⛱ Body Oriented Therapy & SPA - Private Project

Yes these real answers were already in front of my eyes :eyes: :joy:

thank you, a spa that fits in my travel bag, I can take it wherever I want hahahha…

what an amazing field, the addition for spinal healing makes it casiment perfect…

thank you brooo I take advantage of it thanks to you and also the speed with which you answered me, I didn’t even have time to finish my sports session that you already blessed me with your answer…

Big kisses brooo


More broadly, body-oriented therapy, which people in the “physical” world pay cosmic money for, combined with a spa, is the bomb. Some haven’t figured that out, and have sold their copies.

I’m always happy that those copies get the best anyway.

Enjoy :clinking_glasses: :boom: :drooling_face:


Beautiful, fantastic field. I wanted it since the moment it was out. Just reading about it felt great, yet incomparable to how it feels actually having and using it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Thank you to those who made it possible! Your work is much appreciated.


My goodness, did you get it? (I really didn’t know about it, but I gave a hint to a mutual friend of ours who was selling this field at the call of the Goddess :grin:)

Captain :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Yes, I did :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you! I got it from him. Grateful to the Goddess as well :grinning:

Is there any other information that you could share about the field except what was shared in this thread?


I think she even recommended that he set a decent price so that worthy people get this field

(but you can check with him :grin:)

this information seemed to be x30+ pages long

it has been deleted.

everything you need to know is in this thread

The rest is up to you and your desire to understand this field.

you can do a search, and you’ll find a lot of info on body oriented therapy

do not go into detail in the fine print of my work - what matters to the user is the information foundation/basis and resonance to the project, and then the results

this is the official statement for those who ask for details :slightly_smiling_face:


After your visit to the spa, go to the salon, to the Fairy Queen, who will perform certain procedures, and then lubricate your whole body with Premium Serum

If you create this ritual (due to time constraints I can only do it on weekends) - your results will increase many times over

(of all Captain’s fields, not just the ones we’re talking about now) :laughing:


looking forward to your experience @Anya




Thank you Ugnis! I immensely enjoy all of your projects. Both reading about the ones I don’t have, and using those I do have.

OK, I still have to “make friends” with Alchemical Astrology, but I’m making progress.

I just have to keep in mind what you said in the other thread:

“I’m begging you all not to loop The Captain’s latest creations”

Maybe I should print it out and pin it to my forehead :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime:

On account of not listening to the well-meaning warning above, I’m experiencing some fatigue and body pains but also feeling that everything in the body is coming into alignment which is great.

Some discomfort, even nausea is normal to experience during any kind of body treatment, so I’m not worried at all and looking forward to future experiences with this wonderful creation.




yes, and you have also seen in groups, and also some of our mutual acquaintances have repeatedly confirmed that especially the latest projects are so powerful that looping for a longer time leads to a little bit of energy overload

I have always been an advocate of reasonableness and strict dosage

looping repeatedly doesn’t mean “speeding up” the results

If it were, a lot of people wouldn’t be on this forum.

you could loop the field for a whole day - get a result, and disappear from the forum lol

But that doesn’t happen.

More important is gradualness and patience I think
the system receives information - and reconfigures the initial programs
Perhaps someone else has a different opinion, but I, nevertheless, evaluating my experience of interaction with different fields, will stop at what I wrote above :grin:

Nevertheless, it has been confirmed that spa is quite fast and effective in removing muscle tension :grin:


Of course not. I didn’t do it on purpose. 2-3 times is the right “dose” for me. This was an accident.

This is common sense, but it never hurts to repeat it.

By all means. Still, it’s different than with medical treatments. At least the ones I have had the misfortune to experience. It’s easy to be patient and consistent when you see the results and look forward to the outcome.


Me too
my “standard” - each field is played x2 times

will wait for your results and impressions in the future :clinking_glasses: :partying_face:

(also very interesting is your experience with Phoenix - fire)


i got this in a trade about 2 weeks ago, and asked it to teach my subconscious the natural relaxed stated, and remove tension.
i sleep with it under my pillow, and since then i’ve noticed subtle changes, plus my dermatitis is going away slowly(thanks to other healing fields, but this definitely helps, as it is stress related)
ps. is there an audio to it? if yes, i’d like to get it please


There’s more to it than just learning to relax
trust this field

one function is to remove rotting/sealed emotions from the physical body
I said it crudely - but it’s true. :laughing:

this is also one of the foundations of therapy in the “physical” world


if funds allow, do it in your bedroom
This service is provided by many photo salons.

turn your bedroom into an endless spa :laughing:


Good idea :laughing: :clinking_glasses:


Revisited Body Oriented Therapy & SPA/Bee-Shamanism Collage by sensin-sensei


Neighbors have been complaining about constant noise lately. :grin:


I shared this on Toxin Suit yesterday, and the Spa-spin on the end of it encouraged me to get deeper in to the Body Spa experienced on-topic…

On The Toxin Suit as a body-primer

It’s also priming for treats such as Body Spa I feel.

