Book of Long Life and Good Health sigil?

Has anyone ever tried to work with the “Book of Long Life and Good Health” sigil from Sapien’s Patreon?

What noticeable results did you attain? At what point did you realize that the results were from the sigil, and why?

How long are we supposed to use it before seeing results?

What audios should be used to supercharge its results?


I’ve only used these sigils a handful of times.

I only noticed the effects from the first sigil, the one for cleansing the internal organs of bad and degenerating energies. It felt to me like it was cleaning my body, and it lasted about the amount of time mentioned in the description.

This would depend on the state of health of ones body, some people may need to use it longer than others before seeing results.

The Politics of the Body album (Google Play, Spotify) seems to be very similar to the Book of Long Life and Good Health, in audio form.

Description for The Politics of the Body album. Dreamweaver recommends using the audios once every other day to start off with:

Deep Organ Cleanse

Right beneath the layer of the physical body, is the energy body. The energy system directly contributes to the functioning and well being of the physical body. The functioning of the organs correspond to the functioning of the energy system and this audio works on cleansing the energy system to promote better functioning of the organs. The deep organ cleanse energetically depatterns and removes the buildup of junk energies, stuck energies and blockages help keep the organs function in the best way possible.

Gentle Internal Healing

The body’s natural healing system is already very complex and powerful but often is underused. Gentle internal healing speeds up the internal healing in all organs by sending the proper nutrition and attention to the areas that need healing.

Enhanced Organ Functioning

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cells. It is the their center of energy and functioning. This audio charges up the mitochondria in all cells in all of the internal organs so that they have a high amount of energy. Through this hyper enhanced functioning, the functions of the organs are restored and regeneration is enhanced.

Additional audios that may complement The Book of Long Life and Good Health:

  • Advanced Healing

  • Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning

  • The Super Human Mutant

  • Mitochondria-targeted catalase

  • Body Nerve Healing (Patreon)

  • Anti Aging (Patreon)


@gpo thanks so much for such a thorough reply! :slight_smile:


I religiously use the three Sigils in this book! As Gpo mentioned, I clearly feel effects from the cleansing sigil. Initially, it would make me nauseous but not any more. I also love the sigils in that you do not need to spend time listening to audios and you activate them and boom, you are good to go! As soon as I wake up, I try to use all three of them with 20-min break between them.


I am not sure, I bought it a long time ago.

The energetic addendum will work when you download from Patreon…(well, that I was told)

Do the sigils need to stay open on the screen for the 30 minutes?

No, you activate them and thats all

can we use the 3 seals remotely on a person we want to treat?
it would be a good ideal complement with the audio “heal_all” :slightly_smiling_face:

I have another question, can we use a morphic field remotely on a person? with his agreement of course.

Yes, ive done it by tracing the sigils (one at a time) on a picture of the person i want to help.

Yes, by playing be the healer or white light weaves on one device and at the same time on another device close to each other the audio of whatever i want to send healing to. And i even have the picture of lets say : her eyes while the audio is playing on the background on that device.

Just note that i ONLY use the free audios on YouTube for randoms urgent help, and only to my Mom and sisters any ive bought if its urgent.


I thank you Lunalune for your answers :hugs::pray::sunny:


Bumping up this treasure. I’ve been trying to use these three sigils daily, I have them attached to scheduled Reminders on my phone so I don’t forget.

Quick question, when I have the image up on my screen and speak the name, do I need to keep the sigil in view for a certain amount of time, or does it still work even when I’ve minimized the app/window they’re in and am looking at something else? Would it be better for me to print them out?

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I haven´t used this book in years, but from memory I think you just need to look at the sigils for a few seconds. You feel in the body when they´ve been activated.

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This is what I’ve been doing but I’m still working on the sensing so I thought I’d ask. Thanks!

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Loop Torsion for 30 mins during the first one.

Loop Become Whole for 30 mins during the second one.

Loop The Plasma Sound and Bioactive Beach for 30 mins during the third one.

None of these are at all dangerous to loop.