • The shield will protect you, your chakras and your Dantians from the harm of malevolent astral entities, spirits, elementals, psychics and magicians and burn and nullify any negative intent or energy in its radius.

  • The shield continually grows and gets stronger without limits. It grows its strength through external environmental energies.

  • On the astral level, the shield has the power of the elements (fire, water, etc.) to adapt itelf to the nature of the potential attacker.

  • The shield also nurtures, heals, strengthens your whole being as a whole, all your bodies from the physical to the energetic and all other auric bodies. It regenerates your chakras and Dantian leakages from experienced damage.

  • The shield has also a pool of healing energy that keeps building up overtime. It also balances and provides your being with any of the five elements needed to heal and nurture a certain part. The shield does this all in a smart and automated way.

  • The shield also includes the essence of protection prayers and Dharmapalas – which is the condensed essence of all protection prayers and boons of protection that would be granted to you if you would request them in a certain situation.

  • Combined with the essence of the Godly protection from the Divine itself.

  • The field will make you go deeper into self-mastery and knowing thyself. You will achieve a state of listening to your inner voice whilst remaining fully present within your physical body. You will be able to admit the emotions and motivations of your reactions and responses. It is from this point, that will be able to begin a new relationship with yourself as someone who chooses to truly discover your true self.
    By knowing yourself, you will be able to love yourself even more deeply.
    By listening to yourself, you will be able to really listen to others.
    By being authentic with yourself, you will be able to be so with others.
    By accepting yourself in the most loving, compassionate way, this then will be mirrored by others back to us.

  • The field will anchor your heart in the I AM presence of your soul so that you can discover your limitless timeless potential. Notice your life become more stable, grounded and balanced, but at the same time boundless, limitless and infinite. With this you become connected to the 5th dimension, where all the possibilities reside – a space where all is possible!
    In this presence, no effort is involved. All is happening in the flow.
    Now you can manifest from the power of your heart even stronger than ever before!

:heart: Romantic Love
:purple_heart: Higher Self Love
:white_heart: Divine Love

– The Blueprint of Love


Good Job @anon83343177 and @JAAJ ! MVP for sure :)

Blueprint of Love before it was created

Blueprint of Love, Pre-release testimonials, 2 days prior the release, after the field had been created.

“A crazy thing thing that happened today is that I met my goddess twin flame,


Lol it was so erotic and romantic like next level shif fr, I fell asleep laughing with her and having “fun” :eyes::hot_face:

And then I woke up at 4:00am After a long time, I even slept early :flushed::flushed:”

“Just few hrs ago I approached a group of 7 females, very smoothly, with zero anxiety got 2 contacts, 1 was deff interested.” (This one is mine)

“Today I have been feeling really good! There is this part about the coach where he matches your divinity of spiritual self to your physical self. It is weird that this is the part I’m feeling today because I honestly wasn’t sure captain would add that :D It has a lot of steps in it for sure…

But today, I just feel like I wanna take care of myself… I have been, of course, but I’m talking about different levels of care,

I feel like my spiritual self is more present, or more like my Spirit is present within my physical body

I have also been feeling a lot of passion to pick up some stuff I’m really interested in, Ryan also mentioned that part… I have had this with different NFTs, for this time it’s just coming from a different place…

I had a big release earlier today in the morning, like 6 am in the morning lol, who has time to cry in the morning really? :D but I did… I did ask the God on a particular NFT to guide me through, but then again, I knew it was blueprint of love that released all of what’s been there for me.

Anyway lol, excited of course, just knowing it’s gonna be a a journey ahead, one I’ve been really looking forward to…”

“Anybody else feeling a sense of empowerment and like that light breeze that hits just right within you?”

“My sneak peak of blueprint of love had A lot of mixed feelings :joy: better to be ready and full of love :D”

“interesting. the purge is coming :p. let’s get ready y’all :D”

“ Already feeling some major effects…it seems vastly different than what I’ve been feeling lately. Sexual urges are through the roof lol …"

“Crazy cuz, past 2 weeks they where moderate for me after my relapse from nofap, now I’m big chilling lol no urges at all”

" Same here. I have to practically force myself to get horny. No sexual desires these past few days. I did have a very intense dream last night of being in a threesome :joy: I’m like hurry up”

“Anybody feeling extreme heat circulating around them? :star_struck:

Ye, one girl had just been walking around my area

Damn, for real though?

Yea, walked past me xd”

Magnetizing hotties already I hear

“I’m feeling buzzy”

Thank you captain!

MEMES, Blueprint of Love Edition

“Desiree what’s cooking?”

“Love stew”

“Don’t forget to add spices”

Sniping adds spices

“Haven’t we forgotten sth? This recipe looks incomplete…”

“Well let’s add some more ingredients”

Entire staff of NFT chefs walk in

“Did somebody say ingredients?”

Basically, this NFT will be these moments from the movie…









…but with an eternal Happy Ending :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :rocket:

Blueprint of Love Post Result testimonials

Fun fact

Good job everyone indeed!

Now why is everyone so hyped about it? Let us show you ;)

The Source:

A level of Love for Creation that makes your reach an unshakable contentment, something beyond Bliss.
The Godly Divine Feminine Energy and the Godly Divine Masculine Energy coming from the Source itself.
A Connection to your true authentic self expanding on to your true needs and desires.

The Concept: Blueprint of Love.

There is the love we know, the love we have grown up around, the love we have been conditioned to believe.

Then there is the awakening of love like it is– Love that created and sparked the universe.
As this is a concept of the Universe, it is resembled better in these lines from the opening poem: Alchemy of Love :)

“Through Your loving, existence & non-existence merge -
All opposites unite -
All that is profane becomes sacred again”

The Alchemy of Love:

Alchemy is the anglicised Byzantine name given to what its practitioners
referred to as “the Art” or “Knowledge”, often characterised as divine, sacred or mystic.

While alchemy has taken its physical forms, this section is meant to address the spiritual- emotional alchemy. Alchemy is ultimately concerned with transformation and change. It is freeing your spiritual self which is trapped within you by the unrefined parts of yourself (fears, personal beliefs, self-loathing, etc.). It is the breaking down of all elements that disrupt your balance of harmony, as it separates all what does not belong, and brings you back together in your most harmonious higher form. Or as the Latin alchemists like to say: “solve et coagula”.

The alchemy here is meant for you to see the light of consciousness and to actually attain the gold within you through the highest levels of inner knowledge and wisdom, emotional balance and well being.

The idea here is to transform your Spiritual-Emotional Alchemy through an influx of Light, wisdom, and knowledge that takes you into a 7 stages of alchemy journey; A rise of the phoenix– Carried through the consciousness of Divine Alchemists and Masters as they channel their direct healing and balancing on us. The focus here is on emotions, but also on the spirit that carries those.

Finding your Partner: The Tool.

Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.”
(Swedish Proverb)

The joy of connecting to another human being, the sense of acceptance, openness, and the delight of being in your partner’s presence; these are one of the most sought after human connections. We tend to look for the other person who is ready to accept us, encourage us to become our best versions;

The goal here is to design a tool that focuses on attracting a romantic partner that matches your mental parameters, while the tool simply aims for your joy, it also draws one of the ‘right’ partners to you, at the present moment, and while joy is designed to be the main focus, it is also the mutual matching of your ability to grow through life together as two spiritual beings; experiencing life and evolving together.

While the tool doesn’t come tied to beliefs about relationships, it is designed to suit everyone’s needs.

With that said, the tool is simply here to bring you closer to your best potential match at the time, and is not meant to define the next person it attracts as “the one”.

mental parameters

Some of the preferred mental parameters are character, looks preferences, sexual drive, type of humor for always laughing together, and values in life, as well as agreement with the partners and trust on contraception so that both partners can let themselves go in the sexual act without any fears of consequences.

The tool also uses synchronicities through connection channels’ like online dating and dating apps as well. It ensures that one wants to Like and pay attention to a person on a dating app if the potential partner is found online.

The tool knows your action lies in the physical, so it also uses the same concepts there. It gives you the cosmic nudge to act on approaching the person. You feel supported by the Universe as you know you are taking the right action; you and the other person would feel more courageous, confident, and flirty!

The Relationship:

There comes that person into your life where everything seems to be working in your favor, but some other influences may have a different saying.

Perhaps you needed extra protection from third party influences? Some of those who weren’t helpful to your relationship? Perhaps you wanted that boost of relationship luck? A state of romantic luck.

The goal here is to build an environment for your relationship to flourish and thrive; outside of influences that aren’t as beneficial as they can appear. As we allow our relationships to be only based on the parties involved, it comes our turn in naturally inducing a state of romantic flow of luck. This draws a state of romantic flow to your relationship, as understanding and compassion drive your relationship, as it also helps to mediate conflicts in the most holistic and amicable way.

This shielding part is meant to address jealousy, third party influences, people who do not interest you or can be harmful to your relationship, or people whom you think interest you but do more harm than good to your relationship.


The Relationship- The Star Effect:

As we know, sometimes distance and outer circumstances can contribute to bring one couple apart and add that sense of distant platonic dream. And between work, family, and finances there is only much that we can do to balance. This is where the Star effect comes in! The Star effect is here to realign the universe, to bring the material world to work in the couple’s favor. Problems of the material work will fade away as they are overcome with ease by the power of the two persons together! So the relationship feeling like Home and the sense of belonging between them has a fluid atmosphere to manifest.
The Star Effect lets the external world and material world always work in the favor of the couple, bringing them together. Giving them the spotlight! Making them shine together and be seen as strong. A strong, loving and positive force. It’s because of their true will to be together that they are stronger together… So the external world will align to favor that.

