Yes, hence I’ve mentioned that text doesn’t have the same impact. Still, our subconscious saves everything we interact with.
If you want to have a good life, it’s important to focus on healthy and empowering things.
After listening to the self love stack for some time, I’ve deleted more than 1.500 songs in one day, bc their energy and suggestions aren’t congruent with me anymore.
The Metro books for example, were the perfect fit for my traumatized, past-self. A horror world, polluted with no hope for salvation, dangers at every corner, violence, strictly limited resources…
But it’s not the world I want to experience anymore, hence I focus on more positive/productive content.
They are build to engage you emotionally = making you suggestible, and feature subliminals / frequencys.
It’s even worse when you watch them on Tvs, they make me really aggressive, my body is sensing the negative energy it emits.
Ive stopped watching TV years ago, and when I compare myself to my family members who spend most of their freetime in front of it, the difference in mental/physical health is shocking.
It’s the same with music. We are here, trying to improve our life with fields, while energy work and subliminals are literally everywhere.
If you don’t choose the program, others will choose for you, and we both know that most don’t have our best interest at heart.
That being said, I am currently listening to audiobooks like rich dad, poor dad or the ones about the work from Robert Greene.
Also I like listening to 20.000 miles under the sea to relax.