Book Thread šŸ“š

Sound good! Ill check them. Thanks

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The following is ONLY about the German publishing market.
It is a mix of my personal opinion and a rant.

So, I was doing some research on the value of modern publishing houses and the question of why should an author ever want to work with them in the first place.

My research simply confirmed my assumtion that self-publishing is ALWAYS better for 99.9% of the authors out there.

The most important thing first, and it is not even about the money that author can make of his books, and that isā€¦

ā€¦that those publishing houses and the people who work there are very arrogant and entitled.

They are constantly presenting themselves as people who think that they really understand literature, the German language, what people want to read and what ā€œquality writingā€ looks like. They constantly act as if they are the ā€œquality gate keepers of the marketā€.

This is a group of people, mostly coming from woke Universities with their Masters and PhDs in Germany Language and Journalism, so the only jobs they were able to find were at these very publishing houses.
However, in most cases, these people have NO real life experience.
They are living in their own bubble of ā€œthe art of literatureā€.
A fantasy bubble of the ā€œliterature intellectualā€ who thinks they understand the whole world, but in reality are just mental masturbators.

I have worked with such people in my professional life in the past (I was not the author but I was doing coordination for an author), so I know how these people tick in their heads.

If we look at the numbers, these publishing houses have nothing to offer to 99% of the authors:

  • The publishing houses take most of the revenue. The author gets only a minor fraction, compared to self-publishing where the author gets the biggest part of the cake.
    The average novel published through a publishing house sells 300 copies. If the author gets 1 ā‚¬ from each sale, thatā€™s 300 ā‚¬ lol.
    Versus, if I sell a self-published book to 100 friends of mine and make 5-10 ā‚¬ from each, I will make 500-1000 ā‚¬ already just from that.

  • The publishing houses decide on the final cover layout, which is mostly not appealing at all and does not ignite any interest ā€“ thatā€™s why most of their published books do not sell well at all! If those would be really interst igniting covers, they would sell more copies. Just look at the average cover of a romance novel:
    ā€œA boring countryside house near a lakeā€ lol.
    What does it even supposed to tell me about the story?
    The same is true for the cover text.
    You can make an experiment by yourself:
    Read 20 back cover novel descriptions and I am pretty sure that 19 of those will not ignite any interst whatsoever in you as the reader.
    These publishing houses simply have no clue how to hook a reader because the people who work at these houses are NOT marketing and sales experts but ā€œGerman Language Doctoratesā€.
    I, as an author, would never trust the sales of my product (my book) to people who have no clue about selling. It is logical, isnā€™t it?

  • Most titles that publishing houses select for publishing are actually boring Boomer shit, see example above with the ā€œCountryside house at the lakeā€.
    So most of these publishing houses are actually really bad at picking winners.
    The Fifty Shades of Grey book was already a bestselling self-publishing title, it was not picked by a Publishing House. Instead, the Publishing House came in later and jumped onto the money opportunity. They didnā€™t discover this bestseller by themselves.

  • The publishing houses are actually bad at marketing and promoting their books and their authors.
    MOST of their products DO NOT SELL at all!
    Which is a red flag.
    They only make money of the 1% of their books that become bestsellers.
    If I, as an author, hire people in a Third World country and let them do some social media and YouTube marketing for my book, I will get more sales, than those outdated Boomer publishing houses do.
    Most authors would be better off doing their own marketing these days.

My overall verdict is that publishing houses are a thing of the past and most authors donā€™t need them at all. In the age of internet, social media, AI and self-publishing services these publishing houses offer ZERO value in most cases. And business that offer no value, simply die out.

If someone here is a published author through a publishing house, feel free to comment on that.


The worst thing that can happen to you as an author is when you give over all the publishing rights of your book to a publishing house and they fail to market it and then the few printed copies of your book end up in a budget sales basket at some out-of-town book store.
While your hands as an author are bound and you cannot market the book yourself because you have given over the rights to the publishing house.


Recently, Iā€™ve just bought an audiobook by Game of Thrones author ā€˜George R.R. Martinā€™. It was originally published in 1982 as a book but was then later released again in 2012 as an audiobook.

Fevre Dream cover

Fevre Dream takes you on to a ghostly vessel in this creepy gothic horror that together combines elements of vampirism, mystery, and human ambition.

In the sultry moon-shadowed heart of the Mississippi River, where the water runs thick with secrets, is Abner Marsh, a grizzled riverboat captain who dreams of immortality. His steamboat company teeters on the brink of ruin until a mysterious stranger named Joshua York appears with a grand vision. Although beneath Joshuaā€™s charisma and enigma lies a dark secret and a hunger that defies daylight. Together, they forge an unholy alliance to create the Fevre Dream.