This will also draw an automated manifestation power to propagate the manifestation of whatever dreams the couple share- For example, if the couple want to buy a home together, start a business, etc…A constant automated use of manifestation energies (only for conscious desires, protection from manifesting negative thoughts) to create and co-create together the most beautiful prosperous life possible.

The compatibility between the couple is also infused with the Star Effect, as their compatibility grows the more they spend time with each other, for as long as it benefits the relationship
The couple is a true, magnificent force of Love. And they together are stronger and luckier than apart. So the world aligns!

The Nectar of Experiences - Universal Creations:

What if we had the experiences of those who have the most loving relationships? The most successful relationships who were able to push forward for the longest time? What if we were able to recreate these experiences in our own relationships?

The pool of knowledge collected with the wisdom and gratitude that is ever growing across the universe in which all good that has served relationships is directly streamed into your subconscious and consciousness, where one has mastered the art of relationships in all its beginning, middle, continuity or ending— allowing you to expand your relationship to more romance, success, building and maintaining a coherent life together. Similar knowledge from the universal wisdom of the lovers and skills like how to attract, seduce, and get to know your partner better as well as knowing how to get your partner to experience an awesome relationship with you.

And since that comes with you being an awesome partner … it also comes with:

Personal Relationship Coach:

The coach is here to guide you through all what makes your relationship! From everyday life situations, better ways to communicate with your partner, and is an excellent mediator for problems! By alerting you to what went wrong, how you can do better, how to make up for your partner, and how to extend the good times between you two as well as exactly what to learn from the unpleasant times! This also comes with a perspective change that helps you see situations in different lights allowing you to absorb several perspectives at once.

The coach always helps you see the divinity in your partner, always empowering you with understanding how your partner is just like you… a part of the divine nature.

The coach lights up a bulb inside your head, showing you the most intricate details about yourself, your relationship patterns, where you must focus on yourself, and where you stand in the present moment from the purest version of you.

The coach is also here to help you apply what you have learnt; using his knowledge to bring your application into your physical reality.

The coach likes to spread his love to humanity! And so he will help you pass your knowledge and relationship advice to your friends if needed!
The coach recreates pleasant situations from the universal knowledge for more loving moments, but only as it suits the relationship.

The coach constantly powers up your brain, mental states, and perspectives with crystal clarity, mental agility, and strength. This is not only targeted to relationships but also communication with other people, as it helps you see through manipulation and other mental games. The coach, however, is intelligent and knows exactly how to deal with those people, and as such, he helps you easily manage your interactions with them.

The coach knows you rather not spend your energies around those people, and as such, he is easily able to spot them and send them far away. Offering you his healing comfort when needed. The coach always got your back! He is here to make you completely unaffected and protected from gaslighting, fake people; boomeranging what they send away from you. He is here to protect you from curses, psychic attack, lies, pretentious people, and manipulations, and constantly clears your aura from their influences.

The coach is also here to ease up your pain, work through your emotions,and align your physical body with the divinity of your spiritual body. As it gives you clarity and emotional support in times of emotional and mental distress. But also, the coach celebrates your elated moments with you, as it helps your good feelings to saturate your body allowing for more emotional regulation. An approach of feeling, enjoying, and being in the moment so your highs aren’t ‘too high’ either, but rather an appreciated sensation of the moment.


Divine Blessings – The Source:

One aspect of our Universe is that, in its vast space, it has contracted and expanded invariably, and in all its expansions, it expresses all of its natures. In the search of Gods and Goddesses, we also found the universe expression.

And as such, we went back to the source, for the permanent connection of oneself to the Holy Divine Feminine and Holy Divine Masculine side from the source.

When both divine gender energies from the source are accepted and integrated in both partners in a relationship, they transform into two healthy beings able to express their own genders.

As it goes, the energy of the opposite gender must be accepted and integrated in order for the energy of one’s own gender to fully thrive.

When the source provides unconditional versions of feminine and masculine energies, the need to misuse one’s partner as a cope becomes redundant.

And blessings abound.

Power Imbalances:

One of the core pillars that deeply affect and influence relationships is: Equity. The idea that all partners are openly committing their resources and bring something essential to their partnership. When equity is present between partners, it helps to create a flow of momentum where shared voices and individual experiences are present, heard, and validated.

Power imbalance can take different forms, in relationships, this can be mainly expressed when one partner is able to dominate decision-making process, the partners’ dependency leads to power imbalance and advantages a specific party which may limit the autonomy and constrain the behavior of the other party or otherwise asserts power in ways that disadvantages other partners or are not in the best interest towards achieving the partnership objective, or the relationship goals. A subjective sense of power refers to the extent to which individuals feel that they can exert influence over the outcomes and experiences of others. When one party exerts control over another, it influences another party in order to achieve desired outcomes. Although power is commonly expressed as the ability of one party to influence the other one, controllability is best viewed as an outcome of power and results when one party is successful in modifying another’s behaviors.

The role of power is crucial, it can seriously affect the confidence and commitment of partners in a relationship. In cases where one party has more power than the other, the stronger party seeks to exploit the dependence of its partner and create terms of trade to favor itself. The weaker partner therefore may even engage in a preemptive strike against the stronger partner to protect their known asset. When your partner is always using your emotional needs or financial needs against you, this can be a serious problem.

At its core, one could possibly identify the reason as feeling powerless in other areas of one’s life; manifesting itself onto the relationship. Whatever the reason is, power imbalance can create pent-up aggression, low self esteem, loss of communication, poor partnerships, and can possibly destroy the other partner’s sense of self.

This aims to transform the existence of the power dynamics between the couple with a powerful force of justice that balances the power roles between the couple, and instead of existing in a power fight, the field draws an equilibrium of forces between the couple.

The first step to achieve a powerful force of equity is knowing each couple’s responsibilities and qualities that they both bring to the relationship, without the exertion of influence in any of its forms.

It is important to highlight that this powerful force of balance occurs in the ether as well as the physical world, and it doesn’t only interfere on the off chance of power imbalances occurring, but also acts as a forceful preventative measure of occurrences of such imbalances, and a natural release of such.

Emotional Body:

If we look at our conversations, our processing of the outer world, and our understanding of the surroundings, we begin to observe a node, and a strong one, that connects our emotions to our understanding. A famous model of emotional responses of people suggests that in the scheme of 3 feeling modules, when one is highly uncomfortable by their emotions, the body reacts by going into a dysregulation of emotions; manifesting in three ways: As anxious feelings, back and forth loops, or a total disconnection. The 3 modules here is our body’s way to inform and alert us that something is not right.

The Emotions Within

When the body senses an emotional danger it informs us in its own unique way of the perceived threat. For the body, this is the way to protect. For our life, this is how we find ourselves held back.

When the body is in a constant place of protection it signals our presence in a “danger zone” thus keeping our coping mechanisms always on the go, always ready to protect us in its own way.

In real life, when you are constantly avoiding your emotions it creates a load on your body, it keeps you away from finding your true self and delving more into your layers. It keeps your layers colored in locked away danger.

When you are overloaded by your emotions, or go back and forth from ignoring to acknowledging, it creates a state of confusion in your body, as your body grows more into wanting to fix or change or even dismiss for the moment, only for the want to settle your emotions down to come back.

And in an environment where your body is unable to process those emotions, it becomes almost an impossible task.

Meanings of Their Own

In conversations, a simple no can mean that the world has stopped at this moment, or that it is time to entirely dismiss what this simple form of ‘rejection’ made you feel, even fuel unreal thoughts based on this dismissal; as they stream into your mind as a mean of protection. or a loop of going back and forth between the two. Safety within our emotional body is key to processing emotions, where the emotional stimuli around you doesn’t hurt, doesn’t alert danger, and is safe to come out. It is safe to be explored, it is safe to be conscious of, and is very wanted to be felt. Safety within our emotional body allows us to be curious about our emotions, why is your no bringing me these feelings? And how can I work through it? How can I hear your no next time with feelings of acceptance?

Oftentimes we tend to make roles of our emotions that do not fit them. And it is only our inability to process, go through, be curious, and enjoy feeling them. Safety within our emotional body is also key to emotional maturity.

We can look at emotional maturity as a level of understanding of your emotional self and the thoughts and behaviors that rise to the surface as a result. It is the conscious decisions on how to best approach situations that might be otherwise trying and challenging

Kevin Fitz-Maurice (2017) talks about the 6 stages of emotional maturity, starting with Emotional Responsibility and ending with Emotional detachment.

Emotional Maturity

Maurice identifies the 6 stages of emotional maturity as:

  • Emotional Responsibility
  • Emotional Honesty
  • Emotional Openness
  • Emotional Assertiveness
  • Emotional Understanding
  • Emotional Detachment

It is crucial to understand that such understanding and detachment (+ continuation of work) does not happen without a clear, deep, and pure connection to your emotional self. As the key to an elevated understanding and healthy detachment must start with unfolding of the layers and active use of the newly discovered safety and strength of your emotional understanding.