Cause this bodily experience on Toxin is to me greatly in synergistic symbiosis (/symbiotic synergy with the body-spa :upside_down_face:). They obviously do great in tandem to marinate the physical in preparation for the any and the all even suddenly awaiting.

Whereas Toxin feels like a constant nitric oxide-like experience, with increased artery/vein-flows (etc) (and also in reminiscence to Quick & Easy Muscle Cheat Code)
(He actually feels like the primed/pumped physical activity that would prepare the body into a a very loose state for a deep set massage/body therapy).

So on the topic of Body Spa…
I remember the first days with it. Tension just seemed to loosen up immediately. There was alot of emotional release coming with, and this coherent sync of physical-emotional connective phenomena within attachment/detachment, especially sensed during moments of release/detach.
I paired it with Bee Shamanism and instructed one to the other to work in tandem with great success, still do so. The shamanistic approach of the bee’s I feel as another approach to further bring on the depths of what’s there to heal. I haven’t combined it (actively) with Mental Health yet but they surely feel like another match made by the stars.

There were many muscular instances in which they cramped up (especially, for self that is, feet and calves, also the root-area) before reversing into their original un-cramped state. Sometimes with a piercing or clamping pain (whereas sometimes quite intense) before it’s release. I had a growing sense to such moments, which feels related to mold/fungal build-up, cutting and flaming mycelin-strings of stagnancy in the heating stream of an increased flow. To myself, this is physically felt, contiously, as a series of physical implosion/explosion in a chain of reactions. The first day, this was quite regular, nowadays it’s more instancial or related to fluctuating states (and intentions), yet still there, very present.

The bodily dynamic spectrum has broaden, and still does. The kinetic exchange between push and pull greatly enhanced and bodily conceptualized into practice. I guess this is due to the muscles detaching from a anxious/fear/hurt-based cramped/contracting state. This has had an incredible domino-effect, spreading through one’s wholeness into other manifested cramped states, such as social life, or simply general flow and activity in life. A very yielding observation of coherence between realms just illusory separated, truthfully in union. This can also be applied as method, of observing the backgrounding coherence of physical presence; kind of like The Smart Tap Tapper. Feeling physical release (of past stagnancy/density) connected to the piecing in peace of anything of traumatic cause/effect in self is such a giving experience, gaining wisdom in the freeing.

It is still my go-to in moments of fatigue/stress/etc. The audio is highly rocking, and here I mean in a baby-strolling sense. It is lovely on fascia, and anything myo-… or just anything body. And this is a very important aspect for myself, I had a long phase in my journey where I constantly detached further from bodily/physical endeavors in the trance of alternative states of perception. This bodily self-love not just projected but in-practice, is highly rewarding for the interrelation between the bodies, not just one’s physicality (which certainly stores the trauma even of other bodies, vis-a-vis). One simply becomes closer and more in-touch with one’s holistic and synchronistic essence.

The release itself really feels as project-intended, a heavy and dense muscular armor blocking and detsching one to fully sense with oneself that is being unmounted. One feel lighter, closer to one’s body and the whole universal language of oneself. A highly freeing feeling that manifests throughout each day, but also night. Instantly with this release, my sleep went deeper and generelly better. And since then, I’ve actually reduced my sleeping needs if not by two hours, at least one, with a much more focused and rejuvenated wake-up. Surely a win-win :smiley:
And it’s just as effective for regenerating purposes in the day-to-day, say after work out. Or while breaking at work…

And then… I’ve done my Wilhelm Reich-time… so I had quite an eased start in connecting to such concepts with awareness, as for example, the relationship between sexual trauma or (supressed) sexuality in general, and the ”sexual” psycho-spiritus-physical relation and self-manifesting nature. Partly concerning bodily flows and fluids, just as the flow and processes of universal energy (being orgone in the terms of Reich). And here I mean the intercrossing of sexual as the nature of universe itself, the synthesis of the crossing point of two uniting and birthing an alchemized one. This could background the root-area coming in strong play.

All of these phenomenas described above are still on-going. The improvement is immense, also the depths of healing in whole, coming with their own realizations on the inner rot accumulated in store. As I write this, a strong sense of the ’Quick & Easy Muscle Cheat Code’ comes in related relation with Toxin. It’s like the two respective poles of flux, both using muscular containment as storage center for energy. Whereas Body Spa thoroughly cleans this storage, freeing it on cached anti-yielding, non-serving nonsense in a static state, and making room to fill it up Kinetic excellence. A primer with the primed, one being the other in a spiraling cycle.

Truly, as probably understood by these words,
I’m so much in greets for this beauty. It’s blowing my mind, the certainty of a life-long soothing companion which still is ”just initiated”.

This is an absolutely mesmerizing and self-transformative Spa from out of this world,
My experience has pretty much been a confirmation on what finely comes printed :slight_smile:
:raised_hands: :honey_pot: :raised_hands:


You can say it loud and I can testify too, the newcomer is a freshly unleashed fury , full of energy and desire to get involved in this party :space_invader: :space_invader: