Booted Bhoots

Booted Bhoots is very effective, and I had benefitted from it many times.
However, here’s the thing: unless you change your core habits/behaviors, you’ll attract parasitic beings/entities again, get tangled with their magic again.

I was in a vicious cycle of "purify > go back to being contaminated > purify > contaminated > … ".
If you really want to escape dark magic for good, you must do a resolute commitment to refrain from activities that lead to them.

That is why I advocate the 8-Arms Yoga field pretty much in every opportunity I get.

Not with the attitude of “okay, I’ll add this to my list”, but with the attitude of “I am so done with the demonic activities, transformation is my #1 goal” . Do research, read holy scriptures, and learn more about the concepts.


i’d add “protected spaces” to the mix