Purity Alchemy (8 Arms Yoga)

Purity Alchemy (8 Arms Yoga)

In the mystical lands where ancient wisdom and dark forces collide, there exists a formidable set of obstacles that hinder the path to enlightenment. These malevolent forces are the root of all suffering and chaos in the world, each with its own unique power to ensnare the soul, called the “five hindrances.”

But in this enchanted land, there are also ancient sages who, since time immemorial, have developed unique forms of purification practices. These practices focus on transforming internal and external poisons—both literal and metaphorical—into sources of strength and enlightenment. This internal alchemy is a revered discipline, blending elements of inner alchemy, spiritual purification, and mystical practices to overcome inner hindrances and achieve profound wisdom. It is a comprehensive system rooted in the ancient wisdom of Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga. This holistic approach empowers you to unlock your spiritual potential, cultivate inner peace, and achieve profound self-realization.

This series of fields sets out to vanquish these hindrances within and restore harmony to the realm within.

Integrate all core teachings and mind-body techniques:

  • Yama: Ethical principles towards others (e.g., non-violence, truthfulness).
  • Niyama: Personal observances (e.g., cleanliness, contentment).
  • Asana: Physical postures.
  • Pranayama: Breath control.
  • Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses.
  • Dharana: Concentration.
  • Dhyana: Meditation.

Master your discipline

The Yamas and Niyamas provide one with a strong ethical foundation, essential for maintaining a calm and clear mind. This ethical grounding helps in reducing internal conflicts and external distractions, allowing you to focus on your spiritual practices.

Control the body and flow of energy

Harmonize your mind and body through the transformative practices of Asanas and Pranayama with full mind-body integration.

The combined practice of Asana and Pranayama purifies the body and mind**. This purification process is essential for achieving higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment (Samadhi). Awakening.**

(You will find yourself naturally sinking into the mindsets of those who do this naturally, to supplement energy naturally when needed, and will find your own inner guidance on the technique best for you.)

Gain Advanced Meditative Perception and Inner Awareness

Pratyahara, Dharana, and Dhyana are essential practices for those on their spiritual journey. They help in withdrawing from external distractions, developing concentration, and achieving deep meditation, ultimately leading to spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.

(You will slowly and solidly be transformed internally with this purification alchemy into something that belongs to a higher order of energy.)

Transcend the ordinary. As you delve into the ancient practices of the 8 Limbs of Yoga, you will harness the power to vanquish the five hindrances, purify your soul, and unlock the boundless potential within.


Thank you.


Stunning set of fields. This will take you far in your journey


Those fields are so good!


Awesome stuff! Thanks


I believe this combined with panchanga yoga would be epic



This is like being given a supercar to race in

All automated, a full spiritual path, within a matter of minutes.


So is all of it in one field or is there multiple?

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Multiple fields, its the accumulation of methods in the 8 limbs of Yoga.


So all of them come when purchasing this above?

And how many are there?


Totally agree I never even thought ashtanga yoga would be made, Complete path indeed. i cant wait to get this one,I am saving up.


One audio covers it all. 3 minutes long.


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Does anyone have any review on this one that would like to share?


If you have a specific question post it here or Dm me.


This looks fascinating and highly useful on the spiritual journey.

As I have been meditating daily consistently for about 3 years, I have seen my consciousness and state rise dramatically during that time. I also practice daily gratitude lists, use of fields & mandalas, exercise, healthy diet and hydration, and yoga - though only taught through my “western” classes.

A concern I have is that I have been single for over a decade now. While I am fit and fun to be with, I guess my standards have risen considerably, especially since I gave up drinking and all that entails. However, I don’t want to be single for the rest of my life.

Since it appears that the rise in spiritual consciousness could potentially be huge with the help of this field, do you believe that it would preclude one from finding a good spiritual woman for a life-partner if one was to do so? While I don’t consider myself “lonely” (good social and support circle), both sides of my family have now passed away, and this has been a desire of my heart for some time. As the field of what I’m looking for or what I would accept in a partner (attractiveness is fairly far down the list), it seems this would narrow the field even further.

Would some of you mind sharing your opinions on this real-life potential issue? Many thanks.


I believe this would help you to become more accepting of others, which in turn would actually expand the field of potential partners. But also, as you purify yourself it becomes easier to attract what you truly desire.


You have autonomy in your life, as to whether or not your spiritual experiences will affect your desire or thoughts regarding relationships, is subjective. Like @V33 pointed out there are auxiliary benefits as a result of these practices but to say yes, undoubtedly this will solve problem x, is ill advised on my part, its a systematic approach for spiritual growth and self-realization through the practice of the eight limbs. Think about it this way, if you want to deepen your spiritual consciousness, this is a set of fields that can augment it.

Finding a life partner and maintaining a relationship that also coalescences with your spiritual practices, is a topic that goes beyond the scope of this discussion and should be written about on its own. That being said, The “inner transformation” and purification often reflects outwardly, making you more attractive to others by exuding a sense of peace, confidence, and positive energy.


Since my ChatGPT trick under Architect of Reality got some positive feedback, I wanted to do something similar for this field too.

I’ll probably create more advanced notes after purchasing this field. These two fields are next in my list.

Anyway, here are the notes. You may want to read/practice them twice a day to supplement the field.

---- Perhaps modify/correct/improve the ChatGPT response as you progress? —

PDF file: https://file.io/CTm4RaFKQOOm

1. Yama: Ethical Principles Towards Others

a. Ahimsa (Non-violence)

  • Imagine your heart thriving with health and vitality. Scientific studies reveal that letting go of anger can significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, filling you with energy and well-being.

  • Embrace non-violence as a pathway to peace.

