Architect of Reality

Done. Just bought it. I’ll be one of the pioneers of this field, hopefully. Thank you everyone who contributes to DW’s work and this community!

Tbh, When I first saw the thread, I thought everybody would be rightfully hyped about it and there would be much noise regarding it. The same thing goes for the 8-arms yoga field… I suppose most people are happy with their humanly lives… :smile:

PS: I’ll take a quick peek now, but I won’t start using this field regularly until Sep ~5th because I’m focusing on 8-arms yoga.


Manifestation power increasing, life is getting better, wanted to attracted more friends and now I have two very good friends that have been with me through a tough situation.

Ego is slowly disappearing, I’m being tested, situations that triggered me in the past and made me react with anger have noe effect on me now,I stay in control.

I understand myself much better, I’m connecting with people, I feel less fear and more courage.

Females seems to be more attracted, I’m getting a lot of female attention at work and I’m not doing anything special, could be manifestation could be aura or energy I don’t know.


Same for me, but I thought it was a direct or indirect consequence of other fields. Thanks for sharing.


I’m nor running anything else that could cause attraction so it must be from this one.


nice to hear all this!

Even the first gate excites me so much. I’ve already done much progress with the Purity Alchemy field, and I think my progress through this one will be much smoother now.

I wonder if we can integrate some active practices that’d go well with this field…


I was listening to Soul Tribe, but with no signs of attraction, then I tried Luck in Love Relationship but not for a long time, so I thought it was for the latter, while I tried Architect for much longer.

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Hi @Orel , are you getting any strange dreams?
What happens to me is like this:
I dream maybe 1 hour worth of random scenes where there are 2-3 seconds of sexual imagery with some lust but not much… then they disappear along with the lust. lol. I suppose it’s not just me whose dreams reflect the fields quite vividly? Still it’s still a pretty weird feeling once I wake up… It’s like a weird empty feeling, thinking “huh that was weird, lust is weird… but also no comment on that…”

Here’s the strange part, I thought had kicked lust out of my system through other means quite well… My previous method was more about recognizing its insatiable and harmful nature, refusing it and putting my guard up. Now what I get with this field seems to be different type of method… (although I thought I was over with it). More like a “detachment” and “but that’s not me” mentality…

Do you guys get anything similar to that?

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This field was gifted to me by a stranger turned great friend. I’m not sure if he’d like me mentioning his name or not, so for the time being, i’ll refrain.

Field is pretty good tbh. First day i listened to it, it made me tranquil and all of a sudden, knowledge and wisdom I’ve gathered regarding manifestation begin to resurface in my mind, thoughts like you can anything you want, just ask. There is nothing out of reach or too big. Before 3-4 years, I used to be limitless. I would see a million dollar car or house and wouldn’t sweat, and would say to myself " it’s nothing, buying this is easy. "It all seemed so easy and as if i’m buying some cheap toy because my awareness and consciousness was on another level, was living in non duality. But due to events, i became a lot limited, thinking forget a house, i’d be happy if i am able to buy a normal bike in this lifetime :sweat_smile:. But now I’m reverting back to my original state, my awareness has expanded, I’m more positive, negative thoughts have less of an impact. Whenever i react emotionally, i immediately become aware of it and the next time i am actually able to manage my reaction better. Plus now when i see those quite expensive cars and stuff, i automatically think that i can buy them, faith and belief are increasing. I’m also choosing the better action in situations. Have started meditating regularly again.

The things described in the first stage have started happening. It is coming to my awareness which activities and things that I’m doing are wasting ny energy. And I’ve already stopped doing that. I’ve become more active, doing more chores around the house, have started cycling once again after 2 years, and have started working out. My mum and sister were saying that my skin is glowing and am looking better. I’m struggling a bit with food but I’ve grown aware of the kind of food I am eating and eating habits.
With all this and surfacing of the knowledge I’ve gained, I feel more in control and more powerful. Whenever I listen to it, I just have this thought in mind " you can have anything, just ask". Architect of reality combined with imaginarium divine is a bop :star2:. This field is truly great, such transformation in only two days. I was expecting to experience some heavy release but till now none whatsoever. It also seems to be guiding me towards certain fields. Maybe idk. I also feel more confident and authentic and less caring of what people think, which is basically my judgment of myself, you know how it is.

