Boosters to enhance the effectiveness of existing fields

What powerful audio field boosters are available to enhance the effectiveness of existing fields? Looking for something that can significantly amplify results. Ego dissolution and Subconscious Limits Remover work as boosters for some people as they clear blocks

Despite using Sapien’s Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Remover—which are supposed to clear blocks and improve results—I haven’t seen much progress. These fields work for some people, but in my case, they haven’t been enough to make the fields I’ve purchased work faster or produce the results I expect.

I’ve been using a variety of fields, including paid ones, and even trying to remove deeper blockages like using Booted Bhoots and others. Yet, I still haven’t experienced the benefits others claim to get. What other field boosters, especially more powerful ones, are available to amplify these energies? Ideally, I’m looking for something that can significantly speed up results and make the fields more effective for me.

Other creators like Quadible Integrity are offering free fields on YouTube that many people say work fast and effectively without needing to clear so many blocks. Still, I’ve invested in Sapien’s paid fields, and I’m trying to figure out why they’re not working as well for me and how to change that. What can I do, or what additional boosters can I use to overcome whatever is holding me back from seeing the desired outcomes?

If there are any other advanced techniques or tools to increase my energy system’s receptiveness to fields, I’d love to know.

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Are there any free fields that can help? I feel this forum is full of people who keep pushing one to buy more and more. Oh it’s not working so buy more? Say hundreds of dollars more lol
Please suggest free stuff that works

What’s frustrating is that every time I ask for advice on this forum, it always leads to recommendations for more paid fields—no matter the issue. It’s almost like the default response is, “Oh, the field isn’t working? Then just buy this other field, spend more money, or upgrade to the paid version.” Before I know it, people are suggesting I spend hundreds of dollars, and there’s no guarantee those will even work.

I’m just wondering: why is it that free fields are rarely recommended, or sometimes not mentioned at all? It’s as if the solution for every problem is hidden behind a paywall. I get that creators need to make a living, but isn’t there anything out there that’s just as effective, without having to constantly spend money?

I know some creators like Quadible Integrity have put out fields that are completely free on YouTube and they seem to be helping thousands of people based on the feedback in the comments. So why are we only pushing paid fields here when someone has already spent alot and it’s not working? Its common sense really to not push more paid stuff to someone in that situation

I’d appreciate if anyone could recommend free fields that are known to work effectively without the constant push to buy more. What are some free options that could help enhance the effectiveness of what I’m already using? Would love to hear from people who’ve had success with free alternatives!

If someone genuinely wants to help so badly, send me the field

Nullify Negative Planetary Effects, Emotional Release, Flower of Life, Energy Blockage Removal, Internal Alchemical Crucible, Detachment for Spiritual Growth.


I tried to help in another thread you didn’t reply, with that attitude you won’t get much help in life. Spiritual path is a no guarantee path, so are the Captain’s fields.

If you want to use there are free fields for many things, you have to spend enough time to understand what they do and see if they help you. Just because someone says something would you blindly do it?


You’re yet again one of those people who pop up with no help or answers. I’m not looking to blindly follow anyone’s advice, nor did I say that. I understand that results vary, but it does get frustrating when every time someone asks for help, the suggestion often seems to be, “buy more paid fields,” without much discussion about free alternatives that are available.

I’m just pointing out that, in my experience, it often feels like the push for paid fields overshadows discussions about what’s freely accessible.

I’m genuinely trying to understand how to get the most out of these fields, and if there are free ones that can work just as effectively, I’d love to hear about them. I’m open to trying different things; I just want more clarity on the options available.

Well good luck then :vulcan_salute:

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“I tried to help in another thread and you didn’t reply” Oh boohoo. You say I didn’t reply, but in reality, you simply told me to “check the forum.” I did exactly that—spent time combing through various threads and posts—yet I still didn’t find a concrete answer to my specific question. That’s the very reason why I came back to ask for help again. When someone is genuinely searching for guidance and is met with “just check the forum” or vague directions, it doesn’t really move the conversation forward or offer any meaningful assistance.

So, your initial reply, in essence, didn’t address what I was looking for—it was more of a dismissal than actual help. This kind of response only takes up space and doesn’t foster real discussion or solutions. If you don’t have the answer, that’s fine, but pointing me to a sea of information without even narrowing it down is frustrating. It would have been much more helpful if you had offered specific advice or resources.

But simply telling someone to look for themselves without adding value to the discussion comes across as dismissive, especially when they’ve already made an effort to do the research on their own.


Hello @mystichealer :slight_smile:

I agree that if you have never experienced noticeable results from Sapien’s fields, it is wiser not to spend significant amounts of money on it. Feel free to specify that you expect free fields recommendations before asking for them so there is no misunderstanding. A lot of active members here regularly use paid fields so they might assume that you do the same.

As for your question about what “boosters” or practices you could use, maybe you could be more specific about what kind of fields you want to boost. I mean, you wouldn’t use a brain booster for nerve inflammation help. With more precise requests, you can expect more precise answers. In the meantime you can experiment with the wealth of overlooked free fields available on Youtube, since what apparently works for most people doesn’t seem to work on you.

There’s no pressure to use Sapien’s fields if it leaves you disappointed or frustrated. Depending on what you want to achieve there may be many other solutions.



You need Sammy story.