The field actively works on releasing emotionally dangerous threats through creating Safety within your emotional body. The focus here with the safety aspect is only on the emotional body.
This also actively works on releasing emotions like resentment, irritation, anxiety, frustration, shame, guilt, fear, and negativity, depression., self-sabotage, and trauma.

As a pair, safety and strength work together to achieve this grounding of emotions. The field also works on strengthening your emotional body, similar to Astral Viber, as well as induce higher states of emotional maturity and constantly releases emotional patterns as well as emotional-behavioral ones. Safety within the emotional body allows for expression… We become more receptive, more patient, and more open to the people around us; experiencing the moments of shared joy, laughter, and happiness with our partners.

When we feel safe expressing our emotions, we can find comfort in being, in asking, and in sharing ourselves, and our moments.


The Beginning of The Journey: Where did it all start?

A series of life events, achievements, developmental tasks– and a detrimental success. A multi-layered game of ‘unlocking’ the next level.

Erikson proposed that we are motivated by a need to achieve competence in certain areas of our lives. According to psychosocial theory, we experience eight stages of development over our lifespan, from infancy through late adulthood. At each stage there is a conflict, or task, that we need to resolve. Successful completion of each developmental task results in a sense of competence and a healthy personality. Failure to master these tasks leads to feelings of inadequacy.

According to Erikson (1963), trust is the basis of our development during infancy and this goes through all ages marked by the completion of a certain task, wherein:

Developmental Tasks
  1. Birth to 12 months: This is when trust forms the basis of our development during infancy where the primary task of this stage is trust vs mistrust.

  2. Toddlers (ages 1-3 years): This is when control is learnt as a way to control their actions and the environment as we begin to explore the world. Our main task here is to resolve the issue of autonomy versus shame and doubt, by working to establish independence.

  3. Preschool stage (ages 3-6 years): This is where we must resolve the task of initiative versus guilt through initiating activities and asserting control over their world through social interactions and play. By learning to plan and achieve goals while interacting with others, we can master this task.

  4. Elementary school stage (ages 6–12): this is when we face the task of industry versus inferiority. We begin to compare ourselves to their peers to see how we measure up. We either develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in our schoolwork, sports, social activities, and family life, or we feel inferior and inadequate when we don’t measure up.

  5. Adolescence (ages 12–18): This is when we face the task of identity versus role confusion. According to Erikson, through adolescence, our main task is developing a sense of self. In our adolescent years we struggle with questions such as “Who am I?” and “What do I want to do with my life?

When we successfully pass adolescence’s tasks of identity and sense of self, we are able to have a strong sense of identity and are able to remain true to our beliefs and values in the face of problems and other people’s perspectives.

  1. Early adulthood (20-40): Our task here is intimacy versus isolation. After we have developed a sense of self in adolescence, we are ready to share our life with others. Erikson said that we must have a strong sense of self before developing intimate relationships with others.

  2. Middle Adulthood:(ages 40-60): The social task of middle adulthood is generativity versus stagnation. Generativity involves finding our life’s work and contributing to the development of others, through activities such as volunteering, mentoring, and raising children.

  3. Late Adulthood (60-rest of life): Erikson’s task at this stage is called integrity versus despair. When we reach our late adulthood, we reflect on our lives and feel either a sense of satisfaction or a sense of failure. People who feel proud of their accomplishments feel a sense of integrity, and they can look back on their lives with few regrets.

The downsides to not having developed properly at each stage keeps on reflecting on following stages, making one unable to live in their retrospective age or continue developing properly at the present stages, and while we are able to, this requires double and sometimes even triple learning of earlier and present tasks, as well as more time spent on preparation for the futuristic tasks.

This includes:
  1. (Birth to 12 months): Feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, fear, and mistrust; one may see the world as unpredictable

  2. (Ages 1-3): Doubting abilities which could lead to low self-esteem and feelings of shame.

  3. (Ages 3-6) Unsuccessful social initiatives misfired or stifled—may develop feelings of guilt.

  4. Ages (6-12): Feelings of being inferior and inadequate when one doesn’t measure up.

  5. (Ages 12-18) A weak sense of self and experience role confusion. They are unsure of their identity and confused about the future.

  6. (Ages 20-40): Feelings of loneliness and emotional isolation as a result of a weaker self-concept.

  7. (Ages 40-60): Feelings of stagnation, having little connection with others and little interest in productivity and self-improvement.

  8. (Ages 60- rest of life): Feeling as if one’s life has been wasted. One focuses on the perceived missed possibilities that could have been. One faces the end of their lives with feelings of bitterness, depression, and despair.

What if we were able to draw the energies of successful completion where we have acquired all the positive developments of the relevant age group? In a very timeless approach where the field directs this development into ourselves of all ages and stages? Erikson (1963) states that this development is crucial for creating relationships in our lives, romantic and otherwise.
This will also release any and all acquired beliefs, habits, and patterns that developed as a result of the unsuccessful development one may have had in their life.

This also helps with living in the present moment therefore making room for more development and growth–

A walk into the Rite of Love.

Aura of Love:

There is an added beauty that our eyes see in the ones we love. There is a beautiful spark of love that meets our eyes as soon as we lay our eyes on them. If we take this love spark, and enhance it into more of what it can be, we create the aura of love. The aura of love is a beautiful radiance of pure love. It is the pure love and supportive energy of the powerful force of love between the couple. In times of conflict and confusion,

The aura of love acts as a balancing force to restore harmony and encourage openness and heart to heart conversations between the couple. The aura of love is always here to remind the couple of their love and why they are together, to spark their joy, and to strengthen their loving will in wanting to take their most fruitful actions.


The Divine Kiss:

The touch of unforgettable lips is now an everyday occurrence to those who meet yours.

As you have this divine kiss and tongue that fills your partner fully with divine love, as it goes through their chakras; exhilarating their emotions, and sinking into their physical body; filling each of them with unconditional divine love and in to the depth of their beings.

Situations where you and your partner are kissing are a constant recurrence in your life.
As you know exactly when, where, and how to express your kisses.

A divine kiss with the softest velvety touch; your kiss is remarkable, memorable, and fervent in its passionate touch.

Eyes of Divine Love:

Eyes are a mirror of our feelings, our thoughts, and our emotions in the present moment. A confident gaze in the times of communication increases appeal, and reflects groundedness of energies and thoughts at the moment. It is also an attractive feature that helps establish forward movement in conversations.

The field gives the user mastery over their eyes and the ways in which they maintain eye contact as it transforms your eyes to be full of warmth and love, mischievous eyes, eyes full of sex appeal and communicate any other emotion of our choice through our eyes. This will also let others be drawn to the user’s magnetic gaze.


Nervous System: The Noded Root (Brain Rewiring):

Sometimes it only takes a look inside to the smallest particles to witness some of the secrets of life. Our nervous system is a true miracle, in witnessing it we see all what it takes to execute a function, from speed and instant communication, to very specific role delivery, even teamwork – our nerves are forming the shape of the node that lights up with each new task they take – and they take a lot of that.

The Nervous system with its neurons are the base component to our human body, right next to the cellular structures powered by the mitochondria. And all come together to form your behaviors, your actions, reactions, motive– the list is endless.
And so it is the most important part of our day to day lives – creating our habits, our thinking patterns, and our perceptions.

What happens when we misuse our most innate structure? Wouldn’t all our systems be guided, instructured, and led to perform in the new unpleasant patterns?

This is a very profound attempt to heal neurological patterns once and for all, a constant rewiring for the nervous system in all what has developed for the wrong reason, and it’s only about time to tend to the very base make up of our lives.

Neurons are able to “remember” prior reactions in similar situations, and not just that – they can also “anticipate” future environmental conditions. This is also what creates the ‘hook’ to patterns, situations, attitudes, where the neurons are almost “feeding” on the constant present state of the form they take at the moment of this ‘feeding’.

A majorly responsible part is the brain’s cerebellum, as well as the direct correlation to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brain.

Brain activation in the cerebellum has been linked to motivation, social and emotional behaviors, and reward learning,

Researchers found a direct neural connection from the cerebellum to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brain, which is an area long known to been involved in reward processing and encoding.

These findings, published in Science, demonstrate for the first time that the brain’s cerebellum plays a role in controlling reward and social preference behavior, and sheds new light on the brain circuits critical to the affective and social dysfunction (NIMH, 2019)

The aim of this field here is to release any and all negative association or firing of the neurons on the engative behavioral, emotional, and sexual patterns. As with releasing the old information, the field incorporates the new positive informational patterns into the neurons. This works for rewiring neurons into emotional-behavioral patterns, thinking patterns, communication styles, brain shut-down, mental expansion, attachment issues on all the 3 scales – moving them into a secure, healthy, and autonomous but healthily shared attachment, also known as the secure attachment – With a special focus on the sexual addiction, desentzation, genital armoring, as well as an enegetic release of any and all brain area blockages; with a focus on prefrontal cortex for informational absorption and communication purposes.

The field rewires the brain into the healthiest form of all points of focus, it can also use a ‘model’ of the nervous system in this positively wired state as it rewires your brain; mirroring and matching the healthiest of wiring to your nervous system.

The field also focuses on the cerebellum-VTA pathway that plays a main role in the development and continuation of neurological patterns and resets each neuron to its highest potential.

