Book Absorber - Psychic University

Disclaimer - This field is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party fields are not vetted directly by Captain.

Imagine all the knowledge inside a book to be a graph (see graph theory on Wikipedia). This way, you can consider the graph representing the entire book to be the representation of all its knowledge and concepts.

What this field does is install each book’s unique graph into your graph that represents the sum of all your knowledge, and push this installed knowledge to the surface of your consciousness, the most it can.

To absorb the knowledge of a book, interact with the field’s image and say (mentally or vocally) the book title, followed by the author’s name (in the case of multiple authors, the first one is enough). Also works for articles, pdfs, teacher notes, or any coherent piece of information where you can state a title and author.

Might not sound too powerful for fantasy or romance books, but for very hard and technical subjects, where progress in a few pages might take hours, this field gives you a substantial advantage. You’re basically buying a massive amount of time with this.

(Keep in mind some type of integration to the most superficial layers of your consciousness is needed, like reading or being taught by someone else, but you will notice how faster you will be learning everything)

Personally, I recommend absorbing no more than 1 book a day. I also put a safety mechanism making it possible to absorb only 1 book every 20 minutes, to prevent the absorption of the same book twice at the same time for mistakes in the activation phase. Absorbing the same book again will make the effect more noticeable, but as I said, it’s recommended to do it another day.

Again, don’t expect to use this and magically know everything that is inside the book. Active interaction with the material is always needed. This field will make this interaction seem very natural and extremely easy, though.


Book Absorber

book absorber

So, do anyone try this too?


Yeah this would be really interesting

The legend of Edgar Casey, All he had to do was sleep over the book and he could keep it in his head.


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Astrological Intelligence Buff - Psychic University

anyone got updates?

Do we have to own the book to absorb it? Or can we just give the field the information and let it work itself out?

Has anyone tried this field?

@Psychic_University can the Book Absorber work for Video/Webinar Training?


Yes. I even had to do a special programming for it not to absorb useless info from the videos.


works on books written in all languages?
do i need to print the mandala or i can command from mobile screen?
Do i have to buy the book?

I would love to know that too, like shall I print it and keep it under the book or inside the book?

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I thought the " Book absorber " was limited to the Knowledge Manual.

So I can use it with all youtube videos by specifying the video name (as book title) and youtube channel name (as author of the book ) ?

Of course mainly for learning, education and knowledge transmission videos. I am thinking in particular of videos in foreign languages and or to learn foreign languages.



You don’t need to print it.


You don’t need to



So many questions in my mind right now, as you mentioned above that we don’t even have to buy the book, so how do we exactly use this then?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Astrological Intelligence Buff - Psychic University

Hi @Psychic_University, I’m going through an educational course that’s broken down into pretty short videos … Am I able to absorb the entire course at once?

Or do I need to go video by video, one by one, every twenty minutes, until I absorb the whole thing? This seems a bit tedious, and I’d love to be able to absorb a whole course at once


I am confuse, how do I use this?

Do I use this when reading? or can I absorbthe book when thinking about the book?

Or do I do energy work, visualize an energy connection (white light) between my brain and the book? sucking energy from the book, and run through my left hand and to the brain?


@Psychic_University can you answer Enoch’s question ? please

Check the description:

That’s all you need to do.
Then you read the book as normal.


It’s possible.

No need.

Yes, thank you. It’s really that simple.