  • Visualize a life where you wake up each day with a serene mind, free from anger. Your relationships flourish with harmony and understanding, creating a supportive and loving environment.

  • As you practice non-violence, you cultivate a heart full of compassion and a mind clear of stress, leading to an improved quality of life and vibrant health.

b. Satya (Truthfulness)

  • Picture yourself radiating confidence and authenticity. Being truthful eliminates stress and enhances your mental well-being, allowing you to navigate life with clarity and purpose.

  • Embrace the power of authenticity. Research shows that truthfulness strengthens interpersonal connections, fostering a network of trust and support that enriches your life.

  • Imagine a world where your word is trusted, and your relationships are built on genuine connections. This trust fills your life with security, love, and mutual respect.

  • Experience the freedom and empowerment that comes with being truthful. As you embrace Satya, you enhance your self-esteem, deepen your relationships, and build a community based on honesty and integrity.

c. Asteya (Non-stealing)

  • Picture a life abundant with fulfillment and gratitude. Letting go of the desire to take what isn’t yours fosters a sense of contentment and richness within you.

  • Embrace the mindset of abundance. Studies show that practicing gratitude and contentment reduces stress and increases overall happiness, helping you feel complete and satisfied with what you have.

  • Visualize the peace and satisfaction that comes from living with integrity. Your mind is at ease, and your heart is content, knowing you respect the rights of others and honor your own values.

  • Feel the joy and liberation of a life free from envy and desire. As you practice Asteya, you cultivate an attitude of gratitude, attracting positive energy and experiences into your life.

d. Brahmacharya (Moderation)

  • Imagine the strength and vitality that comes from balanced living. Using your energy wisely enhances your overall health, empowering you to live your best life.

  • Embrace self-discipline as a source of empowerment. Studies indicate that moderation in various aspects of life leads to greater mental clarity and emotional stability, allowing you to achieve your goals with confidence.

  • Visualize a life where your energies are harmoniously balanced, and your mind is sharp and focused. You navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience, feeling empowered and in control.

  • As you practice Brahmacharya, you cultivate a sense of inner strength and harmony, leading to a more enriched and balanced life.

e. Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness)

  • Picture yourself liberated from the weight of material attachments. Letting go of possessiveness fosters inner freedom and peace, allowing you to embrace change with an open heart.

  • Embrace the joy of simplicity. Research shows that minimalism and reducing material possessions lead to greater happiness and less stress, empowering you to focus on what truly matters.

  • Visualize a life of simplicity and freedom, where your happiness is not tied to possessions. You feel light and unburdened, able to appreciate the present moment fully.

  • Experience the profound peace and contentment that comes from non-possessiveness. As you practice Aparigraha, you cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and others, leading to a more meaningful and joyful life.

2. Niyama: Personal Observances

a. Saucha (Cleanliness)

  • Picture your living space and mind sparkling with clarity and freshness. Embracing cleanliness boosts your physical health and mental well-being, creating a foundation for a vibrant life.

  • Embrace mindfulness and awareness. Research shows that maintaining a clean environment reduces stress and enhances focus, empowering you to live with purpose and clarity.

  • Visualize a life where your surroundings and thoughts are clear and organized. You feel energized and motivated, ready to tackle any challenge with a positive mindset.

  • Experience the revitalizing benefits of cleanliness. As you practice Saucha, you cultivate a sense of purity and clarity that permeates every aspect of your life, leading to greater health and happiness.

b. Santosha (Contentment)

  • Picture yourself radiating with joy and satisfaction. Embracing contentment fills your heart with gratitude and peace, empowering you to appreciate the present moment fully.

  • Embrace the power of gratitude. Studies show that practicing gratitude increases happiness and reduces stress, helping you feel content and fulfilled with what you have.

  • Visualize a life where you are content and grateful for every moment. You experience a deep sense of peace and joy, free from the constant desire for more.

  • Feel the profound happiness and serenity that comes from contentment. As you practice Santosha, you cultivate a mindset of gratitude and satisfaction, leading to a more enriched and joyful life.

c. Tapas (Discipline)

  • Picture yourself achieving your goals with determination and strength. Embracing discipline empowers you to overcome challenges and reach your highest potential.

  • Embrace the power of perseverance. Research shows that self-discipline and perseverance are key to success and personal growth, helping you achieve your dreams.

  • Visualize a life where you achieve your goals with confidence and resilience. You feel empowered and in control, capable of overcoming any obstacle.

  • Experience the profound sense of accomplishment and empowerment that comes from discipline. As you practice Tapas, you cultivate inner strength and determination, leading to a more fulfilled and successful life.

d. Svadhyaya (Self-study)

  • Picture yourself deeply connected with your true self. Embracing self-study empowers you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, leading to profound personal growth.

  • Embrace the journey of self-discovery. Research shows that self-reflection and mindfulness enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence, helping you live a more authentic life.

  • Visualize a life where you are deeply aware of your inner self. You feel connected and aligned with your true purpose, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

  • Experience the profound growth and self-awareness that comes from self-study. As you practice Svadhyaya, you cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world, leading to a more meaningful life.

e. Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to a Higher Self)

  • Picture yourself surrendering with grace and trust. Embracing surrender empowers you to let go of control and find peace in the flow of life.

  • Embrace the power of faith and trust. Research shows that spirituality and surrender to a higher power enhance mental well-being and reduce stress, helping you find peace and purpose.

  • Visualize a life where you trust in a higher power and feel supported in every moment. You experience a deep sense of peace and surrender, free from the burden of control.

  • Experience the profound peace and joy that comes from surrender. As you practice Ishvara Pranidhana, you cultivate a sense of trust and faith, leading to a more serene and purposeful life.