With a specific focus on sexual behavioral rewiring.
  • Rewires the brain to its natural state (dopamine receptors etc.) and remove effects of any artificial stimulants (porn, unhealthy fetishes etc.) that the brain was exposed to

  • Rewires the brain to find sexual pleasure in and interaction with a real life physical partner and associate intimicacy and sexual dopamine with a real partner instead of a screen

  • Heals dopamine receptors from artificial sexual stimulation and porn usage

  • Removes neural connections of mental impressions from porn

  • Removes neural connections of unhealthy fetishes, masturbation addiction and masturbation and porn triggers

  • Rewires the brain to find sexual pleasure in real life physical partners

  • Rewires the brain to seek dopamine in real life physical partners

  • Rewires the brain to find sexual stimulation from screens extremely boring

  • Rewires the brain for perfect mirror neurons connections to have full empathy with the partner and understand the partner’s emotional state

A noded, coherent, and powerful approach – once and for all!

The Divine Love Perfume & Pheromones:

Pheromones are just molecules that transfer a message to the brain of the recipient. They are quite gender specific, in which androstenol, ansterone, androstenone, androstadienone pheromones are produced by males whereas estratetraenol is one of the main pheromones for females.
A morphic field could totally induce that same message and effect into the brain of the recipient.

A smart field that makes you produce intelligent divine pheromones that act upon your partner and potential partners with mutual interest.

Divine pheromones laced with a natural body scent that fires up a passionate loving scent to those around you, the divine love perfume

Pheromones and scents striking in divinity according to the Source; A spice of supreme scents of the utmost quality in human existence. A negentropic scent of the ages.

The energy of what the Pheromones achieve are also applied to the aura as well making both the physical and energetic effects ever more present.

The pheromones propagate their effects over any distance for a more powerful effect. The intelligence of the field also come with a unisex effect where the field knows what gender you are and what gender you want to be attracted to you.

As pheromones used here are communicators of information, they are also able to send their information through pictures, texts, and all means of psychic, telepathic, virtual and real-life communication, and vice versa.

The perfume is a completely different and entirely separate concept of what the divine pheromones do, and this is to highlight and increase the likelihood of smelling like a perfume mostly rather than just divine love pheromones. And so, the natural body scent is of the divine love perfume while as the pheromones are enchanted with divine love.


Texting Mastery

Texting Mastery aspect of the field shall help you to know exactly what you should write in your messages in order to create or keep the relationship going perfectly.

Getting your partner on a date like no one has done before.

Not only that, it also helps you to avoid getting flaked or ghosted, helps you to spike your messages with your person with a whole bunch of love and interest, which won’t dissipate once meeting in person, but it’ll as always only grow stronger.

It also helps you to find your person on social media etc. if one seeks to do it.

This also helps to let you have an honest expression of yourself and your wants where limitations are inexistent for writing what you want to say, uninfluenced by fears of sending the wrong text or messing up, it also gives you access to pools of knowledge so you are able to keep your conversation going with your potential partner, as well as social relationships.

The Morphic Kamasutra:

The ultimate expression of union is during the most intimate of moments. This is why the field aims to capture the very essence of what Source sees as Divine intimacy between two physical beings and apply it to the user and if possible, their partner as well.

The field also takes the following into account:

  • A release of sexual trauma and the upmost self love to dissolve insecurities to make the user be comfortable in his or her body. To build upon this, the ability to be in the moment so the user can enjoy every aspect of themselves, their partner, and the experience as a whole.
  • A healthy mindset regarding sex like being attentive to your partners needs or being open to express your own needs to name a few examples.
  • De-armoring - In the same way that your body will hold onto negative emotions as bodily tension, your genitals are sensitive to negative experiences and will armor themselves in response to these things. This concept will begin to de-armor the genitals and bum of both genders to allow for more full love making.
  • The field also teaches and encourages Tantric methods of orgasming for both females and males, including inward orgasming for males.
  • The Synchronized Moment: upon choice, the field also allows for a mutual orgasmic moment; a cosmic explosion between partners where they experience the release and refill of sexual orgasmic energies together.
  • Sacred Space - The Bubble - In the bedroom and during other activities, a sacred space will be created that stops the intrusion of any negative energies. This environmental energy will also connect with the users and aid in dropping stress, tension, excessive thinking and create a clear focus on the other partner and the activities at hand. This can also be used on dates so one does not bring all the stress and negativity of their day onto the date.
  • An intimacy mastery entrainer to build upon the foundation of the acquired healthy mindset, to help the user develop skills and knowledge that would bring the most pleasure for themselves and their partner, like kissing, caresses or and more intimate movements. Also to be taken into account will be seduction skills.
  • Heightened senses during intimacy (physical and energetic)
  • Smart kegel trainer with aid in recovery, the field will simulate advanced versions of kegels at certain times of the day and allow for rest and recovery when not entraining.
  • Engorging of Jing chi and shen and other energies to make the intimate moment more explosive with an enhanced connection between partners
  • The field also draws the energy from sexual activities between partners and use it to enhance their connection, release emotional traumas, expand their heart space, and activate the DNA for their higher healing; drawing their heart space as a focal point for this enhancement.

All creating quite the powerful experience!

Three Centres Equilibrium:

This is a shield of protection, healing, and mental barriers. An approach to protect the three core areas from any negative influences by your partner; including sexual influence such as STDs (physical or otherwise), as well as heal any current STDs you may have, etheric cords, psychic debris, and residue of any level from previous relationships. As well as any negative energies that would merge between each other while having intimate times.

This also prevents you from absorbing the negative emotional baggage of your partner, as well as your ego being conditioned negatively by them.

The Astral Prophylactic

An energetic risk-free approach to your core!

Clear, heal, balance and develop all the sexual aspects of:

  • Physical body (Reproductive system, with balanced testosterone, progesterone and estrogen levels)
  • TCM system (Lower Dantien and relevant Meridians, with balanced Yin-Yang Jing)
  • Energy Body (Root + Sacral Chakras and relevant Nadis, with balanced Ojas)
  • Astral Body
  • Mental/Emotional body
  • Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated)
  • Rainbow Body (if/when achieved)

La Amartura De Amore:

De-armor the heart. Clear, heal, balance and develop all the love-related aspects of:
  • Physical body (anatomical heart and relevant nerves, with balanced levels of “happy chemicals” like dopamine and serotonin)
  • TCM system (Middle Dantien and relevant Meridians, with balanced Yin-Yang Chi)
  • Energy Body (Heart Chakra and relevant Nadis with balanced tejas)
  • Astral Body
  • Mental/Emotional body
  • Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated)
  • Rainbow Body (if/when achieved)

The Royal Crown:

Clear, heal, balance and develop all the clarity-related aspects of:
  • Physical body (eyes and brain, with balanced brain hemispheres and vision)
  • TCM system (upper Dantien and relevant Meridians, with balanced Yin-Yang Shen)
  • Energy Body (third eye + crown and relevant Nadis, with balanced Prana)
  • Astral Body
  • Mental/Emotional body (with romantic “ego dissolution” to dissolve false perceptions of Love)
  • Merkaba/Light Body (if/when activated)
  • Rainbow Body (if/when achieved)

The Blueprint of Divine Touch:

The reviving sensation of a lover as the tingles awaken you to new fires that light up your body. The sudden flush of energy that lets your body breathe heavily, absorbing all what the touches aroused.

Touch is a sublime sense of communication. It is how we carry our emotions, intent, and our unspoken language. At what meets the eye, it seems like a physical act of contact, but the sensations carried through which succinctly delivers our most accurate information. And it’s true to the biological nature of the skin; our protective barrier to the outside world, but also the bearer of sensory information through a spread out node of nerves and cells.

Sensitive cells called ‘touch receptors’ are found within the epidermis, the first layer of the skin, and it’s responsible for sending the brain a variety of information about the environment the body is in. The second layer of the skin, dermis, is where the nerve endings are running through the skin, as well as a variety of touch receptors .

Psychological influence of sensory touch is also innate to our human nature, Social baseline theory maintains that social proximity serves the function of regulating effect; in which security is present– an atmosphere of positive rewards, assurance, and responsiveness.

Touch as an Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Process in Couple. (Debrot, Anik, et al.)"

Social baseline theory maintains that social proximity serves the function of regulating affect. Social proximity signals security, which, if present, reduces the need to invest one’s own regulatory resources to ward off threat, creating positive rewards and felt security that contribute to coregulation of emotions and neuro chemicals.Touching your partner is a behavior that signals affection, care, and concern through physical contact and when displayed in a benevolent way and in a meaningful situation, touch can be considered a nonverbal form of responsiveness. Being responsive is a critical factor in building and maintaining trust and intimacy in romantic relationships. It communicates that the welfare of the partner is important to oneself and conveys empathy, respect, and appreciation as a response to one’s partner’s
action or disclosure. The experience of intimacy, that is, the extent to which one feels understood, validated, and cared for.

Ashley Montagu in her book The Human Significance of the Skin proposes touch as the most primary sense and the first we develop as infants, and without early exposure to touch one could simply die. Montagu speaks of 4 categories of touch being: Comforting, therapeutic, sensual, and sexual.

Presented here as a main focus for skin receptors healing as well as meanings associated with touch for an elevated sense of touch, an experience for sensations to be awakened.

The ability to transmit how we feel through our touch very clearly; this is an ability to be able to transmit what you want to say with your touch.
and it is the essence of both comfortable expression of emotions and sensory communication.

Mastery of the 4 categories of touch: comforting,therapeutic, sensual, sexual.

The Healing Touch:
A touch of heavenly sensations, of healing energy and unconditional love. A touch that makes our partners feel safe, secure, and validated in our presence; naturally increasing oxytocin, blood circulation, nerve function, and energy flow, as it lifts up any tension or stress. This also communicates back the positive reward of receptiveness and attentive actions; embracing them as new and positive ways of communication.

Awakening of touch:
Increased ability of sensations throughout the whole epidermal layers as well as information reception targeting touch receptors, mechanoreceptors, nerve cells, and neurons responsible for touch recognition. With a focus on Merkel’s disks and Meissner’s corpuscles found in the very top layers of the dermis and epidermis.

The Awakening

Highetened information reception through Ruffini’s corpuscles, and Pacinian corpuscles responsible for muscle-ligament sensations as well as perception and recognition of sensory information.

The use of ‘relative temperature’ concept which highlights how our responses to touch is based on the precedent exposure to touch; an approach of reprogramming previous experiences perceived by the body as dangerous, threatening, uncomfortable, related to human touch.

Stimulation of perceived comfort and security on our partner’s end as well as aligning us with the safety and security of one’s own touch.

Automatic Mastery of the elements of touch:
The infusion of certain characteristics that allow our messages to be perceived in a certain way is the elements of touch of focus here.This includes pressure, rhythm, duration and speed. Touch is an intuitive, communicative language, so the effect of this here is also one that naturally resides in your mind and that is quick to be present.

This will also make the users hands warm and full of a concoction of energy that is relevant to the moment (loving, comforting, etc) when they are expressing themselves with touch.

As a master energetic element, the field also fills your sensory points with Tejas as well as exude Tejas out of your healing touch.

Microcosmic touch:
Normally, touching any part of the body extends its effects to the body as a whole. Here, Touches we feel on our skin feel like an orbit of sensations that sink inside our bodies as it lifts itself up one more time rising to the top of our body, making us feel saturated with the sensations.

Sensitivity Sensing

An increased sensation and awareness of more sensitive areas of the body, when to touch them, and how long to touch them to receive the desired effect. This also adds a sense of sensibility where you are able to tell when a person wants to be touched as well as distinguish appropriate times and manners. The field also builds a bridge of communication where we are picking up on the ways people want to be touched, making us touch them in that manner.

Mindset for Touching:
A mindset revamp presented for awareness, mindfulness, communication, and attentive responses. A focus on the pleasure of our partner and an enjoyment of such. This also focuses on awareness of our partner’s responses and truly paying attention to them so we can feel them moment to moment.

What's in there?

This covers being present with your touch, communicating emotion, being firm enough (no fish handed touching or mechanical touching), forgetting yourself in touching, and truly giving to give, unconditionally and not to get, with a loving intention. A focus on the pleasure of our partner and an enjoyment of such. This also focuses on awareness of our partner’s responses and truly paying attention to them so we can feel them moment to moment.

This also draws a base of dissolving fears of being touched, previous unpleasant experiences related to touch, fears of negative responses to sensory communication and encourages a new openness to physical contact, elevating confidence and comfort in the user’s expression via touch, as well as a solid knowledge for touching boundaries for both the user and their partner.

Mastery of the types of touch:
Touch can be as expressive as our own words, and likely, the variety of uses will also have their unique messages to them. The field lets you master types of touch including playful touches, teasing, hugging, holding, nurturing, assurance of safety, etc.

Eucalyptus in your hands!
Presented here to give the user the ability to give an amazing massage that relieves our partner of tension, stimulates blood flow, and puts them in the mood if desired.


Two Floating Bodies!:

This is a special ability of an intertwining coherence between you and your partner. A harmonious oneness of two souls.

Between the two couples presents the sublime coherence of all bodies— physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

This isn’t just for intimate times, but also to create a deeper connection between partners

A Spaceship Inside - Inviting the Stars:

Planetary energies have long been used by practitioners and magicians to aid in rituals and spells. In numerology, Venus represents the number 15, and in Babylonia, where numerology was invented, she was assigned the 6 corner star— This was changed to two squares fused into one where geometrically the shape became a square. It creates 9 cells which were so numbered that the numbers counted in any row gave the sum of 15. Venus, thus, became the Magic Square of 15. (American Journal of Chinese Medicine,1987)

The square also represented 4 cosmic elements and 4 cosmic qualities, and it had the numbers of 1,3,5,8– an unresolved mystery of the magic square.

Venus Energies

The field draws from Venus the following energies:

The mystery energies of 1,3,5,8 of the Venus Magic Square.
Venus pentacle energies 2 through 5–
2nd Energy of Venus: For obtaining grace and honor, and accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart
3rd Energy of Venus: This aids to attract love, respect, and admiration.
4th Energy of Venus: This is a powerful energy that forces any person the owner desires to come to them, but only applicable to right partners.
5th Energy of Venus: The Seal which excites great passion and desire when shown to another.

The Bubble of Light: A Leading Heart:

Creates a bubble of Light that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force of love.

The bubble of Light is here to nurture your heart, as your heart becomes in expansive space where it’s filled with nourishment, care, and transcendental love energies.

The bubble of Light draws a powerful shield encapsulating your heart with her Light, protecting both your physical and energetic heart centres.

Expands the heart centre and makes all the chakras work in harmony with the heart chakra as a kind of leader, so they work multidimensionally, allowing your lowest aspects and higher aspects to be more connected and overtime helping you embody more and more of your consciousness.
Designed to train your chakras to stay open and connected multi-dimensionally

The Bubble of Light, while may seem to have a soft effect, is a powerful influx of light that is constantly saturating, clearing, healing, nurturing, and fiercely protects your heart– as your heart is now her home, she knows how to keep her home the highest place of your being.
She knows how to prepare a powerful leading heart.

Instrumental Music – An ancient healer:

Heal your heart with the essence of instrumental music

According to all major spiritual and religious texts the earth and universe were created and brought into form through sound. The Upanishads, considered the oldest spiritual text on our planet (10,000 years older than the Bible), actually translates into “The Last Song.” The Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, which predates the Bible by some three thousand years, literally translates into “Celestial Song” or “Song of the Lord.” Its’ text states: “In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the “Word,” and the “Word” was Brahman and Brahman said this world shall be and the world came into being.”

Music has the power to change emotional states, perceptions, physiology and elevate spiritual awareness. Certain types of music, devotional and sacred in nature, also have the power to transform individual and collective consciousness into the heightened states of love, forgiveness, compassion and physical healing.

The Essence and Beauty of love of music now flows into and through your heart, tuning and ascending it in its frequency as far as it can go.

So Imagine being on a tour of all music that had ever existed as if you had these artists performing their masteries in front of you radiating out this purity of love through their beautiful and loving melodies.

Now instead of your ears listening it’s your heart.

Glory Lovy:

Willpower boost towards love. Giving you a push, constant willpower growing towards always expressing yourself through unconditional love, becoming the highest version of yourself, letting go of ego when in conflict for example and pushes you to recenter on your heart, to speak from a place of love, saying the truth but always in the best interest of the other person. Shifting your mindset toward that virtuous attitude.

It brings you to your unconditionally loving version of yourself no matter what it takes. Geared towards bringing you to the highest version of yourself, your highest potential of virtuousness.

This process isn’t just a mindset aspect, it heals anything preventing you from achieving this, any aspect of your consciousness preventing you from reaching that state.


Relationship Mindset:

Perhaps this can be the most important aspect of the field. While self-awareness is an encouraged process, it does not come into fruition without a powerful force of action or a driving force that constantly pushes these changes. This part introduces concepts that are crucial to a healthy relationship. The field uses the techniques present in “Mind Settings” Album to create a permanent and long lasting effect on the user for a solid foundation of a healthy relationship mindset.

Forgiveness of Love

When partners are emotionally and mentally prepared for the deep healing that will bring them closer together over time, it will be easier to build a nourishing and vibrant environment. Mature love is a commitment to supporting each other’s happiness, it is forgiveness for all what love has caused, and an intention basked in the gradient sun rays of love to be open to experience all what it is.

One can feel love for another, but also have a variety of attachments that block their appreciation for the amazing connection that is right in front of them.

Attachments represent our inflexibility, it is the rock that stands in our flow of love, it is our survivalist tendencies that we gathered along the road of our life.

One can be in love and also unprepared to care for that love.

This Mindset part is meant to work with, but not limited to, the Secure Attachment, a branch of the Attachment theory, this part addresses the mental aspect of it, as well as induce and instill new concepts that elevate and refine your relationship experience, for a healthier, long lasting relationship.

A main concept that this part focuses on is Mental Boundaries, as we allow ourselves to get caught up with the stream of negative thoughts, one can lose itself in the process and thus create more attached energies to the cycle of negativity. The field introduces such concepts to the user so as to provide a sense of willful control over the thinking loops of the mind.

Suggested frameworks like 12-Step Philosophy propose the following as an outline of Self Concept-Relationship imbalances:

Internal unmanageability:

This manifests itself as emotional volatility in which personal unmanageability can be spotted. This is a predominant reflection of the inability to control emotional natures, where one can often fall into misery and depression. It can also be seen in the pattern of chaotic relationships and fear of abandonment.

