Body chills/goosebumps/tingles

What does this mean when listening to fields and how come it only happens sometimes?




I think tingling is a way of feeling energy (for example, the energy of the morphic field).il peut aussi y avoir une sensation de chaleur (ou de froid) localisé à un ou plusieurs endroits du corps sans raison valable ( à part la sensation d’énergie),the same for the tingling and others (everyone can feel something different, to feel the energy).just my thought.


In addition to the great answers in this thread, body chills, tingles and goosebumps typically occur as a result of unusual nervous system activity, at its essence. That’s typically what is occurring physically. Some people experience this more often than others.

The nervous system activity can be a result of many things, including what has been suggested in this thread.

At its essence, it is a person’s nervous system response to different types of stimuli, internal or external, and can be spiritual, energetic or more ‘mundane’.

Such experiences often only happen sometimes, as it varies depending upon complex, ever-changing variations in your current state (and variations in external energies) as you listen to the fields.

The experience seems to happen more often for some people when stimulating the energy body, or otherwise receiving unusual nervous system input. It can also happen more often for some people when connecting to energies or spiritual things.