Iā€™m quite confused about many terms, ideas, notions, etc. regarding Spirituality, Energy and above all, Iā€™m way more confused about topics like Aliens, Implants, J Seals and other seals, etc.

As I learned about The Human Mind, The Subconscious, Placebo Potential and Self Healing Potential, then as I learned about Energy, and the fact that we are not only our Bodies or Minds, then I learned Chakras, Devas, Energy Healing and nowadays Fields, I acquired more knowledge, but Also became more confused, since somehow, all of these are or can be Relevant, both on a personal level and not only, and yet their sources and approaches feel different, and I had/have to integrate all of this diverse and extraordinary knowledge.

There are people talking about Jehovan Seals, them being bad and us having the need to remove them, yet in my mind Jehovah or Yahweh is the God of Ancient Israel, possibly/probably the same God Christians and Muslims worship, so maybe not a bad being.

Nowadays I also found about Yahweh and Jehovah possibly being different beings/entities and I have read about YHWH or rather the Elohim being highly advanced beings, who orchestrated and ruled us over many millenia or even millions of years according to some (these are all different sources, so all sorts of authors and researchers claim all kinds of things).

Anyway, nowadays I have learned more and more about the possibility (Iā€™m not denying this extremely advanced knowledge, but for me, these are all probabilities; experience in and by itself, Idk if itā€™s the ultimate way for us to know the truth) that we are not even a soul, nor our energy, but even more than that, we are our Higher Selves, we are the Universe, etc.

I dont know.
On one hand, I wish I was the ultimate reality, on the other hand, I canā€™t be sure of nothing.
This whole thing can be a dream lol or a very advanced simulation (Iā€™m not saying it necessarily is), and we can experience anything in a very advanced simulation (us being the universe, us being Godā€™s, us being humans,ā€¦, whatever)ā€¦

Now, are my experiences relevant (to me)?


And thatā€™s why I guide myself and my life (above all) according to my experiences and the knowledge which I have acquired, then I take the experiences and knowledge of others and whatever Science acknowledges and I make a concoction in my mind :rofl: and thatā€™s my truth.

Now, guys for a Novice [maybe not absolutely retard(ed) level :rofl:, 0 knowledge - although I could be at that level lol, what do I know], who wants to learn more about Humanity, The Universe, The Soul, Aliens, The Afterlife and above all Our Next Steps in our evolution (also, throw in something about the J Seals and other things), what books do you recommend me to read?

You can add YouTube links about those books too, also I donā€™t necessarily need links (I dont mind them though, also you can send me privately), i will find almost any book lol, and for free (some perks of living in Romania). :joy:

Also, I donā€™t understand the (supposed) relationship between Archangels, Elohim, Annunaki, Jehovah, etc.
Iā€™m really confused lol.

In the Alien thread and in other treads I found some valuable knowledge regarding the Elohim, Enki, Enlil, Annunaki, Yahweh, and other parties, so Iā€™ll research those too.

Edit: my ideal is to know more and to grow more into my own freedom, power, etc., so hopefully I can learn valueble things from your recommendations, which will aid me in reaching better Realities/places and A Better Life, hopefully starting with this current life.


so, yeahā€¦ Iā€™m very interested in the RA-materialā€¦ :wink:

Also this little book comes to mind: ā€œThe sub-conscious speaksā€ Paul C Ferrell, Erna Ferrell Grabe

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Thank You for the links. It looks like the RA-material is a must read for anyone searching for the ā€œwhyā€, ā€œhowā€, etc. Of Life.
I havenā€™t yet studied it.

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Be careful when you are going to read this and take it all with a grain of salt.

It is channeled material that represents the perspective of certain entities, and these are not the most enlightened ones in my opinion.

It still nice material for reading and learning discernment of information and listening to your own inner truth.

Just be aware that these entities are pushing their own agenda with this material, even when they try to appear ā€œneutralā€.

It is almost as if they are trying to recruit you to join their ā€œmoral highground cultā€. They are not ā€œhumble messengersā€ and definitely not ā€œfrom 6th densityā€.

(all my personal opinion)

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I will. Thank You.

Thatā€™s my primary compass, to listen to myself/inner guidance. :grin:

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As always, with everything.:wink:
Also, a message canā€™t be more clear/ ā€trueā€ than what the one who is doing the channeling is capable of. And then we do our own interpretaion of it.

A touch of Chinese Whispers might be expected.:slightly_smiling_face:

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anyone have some good interesting , preferably non fiction books to reccomend?

not too hard to read either. thank u :blush:

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How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a great self-help book. Thereā€™s also a digital age version too, but read the original first. I really enjoyed reading it!


already readd that but thank uuu :D

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I loved Rich Dad Poor Dad too, thatā€™s a nice read in the personal finance section.