God-Shaped Hole:

It is the absence of the self identity or a confused sense of self that is often always in the search for the answer; the right person that would make everything alright.

Self-will run riot:

This is characterized by impulsive behaviors and often are a sign of behavioral dysregulation. The proposal of the philosophy offers a different perspective: “Any life that is run on self will can hardly be a success. On that basis, We are almost always in collision with somebody even though our motives are good”.

Mental bankruptcy:

It is the state where one is a prisoner in their own mind, often guilt is the hidden emotion here. This can appear as dissociative responses and/or paranoid ideation. This is also another sign of disconnection and dismissal of the emotional body.

Other Modalities also include:

The Blame Cycle:

Beneath the layer of this dynamic, there lies frustration, helplessness, powerlessness, and aloneness in the blamer, or a longing for communication that is poorly expressed. Chronic blaming is a serious form of emotional abuse that is often found in partnerships.

Inside the Circle: What Really Happens?

In our childhood, blame is a natural occurrence for things we could not control. Like leaving the toys out, or a loud fun child time, or even bigger occurrences like families divorce. For the blamee, they often feel confused, bewildered, and also helpless, often going into their shell, unable to speak up, as it brings constant criticism for the blamee. Such dynamic is often cleared up through the blamer taking the “risk” of being more open and communicative. From this, trust has a chance to build - the pursuer blames less because there is more contact from the avoider who is now speaking up more. Positive cycles begin to form and the relationship regenerates trust and connection once again. As the blamee starts to build more trust, the cycle is repatterned and shifted into a more positive approach of responsibility and expression.

The Victim Mentality:

When we have a victim mentality, we see the world through a lens of good versus bad. We are the innocent person, and the bad things are outside of ourselves.You might also blame many things on unfairness. At its heart, victim mentality is a coping mechanism.

A Child World Underneath

Often it is from childhood trauma. In effect, it is a mechanism that relieves one of the responsibility, and often grants them attention, as well as the right to complain. Underneath this, there is a hidden anger that is masked by being sad or upset at the ‘uncontrollable’ surroundings. One can break the cycle with ownership, taking responsibility, relying less on external validation that is gained through people’s attention and offered help, and refining their self-concept of one’s own power.

The Relationship between Giving and Receiving:

This is often referred to as the money bank in different models of relationship theories. A bucket that is full of love, in the form of contribution, will have to use its resources, and at the same will have to fill its resources back to remain full. The key here is to always be attentive to how much the bucket is carrying at the moment, a realization of the importance of the ways you are able to fulfill your partner’s needs. Collaboration, attentiveness, and openness to give, as well as openness to receive are high value qualities that continue to fuel the shared love of the couple.

Comparison Between Partners:

In the observant eyes of the natural human, we are often quicker to note the differences between us and other people, where they stand and the advancement gap that is between one and another. In relationships, this can be one of the quickest ways to end a partnership. Comparison between couples often breaks the team spirit between the couple and the commitment to witnessing our partner’s individual growth. When this is replaced by enrichment, your partner’s positive qualities are now inspiring you, as you see those qualities reflecting on your relationship, one can also tune in into gratitude and appreciation, for luck has drawn a person who exudes the qualities that you wish for, presented now as a way to learn and appreciate the various qualities a person, and a partner can have.

in the Layers of Comparison

When we feel that our partners are jealous of our growth and always bringing us down, we tend to display less and less of those special abilities that we have, it stunts our growth and harms our expression. When we impose our control through a captured self-development of our partner, it leaves us to the illusion of superiority, and only in an environment of shared individual growth can a couple truly flourish and ripen, as they elevate their relationship through each partner’s gifted and learned abilities.

Individual Growth:

If we grew up in an environment where our autonomy is considered threatening to our caregivers, we grow up into life thinking that our partner’s presence in the box of behaviors and ideas that we have shaped them in is also threatening to our relationship.

Change: The Beginning of our Adult Life.

We have the life-long journey of our life on this Earth, presented to us as a way to grow and learn. An understanding of the natural role of life in evolving is crucial for the growth of our relationships. Change can be scary on us humans, and while it is understandable, a commitment to inner growth that changes our experience of the world is exponentially rewarding for our partners, and by extension, to our relationships.

Team Spirit:

One of the beautifully uplifting spirits relationships can have is their sense of togetherness. There is where unity is, a collaboration of power, shared efforts, and mutual support between the couple. When we “partner up” in our relationships, the hard shells of our challenges melt away, as both partners share an intentional will in going through life as one unified balance of power. This requires an intentional effort in going about topics like finances, sex, and emotional intimacy.and a strong willingness to share the teamwork as one; stepping power fights and inflexibilities of beliefs aside.

Power Imbalances:

This is meant to shape the end to power struggles once and for all, through an introduction of concepts and melting away of the core reasons that people find themselves grabbing the next wand of power, wrongful authority, and control. An introduction of a new comfort and security in one’s skin, an openness to vulnerability, and understanding of a new humble presence. This part also works on the sensitivity towards such attitudes as it introduces new ways and concepts of how one can not be stripped off their inner power, as well as tactfully wiser ways to secure their ground. A release of feeling threatened and a gained ability of working through similar situations.An establishment of boundaries that prevents these occurrences.

Chaos and Order– A pursuit of establishment

Using models that suggest the relationship between chaos and order in establishment of communication, the field aims to rebalance the sensory inputs that states of chaos or order carry to the user, as well as their relationship to the possible harmony that comes across threatening otherwise. The field also touches on ‘self value’ contributions that the user finds pertaining, and can only be heard, expressed, or valid in the environment of chaos or order, as opposed to shared harmony and balance.

Abundance Mindset:

The idea here is to reenact the emotional fulfilment coming from a deep knowing and presence of the abundance of love.

An Abundance of Love:

As we feel the Love present, we move away from the states of constantly looking for love, or waiting for its arrival. Instead, we look around and find it everywhere. It is omnipresent in our surroundings, in the people we share the love with, and in our daily interactions. When we feel abundant in love, we are more likely to act in the ways that attract love to us, we are less likely to repel it, or act in ways that communicate the absence of love we think we have.

The Secure Attachment:

Attachment theory is based on the first relationship that a child has, and how that relationship influences the child’s mental development. As we grow up, we display patterns of attachments that we have learned in our childhood with our partners, as a safe space that we know of, and as our first instinct of displaying love. When our childhood needs of security, calmness, and understanding are provided, our nervous system is regulated, as our interactions with the people surrounding us also grows in regulation.

Finding Security in Love

Attachment is often a concept that is often frowned upon, and only when we come to understand that the conflicting variation of how we display our attachment is when problems arise, we begin to migrate and shift ourselves into what a secure form of attachment is. It is interesting how the seeds of it start with non-verbal communication with our parents, as it suggests the basis of these formations in the very early years of our childhood, before our awareness shapes its understanding, and in the years of our highest suggestibility. Children who formed a secure attachment with their parents reflect a solid foundation of healthy self-awareness, eagerness to learn, empathy and relating to people, self-trust, as well as a heightened ability of trusting others. They also react well to stress, are willing to try new things independently, and able to form stronger intrapersonal relationships. They are also superior problem solvers, as problems are not threatening to them, suggesting a normal brain function and receptivity in times of conflict. Not heightened, lowered, or ‘keeping up’ as the brain is likely to react in others who form different types of attachments early on in their life.

The Secure Attachment part is meant to address all what constructs and creates a healthy individual that is able to form secure attachments with the world around them, it is not limited to behavioral or mental characteristics but meant to be addressed conceptually as a whole.

The Breakup Protocol:

This part is meant to address past relationships and ending one, as it aims to cut the cords of all relationships that the user has been through, while leaving the user with gratitude and appreciation for the lessons they learned and the time shared, as it eases moving on from relationships and releases any identity associations with the past relationships, or with their red flags. This part also calls on all the soul energy that is lost as it aims for soul retrieval, specifically focused on past relationships only.


A Force of Action:

Among all proposed qualities, it is the propelling force of action that keeps on fueling the relationship. Without it, all forces fall down. A catalyzed fire turns into a breaking down of all compositions, as atrophy finds its way in the narrow dark edges, as things feel mundane, as the hearts that gleamed in possibilities have now turned blue, as the music echoes away and leaves the empty hall.

This part is meant to introduce, instill, and encourage participative action between the couple, as the bridge that creates and builds their relationship. Here, we also transform their own love into a creative force of action that is here to provide a loving will between the couple, for as long as the relationship benefits them.

The field uses 3 abilities alongside the partners’ own love to amplify this effect

1. The Raw Energies of Mars:

This is the raw sexual force of Mars with its raw force of action; transforming the couple’s physical bond to be that of constant attraction. This also creates a constant thrill to be together as well as a long term maintenance of the physical relationship. Attributes of Mars like having a healthy body image, assertiveness, etc are also enhanced in the couple. Together, the couple form a powerful Mars dynamic– This energy also fuels their love, goals, happiness, and personal attributes.

A couple as a healthy Mars powerhouse!

  1. The Fiery Union–Dragon and Phoenix

The Celestial Fire

Two of the most powerful of the four celestial animals are the dragon and phoenix.

The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is “yang” while Phoenix is “yin”, and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss.

This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. They ensure that a newlywed couple will be blessed with both patriarch and matriarch luck, outstanding achievement in life and great fortune and prosperity with many filial offspring.

The dragon is the basis of feng shui studies that controls the cosmic chi and forces on earth. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix will bring out the excellent side of the female.

The Dragon when placed together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the pheonix.

3. The Eternal Zoroastrian Flame:

“The smoke from whose jaws bedimmed the world.
Hushang the wary seized a stone,
Advanced towards the beast and hurled it royally.
The world-consuming snake escaped,
But the stone struck on a larger,
And as both shivered,
Sparks issued and a dried bush was set ablaze.”

(Ferdowsi’ Shahnameh: The Book of Kings)

This is a very deep part of Persian history; In ancient times, Zoroastrians’ use of light served as the focus of their religious practises. Fire (athra / atarsh / atash) was a means of producing light. (K. E. Eduljee)

The passing of Zoroastrian ideas and values from one person to the next is symbolized by a new flame being lit from an existing one. When these ideas and Values are passed from one generation to another without interruption, we have the notion of an ‘eternal’ flame, one that will endure the passage of time.

Here, we use the Zoroastrians eternal flame to ignite the spark between the couple, to spark their relationship continuity, while also adding more flammable objects to the mix (deeper connection and love, more dates, a deeper understanding of each other in every sense) and this will ignite the fire of the flame; making the flame get even bigger. This also symbolises the fire burning anything that gets in its way (negative entities, gossip and hate, attacks etc)

The fire is also a deep symbol of Light and Fire coming together, signifying creation– This will also draw all associated benefits of the flame to all relationship aspects.

The Flame learns the biggest wisdoms that were passed down from all the other flames to also solidify and improve your relationship on a deeper level

Most importantly, the fire within all 3 elements is also used to spark your own energies, your own soul, revives your power and ignites your heart! as the creation of spark and the passion it brings can only start from ourselves…

While the proposed concepts are meant to be highlighted, the mindset part is also meant to address different concepts and environments that build and inspire the relationship, and is not meant to be limited to these concepts, but rather act as a highlight of valued importance. The solutions presented are also a suggested framework of added qualities that further build the relationship mindset.


Permanent Connection to Divine Love:

This is an approach to fulfil, nurture, and grow the divine femine energy and divine masculine energy in their unconditional love form.

This is the unconditional love of the Divine feminine and Divine masculine, and while its applications and benefits are endless; the approach is used here as a mean of creating self-sufficiency that is based on unconditional love.

An attempt of Love to combat codependency.

One of the main reasons behind codependency is the seeking of different gender energies outside oneself, and if only we turn inside we will find this filled within.

In addition, our beliefs of being incapable of finding this within leads us to constantly seek, demand, and raise the bar–fuel ourselves with what we have but keep looking for elsewhere.

The field uses The Source as the main supplier of unconditional love energy.

Each chakra, node, marmas, varmas, and meridian point are all circulating with unconditional love energies of the divine feminine and masculine, meeting at the pool of acupressure points; an orbit of fulfilling all energy body points, channels, and functional aspects–including the main body component of cells and nerves.

Permanent Connection to the Divine Feminine and Masculine:

This is highlighted differently than its divine love counterpart, presented as the purest raw form of the divine feminine and masculine, coming from the Source.

It’s the full expression of the divine energies where your body is now home to the circulating, fulfilling, and flowing energies.

Carried through the energies of Wu-Ji; the pure energy of Dao and the formless aspect of the Tao, prior to the division into Yin and Yang.

Similar but a bit different with the carrier energy; Each chakra, node, marmas, varmas, and meridian point are all circulating with the divine feminine and masculine, and carried through Wu-Ji, meeting at the pool of acupressure points; an orbit of fulfilling all energy body points, channels, and functional aspects–including the main body component of cells and nerves.


The Self-Sustaining Shield of Light and Love:

This is a shield smelled from far away … feared from the furthest grounds… a shield that is trepidatious to even the most powerful of psychics and magicians … dreading the inexistent fact they tried to encounter you.

A shield that burns and nullifies any negative intent or energy in its radius. it continually grows and gets stronger without any limit; growing it’s strength through external environmental energies and what not.

If any malevolent entity or being of any sort tries to reach you, the light and power of the shield would make it immediately dispel their presence. The shield can also transform into one of the elements like fire, water, etc. in the astral, depending on who is the opponent, if a certain element would be better suited.

The shield also reaches to elemental spirits to ward off and purify all evil that is in reach.
Each chakra is shielded with a shield that protects it from any unwanted energies, protects it from whatever causes them tearing, holes, and regenerates them to a whole level whenever needed.

Each soul center is protected from any unwanted energies, be protected from whatever causes it tears, leakages and would regenerate it to the most healthy state.

The shield also nurtures, heals, strengthens your whole being as a whole, all your bodies from the physical to the energetic and all other auric bodies.
The shield has a pool of healing energy that keeps building overtime too. It also balances and provides your being with any of the five elements needed to heal and nurture a certain part. The shield is smart enough to heal any damage on its own.

This shield also includes The Essence of Divine Protection and Protection Prayers: This is the condensed essence of all protection prayers, all the boons of protection that was granted to those who reached out, and to those who asked. Combined with the essence of the Godly protection from the divine.

As well as protection of consciousness etc. protective abilities, of all dharmapalas.

The main focus here is on oneself… But it also draws its energy onto the relationship.

Firmness to the Roots:

This here is an approach of physical and non-verbal communication of strength as well as an added boost of confidence and appeal. Metaphorically, our backs are the protective armor of our bodies, but also a strong physical attribute that sends messages of approachability. It’s the easiest way for harmful self-absorbed people to spot the weak. This is a fierce attempt of protection for people of that nature to back off, as well as a release of any ‘prey’ beliefs present energetically within the back and upper shoulders that possibly lets the user carry themselves in that way.

Vibration: the Language of the Universe:

Resonance is the sound of the universe, and it is through which our universe responds to our matching vibration of thoughts, emotions and beliefs. All mastered together to elevate a constant state of alignment.

The smart field here leaps up to push the user’s vibratory state into the highest transcendental love on the vibrational scale. This special ability automatically detects when your vibration is dropping to constantly push you to be aligned with transcendental love.

The field actively works on detecting any kind of energies about to bring your vibration down and instantly neutralises the energies. This is useful for energies of hate, projection, jealousy, manipulative persuasion, and times of dispute.

A New Light of Perception:

Sometimes relationships break apart for the simplest of reasons, accompanied by perception of both partner’s that is backed up by the influence of the surrounding events.

What this does is a global reset of perception where previous, current, and future partners perceive you only in the light of who you are at the moment. Oftentimes perceptions can be an accumulation of fears and projections. The field works on sending information of the present light of who you are at the moment to partners of all times.

This is a growing effect paired with our evolving and growing nature.



This is a combination of Runanubandha on both an ancient and energetic level and a biological level. Recreating the whale experience of all forms of Runanubandha with air, water, soil, wind, smoke, etc.

Runanubanda means memory on a physical level (scale)… It can come from certain relationships, touches, intimate encounters… The body has the ability to remember particular touches, both with person and object. People, the atmosphere, the situation, and the body can remember all these things, which then can be reflected in our physics. For yogi, this gets disturbing because the sensitivity here is quite high. They often use water, shower as the simplest method of cleansing. There are deeper cleansing procedures like smoke, strong wind, and rivers.

Now take a tour into your body and see, how the cells operate

Our bodily systems skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular/circulatory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, and digestive systems are now operating with divine love from the source

Providing structure and support, facilitating growth through mitosis, allowing passive and active transport, producing energy, creating metabolic reactions and aid in reproduction, carrying and sharing divine love with them as they perform their tasks, purifying any energetic baggage standing along the way.

All of our bodily functions, organs, cells now gain new positive memories, caused by the Divine Love and replacing the less positive memories that we hold in our physical bodies.

Thomas Fuchs defines 6 different types of BM: procedural, situational, intercorporeal, incorporative, pain, and traumatic memory. He notes that they are not strictly separable from one another but "derived from different dimensions of bodily experience: 12 Michelle Summa further refines this definition as an implicit memory. A pre-thematic, operative consciousness of the past expressed through the body.

Now Your every thought, synapse, reflex, is now carrying the love with them, always purifying anything opposing the flow of love in these systems and functions.

Shedding the Darkness- A Phoenix Rise:

Self Sufficiency
You are complete with yourself, you aren’t dependent on anyone. Loving your partner(s) you do, but unconditionally. You do not set expectations and see the person for who he/she is.

The field enhances our ability to speak our true self with others. Cultivating all the aspects of ourselves that are responsible for our communication with others… The mind, the throat… Making our communication skills more and more flawless. Guiding you towards creating the best possible outcome with your voice in times of distress, arguments, miscommunication, with your partners and people in general. Your voice heals. Your heart and throat work in unison.

You are virtuous, and take healthy criticism as a way to progress. You aren’t feeling attacked or seen as a failure. If criticism is not “ healthy “, but has its source in projections, of course, you being a pillar of unconditional love will talk in accordance with yours and the other person’s best interest. Regardless of you talking or not, you move on, untouched, and having learned.

It aims to make you feel whole, your heart always filled with love. Heals sexual traumas, heartbreaks, on all levels.

