Multifaceted system of body-oriented therapy
You can deny your anxiety, but you can’t hide the trembling in your hands or the stiffness of your whole body. The body contains all the information about a person’s life. Like the rings on a tree, it stores the history of our lives of those difficult and emotionally intense situations that remain as notches on it, manifesting as pain, uncomfortable muscle clamps, and various illnesses. The body takes upon itself absolutely all the stresses passing through a person’s life. At the moment of tension, excitement, breathing changes, followed by changes in blood composition, hormones, which at the level of physiology prepares a person for action. If the gestalt is not closed, this state condenses in the muscles.
According to Reich’s theory, in every person there is a chronic muscle tension called a "muscular armor. The accumulation of internal clamps arises as a subconscious protection against emotions, the manifestation of which, for whatever reason, is unacceptable to a person. All this negativity accumulates in the body and takes on a life of its own, and over time it begins to make itself felt.
Muscle armor has an extremely negative effect on a person’s physical and mental state. For example, muscle clamps inhibit blood flow through the blood vessels, disrupting the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the respective organs; the average person’s vitality index is severely understated because the muscular armor uses a lot of energy to support itself; the cleavage in the body on the physical level leads to the generation of many sub-personalities on the mental plane; a distorted internal position to external reality generates destructive thoughts, beliefs and expectations.
Muscle blocks deform the musculoskeletal system and form a weak muscular frame. Muscle memory is very strong, and it is difficult to retrain the body to perform habitual actions with a different distribution of weight and loads. The joints are unable to maintain an even position, so the person tends to lean on stronger parts of the body. At the same time, areas of the skeletal musculature may be in a state of clamping. This further aggravates the situation by increasing the spasm of nerve fibers and weakening the already flaccid muscle areas.
Liberation from the muscular shell is accompanied by a sharp rise in vital tonus, the body gets rid of long-standing chronic diseases, depression. A person acquires emotional immunity, a more stable position in life, excellent adaptability to social changes and freedom of choice in solving important tasks. Alignment of the body occurs, the elasticity of the spine improves, the body itself acquires stature. A straight back keeps the internal organs and muscles toned. Correct positioning of the spine distributes the load on the body evenly, which protects the joints from overstrain and premature wear of cartilage tissue. A person with a healthy posture is less sick, breathes more freely, has a clear head and is full of positive thoughts.
Body-oriented psychotherapy emerged from practical experience and many years of observation of the relationship between the spiritual and the bodily in the functioning of the body. To a greater extent than other directions of psychotherapy it adheres to the holistic approach, the need for which is constantly growing. Overcoming the dualism of body and mind and returning to a holistic personality leads to profound changes in the understanding of human behavior.
Current methods of body-oriented psychotherapy meet all the requirements of the holistic approach: for them the person is a single functioning whole, an alloy of body and psyche, in which changes in one area are accompanied by changes in the other.
Body-oriented psychotherapy is a way of therapy of the soul that has existed as long as mankind has lived. Its techniques have developed in parallel in eastern and western directions, because for centuries in eastern movements there was a different culture of body and corporality in general. Now different approaches are found in modern body-oriented practice. They use different variants of the specialist’s contact with the patient’s body: massage, soft touch, pressure, breath control. It is aimed at restoring the free flow of energy through the body by systematically releasing the blocks of the muscular armor (muscle clamps). Where there are blocks, energy flows are restricted, resulting in pain or disease.
Through releasing the body, one gains freedom from muscle tension and gains the freedom to circulate life energy. This leads to profound personal changes.
The goal of this large-scale project looks quite “simple” - combining pleasant with useful: full integration of therapeutic techniques and systems for working with the body, psychotherapy, spa treatments. Simply “ordering” a muscle and body massage from the Captain would not be enough. The idea of the project turned into a Therapeutic Spa, with certain smells and appropriate atmosphere. This is a specialized therapeutic project, and I apologize to the Captain for the huge amount of information and pedantic detailing of the whole process.
Approximate (abbreviated) project structure: energy massage of the entire face and body, all muscles in order to remove muscle clamps; automatic removal of unnecessary tension in the body, teaching the subconscious mind to be in a natural relaxed state, removal of negative experiences and psychotraumas from the body; automatic breathing exercises and optimization of breathing; energy correction of body position, spine; body alignment. Through energy manipulations each muscle in the body is worked through, each area (section) of the body is worked through, negative experiences are identified and psychological blocks are removed, energy flows in the system are restored.
In the project the chiropractic techniques, principles of restoration of connection between brain and muscles, correction of musculo-ligamentous apparatus, correction of spine microsprains, body alignment, prevention of psychosomatic disorders are detailed. Of course the emphasis is on correcting the cause of the clamp, not just its consequences. “Personal” Psychotherapy, teaching diaphragmatic breathing; pandiculation & neuromuscular retraining method. Various modifications of Reich’s therapy have been dissected and summarized too.
The Spa salon can be visited here: