Skipping a day?

Hello :wave:
I am still dealing with a fatigue. I get easily overwhelmed. Is it okay to listen to a field every other or second day and Pause in between, is it possible to still get good results?


I think it should be fine. In fact, I remember reading a suggestion to listen for 3 days and then rest for 3 days, to let the fields integrate. Similar suggestions were done for the Energy Awakening Course too.

But when it comes to fatigue, I too sufferred from it a lot in the past.

What solved it for me:

  • Cleansing from parasites (both physical and energetic)
  • Not letting them back in (better eating habits, better control over what you consume through movies, interactions, etc)
  • Using energy infusion fields, like jing, chi, shen, etc. I think jing is the safest because it gets transformed to the others naturally. Avoid imbalancing your energies.
  • Use the grounding field. It may be that you’re already overloaded too much.
  • Also, obviously the repair fields should help too. (acu-automation, aura repair, etc)

And all these didn’t work for me. I find remote reiki videos on yt work a little for me.

I want to target the physical reasons for my fatigue.
Many… neuropathy. adrenal fatigue, gut issues…
I have at least 9 topics I need subliminals and fields for. That’s why I wonder if I can have days inbetween to pause.

I agree on the parasite tho. Very important.

that may be the reason.
unless all 9 are synonymous / highly overlapping with each other, that’s too much. It may be the reason why nothing works for you.

I know, everybody, including myself, has many things to take care of asap, but really, after 5 years, I realized that focusing on 1 or 2 subjects at a time is much faster than riding 10 horses simultaneously.

My #1 strategy is: Pick 1 thing, and focus on it 32+ days.

Otherwise, results are temporary if they happen at all.

For body healing, Smart Stem Cells + Advanced Healer++ should work quite well, but those 2 alone will take a fair toll on your body. If you run +9 more fields, your body won’t be able to heal itself. In fact, it may get worse.


I’ll be honest, I read your post while relaxing after a long day and read, “skipping a leg day?”

My response to you is the same, as if you’re asking if it’s okay to skip a leg day.

Similar to workouts, after a period of strenuous activity, the rest period is crucial. The period of little action is what allows your being to respond to all of the changes. especially if you’re experiencing fatigue from listening to many fields, this rest period will be vital to you.

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I am going to focus on regeneration factor fields because they cover a great deal
(energy, health, immunity, youthfulness). I will do that 2 weeks and see how it goes.

It’s really hard tho to not mix up everything.

It’s a bit ironic I have belief blockage that the audio can give me energy when it’s literally an energy field…:sweat_smile:. It’s so hard for me to believe, for other fields I can easily accept the effect.

lol. I know! :sweat_smile:
I think Aparigraha (Non-Grasping) aspect of the 8-arms yoga field helped me overcome that, at least to a noticeable degree.

Belief sure is very important. I think some fields may not work if one lacks belief… although I’ve had experiences where automated workout field effects took place even when I didn’t know what was playing at the time.

Maybe try the For the Skeptics @Energetic Alchemy when you’re feeling really low and see what happens.

IMO, the best way to clear blockages / false beliefs is to debunk them by direct experience.


Hmm you know what I also noticed?lol I listened to the skin regeneration one (looped the heck out of it) and I stopped and my skin got better weeks later… did you also notice delayed results. ? These morphic fields can confuse

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oh yeah that happened many many times to me. Idk if it’s the “detachment” element some people claim to have power, or a simple “integration stage” just as they suggest in subliminal communities… but it happens nevertheless.

I had recently thought about it when @Fender_Cad said this here

Something similar is mentioned in this book too. The author suggessts communicating with the quantum/morphic fields 3 days, and then allowing at least 3 days to do their work, etc. and then again, repeat.


So interesting. Definitely many lessons to learn from the divine for impatient humans…
I almost said apes…we do have our divine potential - takes a step into the unknown to discover it.

I guess I did EVERYTHING wrong when it comes to fields and subs. -Aka Listening for hours; obsessing and dwelling in a negative mindset, while holding onto the vision I had.
Trying to speak it into existence and applying way too much force.

It even made me much sicker…The more you know. I will definitely use that method of a few days listening phase followed by letting it go. I am excited😁


lol. trust me, you’re not alone in that.
I think 99% of the people here have gone through that stage, and many still are at that stage.

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