Architect of Reality

Architect of Reality

Everything you see, know, love… Everything you believe in… Is just an illusion. The main rule of Reality is not to get confused in your illusions.

This field automates the passage of certain phases (or gates) through which you will become the true Creator of your reality, with powers you never dreamed of.

The First Gate: The Beginning of Your Awakening

Start an irreversible process of transformation that will lead to complete freedom from the three destructive habits that keep 99.9% of people in a state of stagnation: unconscious eating (gluttony), lust, and sloth. But that doesn’t mean you’ll start eating air, give up sex, or become a workaholic. You will find harmony: you will do what you love, meet your true soulmate, enjoy deeper and more intense intimacy. Live nourishment will become your natural choice, saving your body and soul.

This field will also help you manage yourself better and unlock your Emotional Intelligence. As the saying goes - if you don’t manage yourself - you don’t manage your life. If you react to yelling with anger, to bad news with panic, to fears with fear you are creating a negative reality, but if you learn to manage yourself you will gain inner strength and confidence. Your awareness will allow you to act effectively even in the most difficult situations.

Second Gate: Personal Power Accumulation

At the stage of passing the First Gate, you will begin to feel the accumulation of personal power. As soon as you free yourself from useless and destructive habits, your energy and luminosity will grow manifold. However, with this growth comes a new task: protecting this energy from energy parasites. This field will help you create a camouflage protective layer and restore your energy to a level that will become scalding and dangerous for “unwanted guests”. Accumulation and cultivation of personal energy prepares you to launch Intention, which will open new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Third Gate: Time to learn to control Reality!

Ready to make your own Movie? At this level you will learn how to remove all external and internal barriers, develop energetic sensitivity and confidence in your abilities. This will help you realize both small desires and bigger dreams. To let a dream into your life, you need not only to desire it, but also to believe in its realization. Remember the miracles that have already happened in your life: amazing coincidences, meetings, good luck. Now imagine that you can control these improbabilities. This field will also help you to loosen the shell of disbelief, tune into positivity and allow your desires to break through, synchronizing with external reality. By activating your pineal gland and DNA, you will delve into the depths of your consciousness and spiritual growth.

The Fourth Gate: Liberation from the Illusions of Society

The Fourth Gate is a step toward liberation from social illusions. This field will help to remove all the social husks and allow you to see your true self, to hear the voice of your Soul. This is your path to superpowers.

Fifth Gate: Formation of the Manifestor Mentality

From this point on, things get serious. The old subconscious attitudes about the world instilled in you from childhood will begin to fall apart. You become a Broadcaster - a person whose thoughts are realized in reality. Your desires will begin to materialize much better than you could have imagined. It may seem scary at first, because this is real magic!

The Assemblage Point is no longer tied to one place. You will not escape into a parallel reality, but you will become free in this world. You will gain the ability to use a full arsenal of tools to control your life. The assemblage point will begin to contact the energy fibers of the Universe, moving in the right direction with virtually no resistance.

At this stage you will reach a new level of understanding of yourself, your goals and objectives in this incarnation. You will learn to distinguish your true desires from those imposed by society and begin to follow your unique path.

Sixth Gate: Zeroing of Personality

In this stage, you will free yourself from the attachments and false beliefs that form your ego-personality. Your ego-personality is closely tied to your physical body and name. As the saying goes - by changing your name, you will change your life path. By believing that you are your physical body, life becomes an endless survival and fulfillment of basic needs. You will not lose your individuality, but you will be able to discard undesirable personality traits and form new, desired qualities. This will lead to an incredible transformation of your perception. By removing the basis of the false image of yourself, you will cause a domino effect, destroying beliefs, postulates, motives and patterns of thinking.

Working through psychological timing and deep mindfulness work will help you free yourself from the power of the mind. This will reveal subtle things to you: your intuition will sharpen, your vision will become clearer, you will feel yourself in the present moment. Your thoughts will slow down, your consciousness will expand, and you will see immeasurably more.

Seventh Gate: The Point of No Return

There will be nothing left of the old life - you will discard everything unnecessary and realize that nothing prevented you from doing it before. By holding on to the past, you were limiting yourself. But the Universe will take care of you. You will now belong to a special category of people. You will feel it on yourself, catching glances of strangers, getting used to constant luck. Your path to material wealth will become unique, radically different from the lives of other people. You will begin to use things that in society are considered magic, miracles and the supernatural. And even without the help of the Universe, you will have many opportunities that will open up in the near future. This field will help you unpack the deeper meaning of your desires. By connecting with your desire at this point, you gain a vast resource of authentic meaning to fulfill it.

Also experience

  • Deep Transformation: Experience profound changes in your life, freeing yourself from stagnation and embracing true freedom.
  • Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Improve your self-management and emotional responses to create a positive reality.
  • Spiritual Growth: Align with your true self and unlock extraordinary abilities, leading to a more meaningful existence.

Join the ranks of those who have unlocked their true potential with the Architect of Reality. Embrace your journey through the gates and transform your life in ways you never dreamed possible.




Thanks Ugninis and Captain for this :muscle:.


Would this also include unwanted people guests in our lives?

What will happen to them :grin::face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


if you go through all the gates, unwanted people will simply run away from you like fire :grin:


this sounds actually so helpful, it’s like getting your power back! :muscle:t2:


energy cultivation :slightly_smiling_face:



Magnificent release, Thanks Captain and Ugninis! :slight_smile:


Thank you guys!
I want to add something, and some of you knew this–
Neville Goddard’s ideas were a little more popular on our forum.

This project uses the principles and ideas of Carlos Castañeda and the somewhat contradictory but interesting ideas of Vadim Zeland (more precisely, his team)


Oh yeah this man is on one right now @Ugninis

Thank you Cap :100::muscle:t4:

This a tool for all and WILL help you achieve the life of your dreams; time to mess around :sunglasses:


will allow you to become a manifestor and have clear control over your life :grin:


Too exciting :weary:

Sounds too fire for such low price…

In fact, it even sounds a little bit like what the Seminar field is supposed to be. Not like the best possible ego or the most flexible but it seems it gets rid of a bif chunk of “the matrix”.


I think the captain takes into account many factors
the price you see is the standard price of a private NFT :slight_smile:
(already in the past) :wink:


Are the 7 stages activated one after another, with the next stage only being activated once the previous stage has been completed/fullfilled?
Or are they activated all the same time?


This system slightly breaks the standard scheme, according to which we first work with the ego and the removal of various subconscious limitations, and then use the necessary fields
This project just came out today.
and we haven’t even begun to actively work with this field.
but these things, I think, work alchemically.
Perhaps the field will gently guide the user through the different stages if they work with it in a focused way.


Very interesting writer. Looking forward to the reviews.


Vadim Zeland

Reality Transurfing…


Haven’t posted regularly in a long while but this field looks amazing.

I need to do some reading about his work now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks Ugninis and Captain for this field! Need to get this later.


Castaneda is best read in his own words.