⛱ Body Oriented Therapy & SPA - Private Project

Hi @TerkumOsber welcome to our awesome Forum :smiley:


I’ve had it for three days
and frankly congratulations
my back crushed my body
with scoliosis, and acu
I’m better ,

little by little with all these eternal audios and the others, my life is sweeter

thank you to everyone who participated,
and thanks to the captain and to sammy


Yes, there were those in our group who needed this project precisely because of this problem

Thank you. :slight_smile:


This field is very strong. It isn’t easy to put the body in alignment after many years of misalignment.

I have tried many body therapies and visited a bunch of chiropractors, osteopaths, and massage therapists. Even when I (on rare occasions) felt a little bit better afterward, the improvements lasted only for a short time.

What Body Therapy is doing looks like it’s here to stay.

I stopped looking for new treatments and just enjoy the process.

I’m happy that I have read the field description and waited until I was able to get a copy. :slightly_smiling_face:


The motto of the Sapien Medicine department (on Venly, as an example) is “NFT collection, where art and energy create magic in your life”. :slight_smile:

it really is, and no one dares to change our minds about it :grin: :muscle:
because it is the peak of energy art from Captain, which brings enormous benefits to those who systematically and painstakingly use his products and try to take responsibility for their lives in their own hands

a huge number of products that are fully accessible to all

With the blessing of the Goddess :yum:


:gem: :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have noticed this big-time at the gym, post Body Oriented Therapy & Spa :yum: :honey_pot:
My movements are much more precise, shoulders are pulled back etc etc

“Make life fun again”


I’m glad you got it again my bro.
Don’t lose any more value that can’t be measured :laughing: :muscle:

stimulus for full and further development and movement :grin:


i need a copy for a friend
but he doesn’t have a lot of money
I hope to find him
otherwise I would lend him mine, when my body is restored
I don’t think we can use , the same ?

Here I have described a rough process that other community members have used

It’s quite effective, and it’s the way out for most


great idea
Thanks a lot

I have to leave it to others, I’m always asked to buy stuff, for each other
I will stop rendering service;
It’s complicated to do the intermediary


Always a method to the madness :wink:
The circle-back method :laughing:


got this a few days ago, and it sits very well in front of the desk
seems like nothing can bother me, everything is chill


Hey there! I just stumbled upon this forum, and your post caught my eye. Your project sounds really interesting, and it seems like you put a lot of thought into it. I

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And you paid attention to my projects right away? :grin:

I just saw the value and the need
because it is a very serious therapeutic system that solves problems in a very holistic and organic way.

The topic of emotions, the energies of emotions and their management was also deployed and implemented in other projects that came later

Thank you :slight_smile:


Great photos, I like this

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in 17-19 minutes after registration and 4 minutes of reading you immediately saw this project and these pictures :) And it was the NFT project. :grin:
Nevertheless, thank you. I’m sure this procedure can be done on its own (honey therapy)




this is sooo good.
not only for release but also as a prevention.
these days i am back to overthinking everything… the future, the past,…
but body spa brought me back to this moment now where nothing of past and future is happening, just enjoy the moment and the feeling of nothing has to be done right now.
and also that my body is too precious for filling it with worries.


I’m a perfectionist. I have been through the process of becoming a paramedic since the end of June when my dad had an emergency in the ICU and he is now fully recovered. It can be said that the pressure in these few months has been quite high. I didn’t know how stressed I was until I used nft again. Thanks for this nft for making me cry and listen to my body 🫡