Booted Bhoots

@NYX Outstanding! thanks for sharing!


Thanks for this field!

Because I am very sensitive to any sound and emotional energy in the surrounding environment, I feel much more comfortable after listening to it twice at night :relieved::relieved:


This one has saved my bhutt a few times…


Subconscious guided me to this one.

This feels like doing soul retrievals, cord cutting, entity clearing, removing negative energys, curses, jelousy and psychic attacks. On steroids.

I was extremely angry before listening to this.

Less than 4 minutes in, I´ve started to feel incredible light and calm, bedded into a sensation of peace and tranquility.

Like putting down a weight I wasn´t even consciously aware of carrying.

I can´t remember feeling like this ever before.

Like a spiritual shower that washes away everything negative, inside-out.

44$ is a steal.


Thanks for the reminder to listen. This one has turned my day around completely before. This and the navagraha homam and/or astrological positive/negative are extremely impressive.

  • Booted Bhoots - Cleanse the Self and Space
  • Vaastu - Energize the Self and Space
  • Navagraha - Align Reality in favorable ways
  • Maha Ganapati - Dissolve internal and external blockages, boost everything as though on steroids
  • <Add your deity field - Ashta Lakshmi, Shatachandi, etc.>

I can safely say there is nothing that you can’t manifest with this stack …




Because of some weird stuff happening in my life, (experiencing negative energy, bad luck and targeting) I started using the CSR again, it gave me some relief, but felt I needed more. I have reason to believe there have been curses and hexes placed on me in the past, unfortunately.
So I bought BB and used it for about 3 days, alongside CSR, and started feeling lighter, less triggered about things that would usually upset me, and overall more tranquill.
And last night I woke up from a loud noise, out of a dream in which a demon was removed from me!
So I’m pretty sure and happy this field is doing its work! Very grateful :blush:


With continued use of BB I noticed my interactions with others have become easier. I feel less fear to interact with others, or to approach new people. Like I have less social anxiety. Also emotions like anger, guilt, and feeling rejected are a lot less strong. Which makes me wonder, do demons/negative entities not only feed off of negative emotions, but do they also trigger and amplify them? In that way causing escalations of situations? I now feel a lot more calm and in control of my emotions, more able to regulate them. Does anyone relate to this?


Yes they do. In fact, in a lot of instances chilhood trauma and karmic debts may create specific entry points for various entities.

Yesterday I went through yet another karmic cleansing. And lo and behold, BB started working wonders just now. I mean, before it likely softened the darkness inside, but only now it’s dissipating it little by little.

As to “trigger” I suggest you re-watch the latest Matrix. The scene with the Neo slowed down with the Architect explaining that “we only need to trigger you for you to produce and give away more energy” is sooooo true.


This one is interesting isn’t it? I got it to clear out any past hexes placed on me but it seems to have scrubbed away at something different a long past memory of me being inadequate, which kind of became a theme in my life. Whilst I have definitely had bad spells put on me in the past I haven’t really felt anything related to that but rather brings to my attention the outdated or improper thoughts and ideas about my Self given by parents or seniors and them taking on their own “life” in me.


How many times you listen each?

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This is exactly the kind of fkery I experienced the nights before writing on the PMH thread.


My first encounter with this field was primarily a mental experience. Today, it’s more of a physical one. Different parts of my body have a ticklish feeling, others were a bit heavier, some have a dull pain, an electric shock (minor—don’t be afraid of this) here and there, and others I won’t bother with trying to find the exact words. It’s hard to construct a plausible account of these differing responses having much to do with the placebo effect.

It’s a good reminder of how complex our spiritual and energy ecosystem are. It’s also a nice wake up call of how limited our our everyday understanding of the world is. I mean, something is happening with my knee right now, but what it is baffles me. I’m pretty much left with the description offered for the field, and that’s a bit unnerving to think about. It’s like the difference between believing that aliens and UFOs are a thing and actually seeing one.

This is pretty inexpensive method to access a wider reality.


About this “different”. Recently I started feeling the victim program surface once again. And then I finally got it, it wasn’t mine at all. My grandad’s. So this karmic shite kicked in, and I was guided to use BB just an hour ago, it appears to be cleaning out bloodline garbage as well. Now def will loop it overnight. So much crap literally twirling in the skull now its unbelievable.


Multipurpose! I often use this at the beginning and end of the day. Possibly too much but it feels super good :sparkles:


It is not too much, I would say. It is not overkill, it is what you personally need here and now.

It appears that I am dealing with several curses, including from previous lifetimes and also some bloodline stuff. I loop BB and also use Psychic University’s Journey to Discovering Your True Power Pts. 2 & 3. Massive negative garbage clearing, also clears those “borrowed emotions” and negative projections as well.

Remember this: if you are Light, attacks don’t stop. Leeches and lurkers and energy vampires such as narcissists and sociopaths view you as a very juicy morsel they want to feed on. It is close to impossible to block out lower negative vibrations fully in the modern world.

It could theoretically be possible using the Tapasya of Savitur that burns your own negativity, so that you stop accepting others’ garbage on your consciousness and subconsciousness and energy levels altogether. That’s one of my next planned buys.


You’re probably right. I have far fewer attacks these days though or I might not always sense the leeches. I’ve been playing cord cutter a fair bit too and that works.


I have figured out an interesting combo for specifically dealing with leeches, but you will need 2 devices. Run Shielding 3.0 from Sapien on one, and on another run PU’s (Psychic University’s) Higher Self Cord Cutting. Do it overnight. Does wonders.

Also, Archangel Cord Cutting from Sorcery Supreme (there is a topic dedicated to it here) is also super-effective.


I don’t use anyone else’s work so I’ll check them out!