Book of The Cards on gumroad

Book of The Cards This special creation that offers you a real bit of magic to use and augment your daily life. I have always loved the idea of ancient magical tomes, so why not make one? This contains a psychic card system (which you can also download for free from Instagram) and a few new things you can use to create servitors and energy transformers. I really hope you find this useful and enjoyable.

This is the eBook version, with the inclusion of 2 new servitors.

Printed verison

The Book Of Cards physical edition




This has been out for a long time on the Sapien Shop website, Dream decided to sell this on gumroad now. Maybe a sign about the future of the shop’s wwebsite??


ohhh you’re thinking about the 1st version.

This one is 2nd version, exact same as The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

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it’s an eBook

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no, theres a physical book also

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the old lucid dreaming audio…!? maybe :smiley:

I was talking about the gumroad release :p


This one includes the servitors?



And guys the book of cards for free on ig are strong and they grow but the ones on this new one are like 100 more stronger and grow faster and if you can have the hard copy def get it!


I just purchased the gumroad version, but I don’t have “Environmental Transformer” and “Booster” in it. (They’re in the description).

@SammyG Could you check it, please?

That is only available in hard copy. Sorry.

are you sure? It’s in Gumroad description too.

is this confirmed by Sammy or Dream?

100% sure.

Description on Gumroad:

These are not in the eBook version, but you may get some of ‘the flow’ on the main page inside. These are in the printed version.

Environmental Transformer

With this image, you can create an active energy transformer, it will constantly draw in, filter and clean the energy in the environment you place it.

Yes it is meant for the environment, not you.

You place your item on the image, and say ‘create’ then it is ready to use in about 2 hours.


The back image with the hand photo is a field and item booster.

You can use it to grow and charge any item you own, even items without fields, it will grow the inherent field that makes the item what it is.

Items with fields can also be grown on it, once started, it will continue strengthening/growing it for for one hour.

Be careful with how much you boost/grow and item, because it can become un- use-able.

The word to activate it is “charge” or “begin charging”.

The Flow

The image at the front (the face) you place your hand on it and say ‘begin’ and it will create a flow of psychic energy through you and focus on your 3rd eye.

When i say psychic, i mean the energy is best used for psychic work or psychic perception.

You need to keep your hand on it to continue the flow, it works only for 5 mins at a time.

You can hold an item in your other hand and it will also charge this item with energy.

This can be useful when making items, doing psychic or magical work on an item, or you simply wish to directly charge a drink for consumption.

(Print Version)


haha alright, thanks. I can’t believe I missed those 2 lines after reading the whole thing many times.


For the guys/gals with the physical book of cards

How are you all using The flow? How has been your experience with it? Currently debating wether or not i should get the physical or the digital one.


Personally I don’t own this but I’d get the physical copy. It comes with the environmental energy transformer


Thanks for the reminder. I always have the Book nearby and use it often, but have “neglected” The Flow for quite a while.

I had used it to charge some drink a few times (as indicated in the description) but then gave up when the Plasma Drink Charger was released. I’ll try again to see the differences, etc.

Also used for some card readings (to myself). No predictive readings, more like self-explorative readings like “what do I need right now, which kind of energy should I make use of and blabla”. The “answers” seemed to make more sense.

And charged some charm bags or mojo bags or sachets (?) I don’t know how you guys call them exactly. I like making some mousseline bags from time to time with plants and stuff in them. To put under my pillow or my bag, etc. I don’t know if or how they work exactly but they smell good lol.