The healing goes to your inherited negative beliefs, perceived negative experiences that have placed distrust in your heart. Distrust in oneself, in possible partners and others. It heals those hurts and builds / re-builds your self trust, self trust in relationships, healing hurt self image that occurred following negative experiences. Fear based perceptions about your ability to form relationships (romantic and general ) are healed. Limiting beliefs are removed. In the path towards the virtuous version of yourself, all unhealthy aspects of yourself are healed through unconditional love. There is no fear, you love, and in love you trust life and the divine. You are worthy of it all. Accepting, without resistance, unconditional love. And above all, grateful and appreciative of it all. You become unconditional love.

Aren’t all unhealthy reactions, personas, a result of lack of love in an area of one’s psyche?

Powered by a flow of gratitude for unconditional love:

An open gate for always being in a receiving state, a state of appreciation, openness, and acceptance.

And as the want for the deepest changes keeps on expanding … the field also comes with:

Ego Dissolution Targeted for Love

This works on the eyes in which you perceive your past, present, and future experiences, refining how the eyes of the mind, body, and heart see your romantic experiences… Allowing unconditional love and gratitude to always saturate your mirrors of perception.

Letting Go of Unhealthy Personas

This includes all the cover ups that we put on ourselves when we meet a new person or during an intimate or vulnerable conversation.

This also works on the ‘baggage’ found within the social and relationship persona, beliefs about oneself that makes them carry these into our expression and into relationships. The beliefs of a constantly changeable vessel for an attempt of approval or acceptance, for example.

This also applies to categorization and reflection of past experiences over present ones.

Lowering Your Guard Down

This works on dissolving all root causes, beliefs, and behaviors of defensive mechanisms related to relationships with people and situations that involve interactions with others. All on a mental, physical and energetic emotional level. Some of the defensive mechanisms this works on is ‘ignoring people for fun’ or for an added boost of validation. The field automatically reverses those defensive mechanisms to their positive attributes instead, replacing the transition with the utmost levels of unconditional love and gratitude.


Subconscious Limits Removal targeted for Love:

Removing all limiting beliefs affecting us from getting and being a relationship of the highest love.

This includes:

Removing belief, factor, past experience that makes us feel unworthy

Removing every factor, belief, experience, that makes us incapable of loving and being in a relationship

Removing every factor, belief, experience that is preventing us from striking up and starting a conversation, relationship, making the move, approaching, expressing love, feeling loved,

Removing every factor, belief experience that makes us think that love and loving relationship is impossible to achieve, in general and with your specific person.

Removing every factor, belief, past experience, associations that make us overthink the romantic situations

Removing every factor, belief, experience, associations that makes prevent us from being courageous.

Now replacing all of that with their positive attributes.

So, all the beliefs, factors, experiences, associations required for:

Feeling worthy, making us feel capable of loving another person and being in a relationship, starting it, starting conversations, making the move, approaching that person in any situation, expressing love, feeling love, making us feel and believe that we can have a fantastic relationship filled with the highest form of love. and for being courageous.

In addition:

  • Everything that is beautiful about you, will be strengthened and infused within your being.
  • Inspiring past memories of love, and experiencing the love of the now and the joy of the probable future.

Know Thyself:

This is when one goes deeper and deeper into self-mastery, into knowing thyself. The power of listening. The soul whispers and can only be heard within the space of inner silence, the space of the open heart. Through silent meditation practice, contemplation into places of nature where one can easily let go of Earth reality yet tune into higher and deeper dimensions within. Along the path one will be able to achieve this state of presence and deep listening whilst remaining fully present and embodied within one physical body temple. It is simply practice, on all levels

Inquire within yourself. Admit the emotions and motivations of your reactions and responses. It is from this point that you can begin a new relationship with yourself as one who chooses to delve deeply into self knowing. Taking a direction towards nurturing, healing, learning, transformation, adaptation, and forgiveness.

To Know thyself is to love thyself…and others with authenticity.

If we can listen to ourselves, we can really listen to others. If we can be authentic with ourselves then we can be so with others. If we can accept ourselves in a loving, compassionate way then this can be mirrored back to us from others, and from ourselves.

But how to listen?

Emotions are created by a combination of experiences as well as isolated ones. These experiences emerge from actions. Actions are fuelled with desires (in all sense of the idea). These desires often develop from thoughts, that are formed through our understanding. This understanding is based on the feedback we receive in the form of communication(s) with the world around us.If we are able to explore how these patterns this could potentially lead us to a more deep, wholesome and accepting nature towards ourselves and others. This includes the understanding that those closest to you, and everyone else for that matter, have their own personal unconscious patterns. (Kishore Patar, Forge Botanicals)

The Silence- Tuning into the Whispers:

Your heart space is known as the space of all miracles. As one surrenders one’s mind to the heart space, everything opens and in that openness, allowing frequency, in that surrender, all comes into soul alignment effortlessly.

Anchor your heart in the I AM presence and get to know thyself in the process.

Discover your limitless potential of your heart, open the portals of your heart, surrender to it and start living in it.

Notice your life becoming stable, grounded and balanced, let these concepts remind you of the present moment that your heart beats in and guides you with its fulfilment

Listen at yourself inwards and get to know thyself 100%. Your higher dimension of thyself are waiting for you to enter then.

Why the heart?

Your heart is the universal connector. Time is indeed an illusion. Through presence one becomes boundless, limitless, infinite. In that space, all is possible, this is what is referred to as the 5th dimension, where all possibilities reside.

In the space of presence there is no effort involved. All is happening in the flow. This is also the space of your soul, your higher self, which are other words to describe the I AM which does not dwell in time. (Gaia)


The Sacred Chakra:

The Hrit chakra is said to be the seat of intuition and sits within the Anahata chakra (the heart centre) and is also known as the sacred heart. It is powerful and essential to all seven main chakras.

It is also known as Hridaya or Surya (Solar) chakra. It is located approximately 2 finger widths beneath the physical heart and when awakened, it helps embody your higher self/inner teacher and open you to unconditional love

The field cultivates and grows all the parts of our system related to the heart and love including heart chakra, sacred heart chakra, and any other system related, evolving the chakras and whole system for that your entire being and all its components become the most powerful expression of unconditional love. So that you can now, as a being, become love.

As it works on activation, strengthening, growing etc, of the sacred heart chakra (hritpadma) to release control to realize unconditional love and being-ness.

It also continuously saturates your own unconditional self love every atom of your being, your mitochondria, organs, chakras, meridians, dan tien, auric bodies.

The Higher Heart Chakra:

The Higher Heart Chakra, also known as the Etheric Chakra and the Seat of the Soul, is physically represented by the thymus gland. The Thymus gland sits between the heart and the sternum, and supports an immune response, producing T-cells that distinguish pathogens and fend them off.

The chakra itself is a filter of unconditional love and acts for the highest good of all, enabling connection with the Divine and Divine Soul Union. It is an activator of higher consciousness, yet it allows the Higher Mind to meet the Inner Child. It is able to bring belief and spiritual wisdom down from the heavens while keeping us connected to the earth plane.

This Chakra Vibrationally affects the thymus gland and immune system; energetically promotes fertility and conception in females, vibrationally promotes unconditional love, the ability to express and receive love, trusting in love, feeling safe to love, and removing barriers that prevent from loving truthfully.

The field cultivates and grows all the parts of the higher heart chakra; evolving the chakras and whole system for that your entire being and all its components become the most powerful expression of unconditional love. So that you can now, as a being, become love.

Clearing, opening, nurturing and strengthening of this chakra is here to...
  • Open the heart to forgiveness of oneself and others
  • Releasing trauma and negative emotions
  • Enhanced empathy and desire to help others heal emotionally
  • Connecting with one’s true self
  • Recognizing one’s true purpose
  • Reaching energetic state of deep calm, bliss, euphoria
  • Free of fear
  • Deep sense of connection to all sentient beings, the Earth and the Universe
  • Connecting and communicating with higher consciousness
  • Downloading information from Third Eye and Crown Chakras funnelled through the Higher Heart
  • Realization that you exist beyond your physical body
  • Realization that we are all one

Higher Heart activations offer freedom from fear and enable emotional release, forgiveness and transformation through unconditional love. A heart activation causes one to tune into one’s true heart desires and this requires a relaxed state, free from fear and emotional trauma. (Sacred Gemstone. 2019)


In the various roads of life, there is a special spark of love that fuels our presence, lights up our heart, A twirling embrace that swirls in a beam of glowing light…

And as we travel far into the worlds of love, we are faced with the twinkling stars, or the lustrous cosmic rays…

But we also encounter the meteors, the light becomes too bright, the radiance becomes overpowering, and the gravity that was once freeing has become a tripping ride to the other side…

Or find ourselves sucked into a luminous quasar…

And into the nothingness of the pitch dark sphere.

We present this as an invitation, An open embrace with arms that welcome, standing straight with a back that isn’t bothered by the sharpness of the empty winds that fall behind, and a mind that has resolved its past. A heart that has forgiven love for all what it has caused, welcoming all what aboards, A future that luminates the roads ahead, and an awareness of the turbulent winds. An inner compass that knows the way out, and a body that is ready to drive through the ins and outs.

We present this as…The Blueprint of Love.


Okay people can start posting now lol