have you ever had that feeling of familiarity when reading / playing / watching / listening to something for the first time and you just feel a special connection? let’s share what materials have helped us through our journey and how they integrated with you. they can come from other sources that i haven’t listed!
hero by perry moore
gay super hero with awesome friends! a great coming of age story. the way he learns how to control his powers parallels my journey of learning about my own.
golden sun (my name and icon comes from this game!)
the idea of controlling the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water hooked me along with the journey of being the hero who has to save the world from the group that wants to control the energy for themselves. i felt like i’ve been someone similar to mia (my profile icon) before becoming who i am in this reality.
the world ends with you
negative entities (they’re called noise in the game) leaching off of people in the real world and affecting their day to day lives. i always had this cool daydream of living a double life where i would beat these parasites up and see the effects of my actions when i get back to reality.
always loved the fact that they’re a hive mind. being an ‘i’ is fun but i’d love the option to also be a ‘we’ when i feel like it. i always get happy when someone close to me basically reads my mind and understands how i feel and vice versa.
avatar the last airbender
same with golden sun and actually when i was younger this show felt like a better representation of wielding magic than wizards and witches that casted spells like harry potter. i felt a similar connection with katara like i did with mia from golden sun and they both have a strong affinity with water.
spirit bird by xavier rudd
i went to a plant medicine ceremony and even if it was the first time listening to this song i just felt like it was the theme song of the whole ceremony.
beyond by leon bridges
an old crush shared this with me when we were waiting for the bus to get home and i was happy he was bonding with me through the lyrics. it felt like he was someone really special to me at the time.
FLCL / Furi Kuri
I got introduced to that pretty late, but I still felt like this show was about my childhood and youth. The awesome music in it just happens to envoke a feeling of melancholy in you, as if you remember a childhood you never had. I greatly recommend it, although I think, as most good things, it is highly controversial, either you hate it or you love it.
oh wow maybe you and @anon17734191 have heard of mabinogi? in mabinogi you are a milletian (meaning from the stars) and they have similar runescape abilities. the more you use your abilities, the stronger they get. you can also rebirth which means you start back at level 1 but get to keep all your skills and stats. if you play it long enough you can basically max out all your skills and stats and become a polymath. this game really helped a lot of things click for me when i first started my spiritual journey (with the assistance of weed). rebirthing in mabinogi was like aging in this life. you have a birthday and you start your year over with experience from your previous trips around the sun.
edit: i also wanted to add that the npcs are the real residents of the world you explore and they get confused because you always look young and can change your appearance while they are pretty much static and can age and die. it made me look at the world differently where there are people who cut themselves off their spirituality and just are 100% about their job, friends, family, and earthly gain. (nothing wrong with that, i just couldn’t connect with them and talk about the things we talk about in this forum)
This is more a list of media that contains easter eggs for reality…
Sucker Punch (watch the director’s cut)
Star Wars (obviously, it’s literally where I learned most of my shit when I was a kid, and it’s stuck with me to this day)
Coma (or Koma, Russian)
The OA
Stranger Things
The Matrix (there are some very big downloads attached here)
Cloud Atlas
Jupiter Ascending (and anything else the Wachowskis have made)
Avatar (cause duh)
The Last Avatar (I know it had a budget lower than some of Sapien’s videos, watch it anyway)
Legion (the movie, although I understand there are a lot of synchronicities with the TV show of the same name… this contains more “you had to have been there” info jam-packed than anything else I have witnessed)
Wave (with Justin Long)
Black Mirror
Russian Doll
Future Man
I’m sure there are many more, but these are the ones I can think of at the moment.