2nd update : I feel powerless, very under confident, scared about money, feeling like i cant do anything in life, everything feels so out of reach. It feels weird thinking like this as this is not me, before 2020, i was a powerhouse, people would literally say that i should become a motivational speaker and that i am an inspiration. People would come to me with their problems and i had the ability to shift their perspective and dissolve their problem in a second. from that to this, i had no idea what went wrong lol. I even taught manifestation to several people. and I taught this one friend manifestation and this guy manifested a car in 2 months wtf. and here i am lol.

3rd update : Yep, it was purge alright :joy:It lasted for days and the awareness expanded. The field was making me aware of my laziness and food habits. It’s been a month since i was too lazy to workout but i forced myself to and my mind immediately wanted to go on yt and find the "perfect workout " for my goals but i immediately recognized the pattern and decided that i would just do it and I’ll do whatever exercise i’ll think at the moment. I did a 15 minute workout, HIIT and quite surprised the limiting beliefs and the doubts etc that were there started vanishing and i was deadass laughing like a villain lol, who just regained his power back. I feel very motivated and inspired to improve my life in all ways. I feel like my teenage self again, even though I’m 26 but that teenage self was a different breed. My connection with maa kali has deepened a lot due to other things and day by day i surrender to her more and more while also mastering manifestation. I’m also being guided towards some particular books that I’ve started reading. Yesterday I discovered where my inferiority complex stems from and today I’m gonna explore my imposter syndrome. I already feel a lot free from Inferiority complex and more comfortable in my own skin because I became whole and extreme confidence stopped having effects on me suddenly.


How many times a day do you listen?

For about 15-20 minutes a day

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Yes, I’m also experiencing this. I’ve had a few sexual dreams since i started listening to this, and they were quite intense, so much so that i woke up extremely turned on and had to listen to transmutation. And yes, my perspective with lust has also changed, not completely but in the way, i too feel detached from it and " that’s not me " mentality.

Well seeing sexual dreams is quite weird… but I trust that it’s doing its job.

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guys should i use this to help stop my porn and intnernet addiction
? or should i use something more spefici for it


It definitely does help and can eradicate those issues completely but may take some time. I’ve been using this consistently for 15-20 mins per day and I’ll idvise you to use something alongside it like overcome addiction.


You could use overcome addiction (dopamine one) and Spirethion if you have it

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I second @shubhamthakur7890 's advice.

I think it’s best to defeat PMO addiction from both the physical and the mental realms.

  • Get rid of the BS brainwashing
  • Heal the pleasure receptors, so you don’t replace the PMO addiction with something else.
  • Stay committed/devoted to protecting your mind from lust. Do NOT doubt.

I use this Architect of Reality field too, but it’s a bit tough to judge its effectiveness on lust… It feels like I had the opposite effect… (probably some subconscious resistance)

What I know for sure is:
The Purity Alchemy (8 Arms Yoga) and The Holy Paladin are very good. If you want some free fields, I recently suggested a stack here.


Microcosmic Orbit Flow:

Circulates energy through the body’s primary channels, enhancing vitality, balancing emotions, and promoting spiritual growth. Aligns breath with energy flow, facilitating smooth and powerful energy movement.

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When you start from the mental level, the physical one is a consequence and improves self-esteem.
M *sturb *tion paves the way to PMO addiction

You hit the target

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That’s how I did it. I overcame it mentally first. Had almost zero brain fog and such, and no interest in PMO. Except rare temporary moments of a few minutes.

However, I then realized I was seeking dopamine from different outlets. At first, It was the victory over the addiction. Later when that became “normal”, I started seeking food or coffee way too much than usual. It took several weeks until I realized “ah, my brain is seeking dopamine”. It wasn’t too intense and I didn’t have desire for PMO, so it seemed quite strange and mysterious at first. But when I realized it and started using the brain regeneration / dopamine healing fields, I had a deeper level relief.

So I really think the physical aspects should be addressed too, but yeah the mental body comes first.
Addressing the physical body without addressing the mental body is futile. (I made that mistake too early in my journey)

PS: By “mental body”, I mean “mindset”.


While meditating to this field, I thought of an idea:

I’ll create 8 affirmations, and repeat them with The Malleable Ego field for ~5 minutes, and then play this Architect of Reality field and meditate ~15-30mins.

Here’s my first draft:

I am an Architect of Reality, a broadcaster whose thoughts are realized in reality.
My positive thoughts now naturally manifest in the material world, quickly and pleasantly.
I now observe my desires materialize much better than I imagined.
I am reaching new levels of understanding of myself, my goals and objectives in this incarnation.
I exist beyond my physical body and name. I exist beyond my mind.
My consciousness is expanding and I see immeasurably more.
The universe takes care of me and I now belong to a special category of people.
I create reality.